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Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone

What does it got to do with taking back Taiwan? Taiwan is stuck in the middle between America and China. There are only two options for a reunion:

1) America declines in power and no longer considered by the world as number one.
2) China takes it back by force and America not getting involved militarily.

We are not going to force Taiwan back because we want both parties to reunify peacefully. I guess that was something Vietnam lacked and people like you will never understand the importance of.
You guys had to kill your own kind to make it happen. You did not do it single handedly either. Both Russia and China assisted and made it happen.
In fact, u r too weak and coward to take back TW by force , US navy lost in VN war, but they will crush ur cheap navy in few hours if u dare to attack TW :pop:
Obambam said:
As for this loser talk, I am not interested at all, China is number two economy and one of the top military power, despite being sanctioned by the west. What have Vietnam got to boast about? That Vietnam war? Let it rest buddy, no one cares about that anymore. Others won't wait around for you. If you remain stagnant, you get left behind.

China have no interest in small talks with Vietnam, we only care about making money, improving the welfare of our people and becoming strong like the U.S.

You can laugh as much as you want, it doesn't change anything. We will just keep on moving.
Oki, u r No 2 economy, but ur military power still suck,ur lastest war in 1979 was a huge humiliation for ur cheap PLA. u still dare not prove it in Real battle now, so u cant compare ur power with Mighty Russia:pop:
The Vietcongs here have the nasty characteristics of dragging other topics into discussions whenever they can't argue reasonably. So to proof China is weak they will claim we can't take Taiwan back or we are scared invading Vietnam. It's very repetitive and boring and doesn't proof anything. Whatever makes them happy lol

When someone is a failure in life, they usually like to boast of their ancestors.
How is China related to South Ossetia war? Use another translator.
Russia dare to fight if someone cross its red line(ex: South ossetia war) when China only dare to Bark, thats the huge different between Russia and China, so China cant compare with Russia in military power/

The Vietcongs here have the nasty characteristics of dragging other topics into discussions whenever they can't argue reasonably. So to proof China is weak they will claim we can't take Taiwan back or we are scared invading Vietnam. It's very repetitive and boring and doesn't proof anything. Whatever makes them happy lol
We just tell the Truth. if u think China is stronger , then let fight in real battle with Japan-US now. if u dare not, then keep ur mouth shut and be a modest nation:pop:
Russia dare to fight if someone cross its red line(ex: South ossetia war) when China only dare to Bark, thats the huge different between Russia and China, so China cant compare with Russia in military power/

We just tell the Truth. if u think China is stronger , then let fight in real battle with Japan-US now. if u dare not, then keep ur mouth shut and be a modest nation:pop:

Now you are pitching a war between Jap/US with China, looks like you really want the strongest countries to weak each other and Vietnam can enjoy the show hahaha.

In fact, u r too weak and coward to take back TW by force , US navy lost in VN war, but they will crush ur cheap navy in few hours if u dare to attack TW :pop:

Oki, u r No 2 economy, but ur military power still suck,ur lastest war in 1979 was a huge humiliation for ur cheap PLA. u still dare not prove it in Real battle now, so u cant compare ur power with Mighty Russia:pop:

Someone here is claiming VN has a more powerful Navy than the US Navy.
In fact, u r too weak and coward to take back TW by force , US navy lost in VN war, but they will crush ur cheap navy in few hours if u dare to attack TW :pop:

Say what? oh so China is weak says one insignificant "Vietnamese" :lol:

U.S. did not lose in the Vietnam war militarily. It was a political lost due to it being too unpopular in the U.S.
Ever wondered why? Yes because Russians and Chinese helped you guys. With nothing to fight with and no logistical support you guys would have been wiped out long ago and today's Vietnam would have been one with America air and naval bases on it.

Yep, you can repeat that "China is weak" phrase again. The Korean war is not officially over. America can help South Korea reunite their country as they are so powerful. What is stopping them? Are they afraid of those malnourished North Koreans or those weak and technologically inferior Chinese?

Go take your pick :agree:

Oki, u r No 2 economy, but ur military power still suck,ur lastest war in 1979 was a huge humiliation for ur cheap PLA. u still dare not prove it in Real battle now, so u cant compare ur power with Mighty Russia:pop:

Don't take choosing to remain peaceful and silent as a sign of being weak.
Great fortitude takes a lot of courage and endurance to maintain.
You can tell me more of this "China weak and Vietnam strong" story when your country take the Paracel. We have nothing there, just some cheap junk so what is stopping you? :rofl:
Well, I imagine as every other rising power in history, if not challenged then the rise would be rather peaceful I imagine. Just like how the US manifest destiny expansion would been peaceful if weren't for all of the native Americans in the way. So China's rise would been peaceful if Japan did not nationalize those islands, if US didn't hold military drill every month off China's sphere of influence to make it all uncomfortable, if no one got involved in the Chinese civil war that is still technically going on since 1946.......

