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Chinese Jet Crash: Incompatible Russian Engine or Industrial Deficiency?

And as of 2016.

Chengdu J-10 powered by Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN

Shenyang J-11 powered by Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN

Xian JH-7 powered by Rolls-Royce Spey Mk 202

Shenyang J-8 powered by twin Chinese variant of Tumansky R-13-300 turbojet

Chengdu J-7 powered by Chinese variant of Tumansky R-13-300 turbojet

Xian H-6 powered by Mikulin AM-3

Hongdu JL8 powered by Garrett TFE731-2A-2A turbofan

Hongdu L-15 powered by 2 × Ivchenko Progress AI-222K-25F afterburning turbofans

Harbin Y-12 powered by 2 × Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-27 turboprop

Shaanxi Y-8 powered by 4 x License-built copy of the Turbomeca Turmo

Xian H-6 powered by 2 x Mikulin AM-3

J31 powered by 2 x Rd 33

J20 Powered by 2 x Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN
Aircraft engine isn't the only parameter which indicates that a state has made progress now is it?

Here's how i look at China as per 2016.

China became the worlds Third largest arms exporter.

J20 entered limited production, Other than US, how many other states are producing stealth fighter jets?

China conducted a seventh successful flight test of its hyper sonic glide vehicle, which travels at speeds between 4,000 and 7,000 miles per hour. How many other states have this other than US and Russia?

Has an operational ASAT system. Other than US and Russia how many other states?

Has built three different kinds of AWACS KJ2000, KJ200 and KJ500.

China is fielding the worlds first operational ASBM, referred to as the DF-21D, a theater range ballistic missile equipped with a maneuverable reentry vehicle(MaRV) designed to hit moving ships at sea.

Chinese Gunship WZ-10 uses WZ9 ingeniously developed WZ9 engine.

Exported weaponized drones to several countries.

Conducted 7th test of DF-41 ICBM with a range upto 15000kms and MIRV's.

Laser weapons like LAG II to destroy aerial targets.

Exceptional cyber espionage skills...For that you can refer to Pentagon for details :lol:

I am certain that there are so many other military accomplishments that China has made over the last few years about which i am not even aware of, same goes for their engine programs, for that you will have to talk to the Chinese members, as they can provide better details. So far Chinese antagonists have been banking on this one point extravagantly to play down Chinese military industrial complex & its achievements, which you ask me, in all fairness is nothing but a folly and a "feel good attempt". :coffee:

Interesting, you reply to someone claiming it's 2016 with data from 2011
Funny thing is, i talked about 'China coming a long way' not it's engine programs . Yet he chose to mention engines only. :crazy:
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In Chinese there's a saying, if you're gonna squeeze a persimmon, squeeze the softest one (i.e. pick the easiest target). Well, engines have been China's achilles' heel, so it's natural that someone with an agenda against China would pick that to focus on. As I demonstrated, however, that China has made a lot of progress even in that realm.

I think you made a great list of high tech advances China has made, and those are just advances in the aerospace arena. IMO, China has arguably taken larger steps forward in the naval arena. Coming from a similarly low position, the Chinese Navy has become the indisputable #2 naval power in the world behind the U.S. behind some pretty solid advances across all naval platforms, especially with the recent drive to improve ASW capabilities.
And as of 2016.

Chengdu J-10 powered by Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN

Shenyang J-11 powered by Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN

Xian JH-7 powered by Rolls-Royce Spey Mk 202

Shenyang J-8 powered by twin Chinese variant of Tumansky R-13-300 turbojet

Chengdu J-7 powered by Chinese variant of Tumansky R-13-300 turbojet

Xian H-6 powered by Mikulin AM-3

Hongdu JL8 powered by Garrett TFE731-2A-2A turbofan

Hongdu L-15 powered by 2 × Ivchenko Progress AI-222K-25F afterburning turbofans

Harbin Y-12 powered by 2 × Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-27 turboprop

Shaanxi Y-8 powered by 4 x License-built copy of the Turbomeca Turmo

Xian H-6 powered by 2 x Mikulin AM-3

J31 powered by 2 x Rd 33

J20 Powered by 2 x Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN

Typical Indian who know nothing...

J-8II is powered by WP-13 domestic engine.

J-7G is too powered by WP-13 engine.

JH-7A is powered by WS-9II engine

JL-8 is powered by WS-11 engine.

J-11B is powered by WS-10A

J-16 is also powered by WS-10A

Y-9 is powered by WJ-6 turboprop.

All are domestic made engine while Indian can't even made a bolt for their aircraft engine. Poor pathetic lousy impotent Indians :lol:




Even our H-6K and Y-20 aircraft is going to used WS-18 domestic engine this year.


Can the Indian show me what domestic engine are making for their aircraft or helo? Ohh... Indian only know how to import. They dont know how to make any engine :lol: :lol: Their Kaveri cannot even put on a prototype and powered their LCA for 5 seconds in the sky. :enjoy:
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One of the pinnacles in engineering technology is to manufacturer a high class Tier 1 fighter aircraft engine---.
And as of 2016.

