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Chinese Like India Less

Pakistani's Hate US but they Love there MONEY $$$$$$$:usflag:

which is why most of the aid is nearly cutoff and still we are "engaged" with them (though not on the same scale as before)

i see a lot of indian resentment against the Brits but that doesnt stop india from taking billions in foreign aid from UK right?
India & China, the mutual hate society. Pakistanis hate US, we hate China


China hates Japan, Japan hates Korea, Korea hates US, US hates Pakistan, Pakistan hates India, India hates China, China hates India, India hates Pakistan, Pakistan hates US, US hates Iran, Iran hates Israel, Israel hates Palestine, Palestine hates Israel....

Israel likes India!!

The End of imaginary documentary!! :azn:
It appears that the Chinese don't like South Asians in general .

Who give s shi* anyway ?

Where is the link to the entire Pew report ? Would like to see the views of other countries :D

China hates Japan, Japan hates Korea, Korea hates US, US hates Pakistan, Pakistan hates India, India hates China, China hates India, India hates Pakistan, Pakistan hates US, US hates Iran, Iran hates Israel, Israel hates Palestine, Palestine hates Israel....

Israel likes India!!

The End of imaginary documentary!! :azn:

:rofl: :rofl: too good!!

China hates Japan, Japan hates Korea, Korea hates US, US hates Pakistan, Pakistan hates India, India hates China, China hates India, India hates Pakistan, Pakistan hates US, US hates Iran, Iran hates Israel, Israel hates Palestine, Palestine hates Israel....

yup, the list goes on and on :lol:

I hate Justine Bieber.
Chinese are backstabbers, no one gives a single squat about what they think of us. Neither their great civilization claims nor their contemporary political structure and population living under the rule of elite Han supremacists impress us. Not to mention their food habits etc etc.....

If they view us negative the onus is on them unlearn what they have been feed, their positive view on America show how subservient they are of their white masters.
WASHINGTON: China has provided military and economic support to Pakistan, whose leaders have often hailed the relationship with Beijing at times of tension with the United States, a survey said on Tuesday.

But, the poll by the Pew Research Centre found that 31 percent of Chinese had a favourable view of Pakistan, only slightly better than their opinion of India. "Pakistani views of China actually tend to be quite positive, but Chinese views of Pakistan are not the same," said Richard Wike, associate director of the Pew Global Attitudes Project.

Moreover, only 23 percent of Chinese said they held a favourable view of India, with a sharp rise since 2010 in the percentage of Chinese who saw the fellow billion-plus nation as hostile.

The Chinese public, once upbeat about US President Barack Obama, increasingly sees a hostile relationship with Washington but mostly still admires American democracy. The poll also found the Chinese held even dimmer views of other nations, with small numbers in the rising Asian power voicing favourable views toward the EU, India, Pakistan and Iran.

Twenty-six percent of Chinese said US relations were hostile, a jump of 18 percentage points since 2010. Only 38 percent of Chinese said they had confidence in Obama.

31 percent of Chinese have a favourable view of Pakistan: Pew - PakTribune
How did Pew conduct survey in China? Did CPC allowed them to talk freely with the Chinese citizens? That's more surprising to me..
It's not that Pakistan has ever harmed China. Chinese strategic planners must know that Pakistan has no interest or advantage to ever stoke up any kind of anti-China violence--quite the contrary.

What this poll should tell is: American media's power to shape public opinion globally. I have repeatedly said that if the American media decides to portray the Pope as a child-molesting Nazi it will not take but a few months of relentless media bombardment to make even that possible. Imagine powerful magazine and news outlets like NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, NBC, ABC with Hollywood movies to complement them.

There is no stopping that kind of propaganda onslaught.
How did Pew conduct survey in China? Did CPC allowed them to talk freely with the Chinese citizens? That's more surprising to me..

That shows you how little you know about China. But i'm surprised by this finding since i have a very favorable views on Pakistan my self. And the Chinese i know from other forums or in life have quite favorable views on Pakistan too. But i wouldn't take this sort of polls too seriously because they only ask about 3000 people in China and based on that they say thats the opinion of the whole country.

PS this story have been posted else where before.
It's not that Pakistan has ever harmed China. Chinese strategic planners must know that Pakistan has no interest or advantage to ever stoke up any kind of anti-China violence--quite the contrary.

What this poll should tell is: American media's power to shape public opinion globally. I have repeatedly said that if the American media decides to portray the Pope as a child-molesting Nazi it will not take but a few months of relentless media bombardment to make even that possible. Imagine powerful magazine and news outlets like NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, NBC, ABC with Hollywood movies to complement them.

There is no stopping that kind of propaganda onslaught.

The poll numbers bear no resemblance to what I experience in real life. I am curious about how the questionnaire was put together. All the Chinese that I personally know or those that I meet in online chatrooms have high regard for Pakistan. For quite a few years now Pakistan has been dragged through the mud in the Western media. This may well be another of its attempts to smear Pakistan with the help of a biased poll.
Stop lying there is only 23% favorable views on India. And 49% of the Chinese public wants cooperation with Pakistan the highest amongst all nations. But personally if you ask me this whole public opinion thing is nothing more than a bunch of rubbish. 1200 people's opinion representing 1,35 billion ? Give me a break.

So apparently 1200 people research conducted by an established PEW agency is not enough, but a biased crowd of 5 or 10 Chinese in Pakistan Defence Forum is enough to know what China's public thinks? Interesting...
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