The Fact is no current dominant power will tolerate a new rising power in its perceived sphere of influence since it is in the dominant power's interest to remain dominant. So really, the problem is caused by both sides i.e China want to feel more secure and comfortable while US trying to maintain its dominance int he region. So it is unfair to place the blame on "disturbing" the peace on China since China never said the "peaceful rise" is unconditional especially when challenged. After all, why should US be the dominant power in Asia when it declared the Monroe Doctrine?

Compare to the rise of US and other Western Power, the current rise of China is actually relatively peaceful up till now.

um, that air defense zone is the same type that is set up by Japan in east China sea with its closest part being 130 km from China's coast which is hell of a lot closer than it is to Japan. The zone is just an area where all planes that entered will be monitored and if deemed necessary, identified by China. But you are free to come and go as you please. So its essentially just a "you are being watched" area, that is it. Really should understand the situation before commenting blindly.

The bottom line is China has a zone now which it didn't and now everyone knows. You can help them out by ID yourself, but if not then you will still be on radar. If China think you are suspicious then escort flight may be sent out. If they think you are up to no good, then warning will be given. But nothing else will go beyond that until you are hostile towards them or enter China's airspace. Think the media is totally twisting the meaning of the zone. If you say China is making a laughing stock of itself then so did Japan and US when China and Russia essentially did the same thing tot heir Air defense zone without being blown out of proportion in media.

So basically your just admiring that your kind lead the world to believe that peaceful rise nonsense to keep your real intentions wow tell me? did work for the former Imperial powers?
So basically your just admiring that your kind lead the world to believe that peaceful rise nonsense to keep your real intentions wow tell me? did work for the former Imperial powers?

As much as you admire the hypocrisy that is the US government, that goes way back to the declaration of independence when declaring "life, liberty, and pursue of happiness" while practicing slavery.

Abe Lincoln once said," If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that". So in China's case, it could rise peacefully than it would do it, if it could rise through conflict then it would do it. But rise, just like preserving the union in the first case, is the priority.

There is no reason or need to hold Chinese government to any higher moral standard than the US or any government. Like any successful power, China is only interested in actual value and gain, rest is just smoke and screen. If not so, then it would have no business or could become a new power. Just look at all of the BS US pulled from Iraq War to the PRISM Project, are those morally justified? However,that is was expected of a world power like US so there is no difference for China.

The first global power in my opinion was GB because it had the technology and it controlled the world's trade, economy, and 25% of the territory for essentially 150 years. US dominance will probably be probably be around 100 years counting from post WWII. Before that, all of the regional powers from Romans to Chinese empire held the control of the region in the hundreds of years at a time, much longer than the history of US dominance.
So I find it funny how Americans bought too much into their own history book and think that it is the greatest empire on earth. It is as dominant as Romans in its glory days but no where near as long term yet.
As much as you admire the hypocrisy that is the US government, that goes way back to the declaration of independence when declaring "life, liberty, and pursue of happiness" while practicing slavery.

Abe Lincoln once said," If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that". So in China's case, it could rise peacefully than it would do it, if it could rise through conflict then it would do it. But rise, just like preserving the union in the first case, is the priority.

There is no reason or need to hold Chinese government to any higher moral standard than the US or any government. Like any successful power, China is only interested in actual value and gain, rest is just smoke and screen. If not so, then it would have no business or could become a new power. Just look at all of the BS US pulled from Iraq War to the PRISM Project, are those morally justified? However,that is was expected of a world power like US so there is no difference for China.

The first global power in my opinion was GB because it had the technology and it controlled the world's trade, economy, and 25% of the territory for essentially 150 years. US dominance will probably be probably be around 100 years counting from post WWII. Before that, all of the regional powers from Romans to Chinese empire held the control of the region in the hundreds of years at a time, much longer than the history of US dominance.
So I find it funny how Americans bought too much into their own history book and think that it is the greatest empire on earth. It is as dominant as Romans in its glory days but no where near as long term yet.

Oh you know all about that heck you people made the book on hypocrisy again peaceful rise my @$$
um, that air defense zone is the same type that is set up by Japan in east China sea with its closest part being 130 km from China's coast which is hell of a lot closer than it is to Japan. The zone is just an area where all planes that entered will be monitored and if deemed necessary, identified by China. But you are free to come and go as you please. So its essentially just a "you are being watched" area, that is it. Really should understand the situation before commenting blindly.