Chengdu J-10 powered by Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN

Shenyang J-11 powered by Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN

Xian JH-7 powered by Rolls-Royce Spey Mk 202

Shenyang J-8 powered by twin Chinese variant of Tumansky R-13-300 turbojet

Chengdu J-7 powered by Chinese variant of Tumansky R-13-300 turbojet

Xian H-6 powered by Mikulin AM-3

Hongdu JL8 powered by Garrett TFE731-2A-2A turbofan

Hongdu L-15 powered by 2 × Ivchenko Progress AI-222K-25F afterburning turbofans

Harbin Y-12 powered by 2 × Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-27 turboprop

Shaanxi Y-8 powered by 4 x License-built copy of the Turbomeca Turmo

Xian H-6 powered by 2 x Mikulin AM-3

J31 powered by 2 x Rd 33

J20 Powered by 2 x Saturn-Lyulka AL-31FN

Over 300 J-11B/S/H and 24 J-16s are in service with the WS-10A engines, in addition to the prototypes of the J-15, J-11D, and J-10B/C. Please note that constitutes most of the PLAAF's twin-engine fleet. The fact that the single-engined J-10B/C prototypes used the WS-10A is a testament to the latter's reliability and the PLAAF's confidence in them.

The J-31 prototype used two WS-13 engines, as is an additional JF-17 testbed. The WS-15 turbofan slated for the J-20 also passed ground tests in the past year.

Granted, Chinese engines have yet to match the maturity and stellar reputation of their Russian and US counterparts, both of which come with time, but compared to the PLAAF's early days when jet production was completely bottlenecked on imported Russian engines, yes, they have come a long way, and will continue to do so if the trend holds.
Typical Indian who know nothing...

J-8II is powered by WP-13 domestic engine.

J-7G is too powered by WP-13 engine.

JH-7A is powered by WS-9II engine

JL-8 is powered by WS-11 engine.

J-11B is powered by WS-10A

J-16 is also powered by WS-10A

Y-9 is powered by WJ-6 turboprop.

All are domestic made engine while Indian can't even made a bolt for their aircraft engine. Poor pathetic lousy impotent Indians :lol:




Even our H-6K and Y-20 aircraft is going to used WS-18 domestic engine this year.


Can the Indian show me what domestic engine are making for their aircraft or helo? Ohh... Indian only know how to import. They dont know how to make any engine :lol: :lol: Their Kaveri cannot even put on a prototype and powered their LCA for 5 seconds in the sky. :enjoy:
Hey @WebMaster this indian member @MilSpec is continouslly trolling members from other countries and whenever someone reply to him in his tone he gives them -ves please have a check on this Hindu-stani..
epoc times is a falun gong tabloid news website that only does china bashing all day everyday. why so much discussion asking technical proof and shit here?

Nothing wrong with bald headed people who chants all day and harass people outside the Chinese embassy. :enjoy:
From these paragraphs...

That B-52 is probably older than your father, buddy. Let US know when China have something domestic that is that durable. :enjoy:

Durable is the last word I would put next to a b52! They popped out of the sky like fireworks in Vietnam

The engines I guess aren't suppose to or designed to work individually for s long time... Like for ex. Duration on the afterburner etc. I guess calibrating that might solve the issue. If it's for ex 20 sec on afterburner with 2 engines.... It should be 10 sec with one?
Durable is the last word I would put next to a b52! They popped out of the sky like fireworks in Vietnam

The engines I guess aren't suppose to or designed to work individually for s long time... Like for ex. Duration on the afterburner etc. I guess calibrating that might solve the issue. If it's for ex 20 sec on afterburner with 2 engines.... It should be 10 sec with one?
Durable is different from hitting by SAM.
In Chinese there's a saying, if you're gonna squeeze a persimmon, squeeze the softest one (i.e. pick the easiest target). Well, engines have been China's achilles' heel, so it's natural that someone with an agenda against China would pick that to focus on. As I demonstrated, however, that China has made a lot of progress even in that realm.

I think you made a great list of high tech advances China has made, and those are just advances in the aerospace arena. IMO, China has arguably taken larger steps forward in the naval arena. Coming from a similarly low position, the Chinese Navy has become the indisputable #2 naval power in the world behind the U.S. behind some pretty solid advances across all naval platforms, especially with the recent drive to improve ASW capabilities.

IMO I think China aero-engines are doing great both in design as well as quality since their announcement of a breakthrough in 2009.

The problem lies in the mass manufacturing process which requires a huge pool of expert machinists but in recent years based on what we are reading and seeing, I think China has already resolve those lingering problems as well.
Not sure why that indian mod gave you a negative for posting the truth? I think he was trying to flex his 56 inch chest

Becos, I hit right on his nail and he was crying on his bed. :rofl:

Our new AG600 amphibious giant plane is running on indigenous WJ-6C turboprop. I am sure if is India. They will not accomplish the same feat with their own industries. :enjoy:
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