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Chinese journalist: Why does Japan perceive Korea as a rival and not China?

BUt Korean are skilled at acknowledge ancestors. They have acknowledged the Manchu, Mongolian, Han, Japanese and USA as their fathers. I dont know who will be the next victim.

I think the policy of Tang Dynasty was a big mistake, after they defeated their brother from Gaogouli, they just allowed Baekje to gain the political freedom, in return the Bangzi Baekje just later backstabbed them.

They should have kept enslaved Bangzi just as their Gaogouli brother did. :coffee:
Korea wants to steal everything from China. Even the word Han for majority Chinese. Korean call themself as 한국,In korean, it can mean 韓國 or 漢國. without the help of Chinese characters, they will mix the meanings of the two words. haha. do you know why Korean want to change their capital's Chinese name, because it means the city of Han Chinese.
interestingly, Korea topic has been the topic over the last two day among my friends at work and bar. thanks to this diligent ambassador, Korean.

Jokes are saying that why Korean women today are ugly? Reason being in old times, beautiful Korean women were taken to either China or Japan. That's funny but still reasonable one.

Bro, you can google key words "korean women 1905", i bet you can find some graphic contents. :rofl:
Korea wants to steal everything from China. Even the word Han for majority Chinese. Korean call themself as 한국,In korean, it can mean 韓國 or 漢國. without the help of Chinese characters, they will mix the meanings of the two words. haha. do you know why Korean want to change their capital's Chinese name, because it means the city of Han Chinese.

Well, Superpower Korea did rule over Russia as well. :coffee:

Bro, you can google key words "korean women 1905", i bet you can find some graphic contents. :rofl:

those pics're famous in Japan too. Was on TV show topic once.

even pictured by Japanese? in 1905 Korea was a colony land which Japan just grabbed from Chinese hands.
those pics're famous in Japan too. Was on TV show topic once.

even pictured by Japanese? in 1905 Korea was a colony land which Japan just grabbed from Chinese hands.

Sure, according to today's beauty perception, the Chinese women at that time weren't nice looking as well.

But at least we are not some narcissistic people who pretend that we are some uber beautiful people with the angelic appearance.
they were slaves, not son.
More like self-description of your situation?

Your Chinese look to me have a soft and big heart
So that everyone can tell you live in an fantasy world exactly the opposite of reality.

some times you are weaker than Japanese.
The reason Chinese are weak is because they don't like to band together, whereas Japanese operate as a team.

Gaogouli was part of China's history
"Gaugouli"'s official title was Koryo(It's not Koguryo), whose capital was Pyongyang.

you are new in this regards, without know the context, I treat women equally
That you have to prove, since we know Pakistani standard of gender equality is not the same as Japanese standard of gender equality. What you thing to be "equal" may not look equal to the eyes of westerners.

I think the policy of Tang Dynasty was a big mistake
It wasn't a policy. The Tang army was kicked out and that's all.

The retarded Korean dramas are definitely their best secret weapon.
Yes, it drives Chinese women to blow $100K in Seoul to make themselves look Korean and shop Korean cosmetics, while Chinese men has made Hyundai-Kia the No. 3 automaker in China.

But at least we are not some narcissistic people who pretend that we are some uber beautiful people with the angelic appearance.
At least you admit one reality.

The dragons on Chinese Chinese Emperors's clothes have five legs and the korean king can only have 4 because Korea is a son of China.
And Chinese dragon got burned to ashes whenever foreign dragons took its place, while nothing happened to Korean dragon.

" Why does Japan perceive Korea as a rival and not Ch"

Moron, let me tell you why.

1) The Japanese are looking down on Koreans because Japan invaded imbecile Korea number of times in ancient time and ancient Korea was saved also a number of times by Chinese empires. Before and during WWII, Korea was completely occupied and enslaved by the Japanese. There was no country called Korea, as opposed to a resisting China where Japan only occupied about 25%. The WWII stories that make the Japanese (and the Chinese on the other side) even further look down upon Korea were that many Koreans became “Japanese empirical army”, a puppet slavery military force that was good for nothing but ate food and suppressed Chinese civilians in Japanese occupied regions with a club in their hands. According to some elderly Chinese, this is why later the Koreans are nicknamed “club”.