The bottom line is China has a zone now which it didn't and now everyone knows. You can help them out by ID yourself, but if not then you will still be on radar. If China think you are suspicious then escort flight may be sent out. If they think you are up to no good, then warning will be given. But nothing else will go beyond that until you are hostile towards them or enter China's airspace. Think the media is totally twisting the meaning of the zone. If you say China is making a laughing stock of itself then so did Japan and US when China and Russia essentially did the same thing tot heir Air defense zone without being blown out of proportion in media.
Wrong. It is more than just a monitoring zone...

Announcement of the Aircraft Identification Rules for the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone of the P.R.C.

The Chinese government and you guys basically insulted the intelligence of the entire global aviation community. We got lawyers specializing in international aviation laws poring over the above rules and the conclusion is that China went overboard with the new ADIZ.

True...That China have the right to create such a zone in international airspace, that the size of this area is theoretically unlimited, and that China have the right to monitor and query anyone inside this theoretically unlimited zone.

But when China demanded filed flight plans prior to entry of this zone REGARDLESS of intention of entry into national airspace, China went above and beyond common courtesy.

1. Flight plan identification. Aircraft flying in the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone should report the flight plans to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China or the Civil Aviation Administration of China.
For the US/Canada continental ADIZ, and other countries modeled theirs after ours, if the intention is to enter national airspace, which naturally requiring entry into an ADIZ, then a flight plan must be submitted at least 24 hrs in advance. If there is no intention of entry into national airspace, then radio ID and display of national colors are sufficient. This has been the accepted norms for decades with countries doing minor modifications to suit their particular needs, but what China have done effectively treated an area of international airspace the same equal status as territorial airspace.
Oh you know all about that heck you people made the book on hypocrisy again peaceful rise my @$$

Which country pointed the finger at others for cyber espionage but turned out it was the biggest peeping tom of all time? Hypocrisy goes both ways, so don't pretend you feel offended because America is the one country that have no right to point the finger at others right now.
They came up to Abbottabad and we were sleeping. Their drones fly everyday in our airspace & we look the other way.

No one was sleeping, more like a case of complicity, ACM appointed by Asif Ali Zardari shall be asked for explanation!
Which country pointed the finger at others for cyber espionage but turned out it was the biggest peeping tom of all time? Hypocrisy goes both ways, so don't pretend you feel offended because America is the one country that have no right to point the finger at others right now.

But who started all of this china did so this a reaction to your spying and lack of respect for others so don't give me that line
Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone


Chinese fighter jets were scrambled and followed US and Japanese planes that had entered the newly-proclaimed Chinese air defense zone in the disputed area of the East China Sea, Xinhua reports.

Two US surveillance aircraft and 10 Japanese F-15 jets were ‘tailed’ by Chinese pilots on Friday.

China ordered an urgent dispatch of its Su-30 and J-10 fighter jets to an area in the East China Sea after the foreign aircraft “invaded” the air defense zone, they said.

The zone roused controversy when it was announced last week, as it covered disputed territory claimed by China, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a daily press briefing that civilian flights have not been impacted, Xinhua news agency reported on Thursday. China has said that all planes flying through the zone should submit flight plans and identify themselves, or their operators would end up facing "defensive emergency measures."

“We expect all sides, including aviation companies, to actively coordinate with us and jointly safeguard flight safety,” Qin said.

Earlier Thursday, Japan and South Korea, key US allies in East Asia, sent their own military aircraft into the zone's airspace in an act of defiance.

Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone — RT News

Hmmm my bad...US aircrafts and F-15s were unable to detect chinese jets... what does it mean by shadowed???? Hiding behind them, without being caught???? or chinese jets forced US air crafts and F-15 to leave ADIZ???? or confronted or Say hi and hello.... hmmmmm Don't know from when,J-10 and Su-30 become stealthy??? damn might be Radars in US aircrafts and F-15 are not working or malfunctioned????
But who started all of this china did so this a reaction to your spying and lack of respect for others so don't give me that line

Are we really resorting to the kindergarten lvl of excuse making using the "he started it" argument? So if China started it, then why is US government targeting other countries and Americans in its cyber spying?

I am giving you that line cause its true, that US is not morally above everyone else since it is the same. In fact, US is probably more guilty since it actually has the mean and resources to pull it off. I mean the NSA is not an agency that is bigger than rest of the US intelligence agency combined for nothing. So really, when America pointing fingers at other people it is just make a mockery of itself.

BTW, who told you that China started all this? Let me guess, its from Uncle Sam and its media. The same Uncle Sam that didn't tell you they were looking at you until Snowden came along. Well, at least the CIA stopped assassinating people.....or have they.

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