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Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

First there was no occupation or intrusion by China anywhere

Second Chinese retreated meters and kilometers

And now both retreated


They keep flip flopping their stories like the Bollywood serials, no wonder the credibility of the Hindutva media is very poor.
The question is why would the Chinese pull back since they are building bunkers and fortifying their positions, basically all this face saving tactic is for the Indian domestic public. Most of the Hindustani media is controlled by Sanghi's, I wouldn't trust this news at all.
Its not that complicated if you had patience to read. The Chinese has pulled back a portion of their formations from PP14, 15 (where they were on their side of LAC, just moved forces away) and 100 meters from Pangong Tso.
I hate to say this …………….. But realistically China has so much CRAP coming its WAY you new this would end with Chinease pulling back TO STATUS QUO.

Why? Because it is the supposed source of the Covid? In contrast, I think the scientific data will eventually come out and prove that Covid was already in circulation in the West prior to appearing in China. That's why there are far higher antibody percentages in US and Western European cities than in Wuhan, the supposed epicenter.
Very interesting

India has not STOPPED construction over 12000 more construction workers being ferried in to build roads quicker.

India continued dialogue but deployed massive ARMY along entire border

China .s strong stance for one MONTH is beginning to thaw.

Cost of BORDER WAR is too expensive it appears

Docklum REPEAT
This particular news channel is bull crap, repeatedly. It's like watching Press TV with Bollywood accents.

India is in full ego massage mode, two weeks late.
This particular news channel is bull crap, repeatedly. It's like watching Press TV with Bollywood accents.

India is in full ego massage mode, two weeks late.


its ALL LYES china is preparimg for WAR has your PAKISTANI mind sets

OMG locals in ladakh showing the MASSIVE DEPLOYMENT OF THE INDIAN ARmy
What is the status of fingers 4-8, which is where PLA actually camped and disrupted Indian patrols? These other so called withdrawals are mere obfuscation designed to mitigate the p.r. fall out from the real strategic loss of those patrol points, that seems unresolved at present.

Before you get your knickers in a twist.
The Chinease want india to stop ROAD CONSTRUCTION ...……. occupying what is finger 4 to FINGER 8 which is owned by neither india or china is NOT real indian territory but neutral no mans land.

The INDIANS will not AND have not stopped road construction which is dangerously placed near the cross point of karakhom high way connecting Gilgat and China . It also leads to saichen glaciers as well.

The chinease hope to use this as a bargaining chip

I DONT think they expected to see INDIA mobilise their entire northern mountain CORPS.

LETS see who BLINKS first
@The Maverick
Thank you for bringing this information to PDF.

You must be reporting from the site at LAC and watching the PLA pull out this very moment.

Congratulations - You've won.

Now lets see in a week how many paces the PLA has truly moved back or, well...you know.

Your own fellow countrymen have rejected this Channel as credible. Well that's not entirely true. When the Channel reports positive news relating to India its credible, but if something negative is reported - its Congress-backed.

its ALL LYES china is preparimg for WAR has your PAKISTANI mind sets

OMG locals in ladakh showing the MASSIVE DEPLOYMENT OF THE INDIAN ARmy

They want war lets give them one. I heard newly inducted apaches and chinooks have reached leh airbase.
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