2) During Korea War, S Korean soldiers further demonstrated their imbecility in combating. So whenever PLA wanted to release its anger, they chose SK armies. LOL! Each time SK armies would collapse in front of PLA (with hungry stomach and shabby outfits). SK armies fell down and apart in a thud like a big pile of poo.

3) Then comes with the peace time. SK started to plagiarize Japanese products, inflicting a big loss to Japanese industry. Look at the car emblems by Hyudai and Honda, see how S Koreans just make the H italic to call it theirs? :lol: Really no intelligence from SK.

This is why the Japanese don’t like the S Koreans and call them rivalry. Are you clear now, Mr. Club?

Well, Superpower Korea did rule over Russia as well. :coffee:


Based on this picture that reflects some Koreans evil intention, Korea should forever be separated.

Once reunited, this small piece of land will be the source of world disasters.

BTW, according to "Korean" Vietnam was actually a part of China in Tang Dynasty? Hey, those Viet half brothers of "Korean", what do you think? You claimed China was part of Vietnam. :lol:
I am in the business. But you don't have to argue with him about that. He's only driving himself crazy, if not already.

He live in a fancy dream in which Korea is a significant nation and nobody ignore them. That's a scenario dreamed by majority of this nation, as I observed, for thousands years. Look at what Kim dynasty's crazily doing, that's the reflection of this deep emotion in national level. this guys is no different from that.


Always wondering why the two big murder case (Viginia Tech and Oakland, CA) were carried out by only the peopel from that peninsula of fanatics.
The Japanese are looking down on Koreans because Japan invaded imbecile Korea number of times in ancient time
Just once. And Japanese claim both are now even because of earlier Korean invasion of Japan.

and ancient Korea was saved also a number of times by Chinese empires.
Just once, and they were good human roadblocks, even if they made terrible combatants.

Before and during WWII, Korea was completely occupied and enslaved by the Japanese.
So was 1/3rd of China including Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing.

The WWII stories that make the Japanese (and the Chinese on the other side) even further look down upon Korea were that many Koreans became “Japanese empirical army”
And indeed Korea did have its share of convicted A and B class war criminals from WWII serving as foreign ministers and generals.

a puppet slavery military force that was good for nothing but ate food and suppressed Chinese civilians in Japanese occupied regions with a club in their hands. According to some elderly Chinese, this is why later the Koreans are nicknamed “club”.
Hence the term Banzi, the Club Man. The sight of club causes a great mental trauma on the Chinese population still suffering from the memory of terrible Korean violence against Chinese during the wartime, and the tradition of Korean violence against Chinese in China continues to this day.

This is why Koreans laugh when Chinese invoke the term Banzi, because it invokes the terrible images of Koreans beating down Chinese with a club. Why do you continue the self harm?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

During Korea War, S Korean soldiers further demonstrated their imbecility in combating. So whenever PLA wanted to release its anger, they chose SK armies. LOL!
And half a million died. Picked the wrong opponent. Just ask Vietnamese who fought both. Korean Troops = The toughest opponents that Vietnam and VietCong ever faced. Vietnames troops were ordered to avoid Koreans whenever possible. PLA = The Joke Army surrendering to Vietnamese female militia.

Then comes with the peace time. SK started to plagiarize Japanese products, inflicting a big loss to Japanese industry.
While China is a bigger pirate, Japanese corporations don't complain about Chinese cheap knockoffs. Why? Because Chinese knocks offs don't impact much revenue wise.

Look at the car emblems by Hyudai and Honda, see how S Koreans just make the H italic to call it theirs?
They mean complete different things. Hyundai means "Modern Time". Honda means "Primary Farmfield". This is why Honda raises no issues(Honda knows it mean different things in Kanji), unlike Hongda motorcycle in China that Honda sued to block.
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