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Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

Now you understand. Chinese are stubborn ppl, the more you try to intimidate us, the more we respond. Imagine a country determined enough to spend millions building and researching some of the most advanced dredgers on earth just to build bases in SCS and fortify it. We are a race who built a wall to defend our country while Indians can't even build a simple wall on Khyber pass against invaders.

Indians have no idea right? Remember when Indians said we will leave Doklam during winter? I am very certain we will stay and fortify those positions unless India offer something so irresistible for an exchange. If we retreated, indians won't be so edgy until now, they would have announced victory.

Poor PLA, they need to come prepared next time.
Well done.
Will you also sit on the fence if someone barges into your home and occupies it ?
A honest answer pl.

That's a wrong analogy.

Firstly, when people within India are dying in trains because of hunger because they don't have money to buy food ( stray dogs don't go hungry but humans die... Ridiculous ! ), when others here are committing suicide in the hundreds of thousands again for socio-economic reasons, when there are various kinds of discriminations within the society, the national focus should be on removing these problems, especially when Indians gather on international forums like PDF.

Secondly, how did border spat start ? Let the Indian Army resolve this immediate issue politically.
India-China standoff: Talks between the two armies are to be held this week at multiple locations including Patroling point 14 (Galwan area), Patrolling point 15, and Hot Springs area
All India Reported by Vishnu Som, Edited by Deepshikha Ghosh
Updated : June 09, 2020 08:39 pm IS
New Delhi:
Indian and Chinese troops have begun mutual disengagement in some parts of eastern Ladakh ahead of the next round of military talks scheduled tomorrow, government sources said on Tuesday.

Top military talks are to be held in the 'Hot Springs' area of eastern Ladakh on Wednesday.

Sources say ahead of the talks, a "significant" number of Chinese troops have withdrawn. Except the Finger region in Pangong Tso, Chinese troops have started pulling back two to three km, they say. To reciprocate, the Indian side has also brought back some of its troops and vehicles from these areas, said top sources.

Talks between the two armies are to be held this week at multiple locations including Patrolling point 14 (Galwan area), Patrolling point 15, and Hot Springs, ANI quoted government sources as saying.

Indian military teams are in Chushul for talks with the Chinese soldiers.

On Monday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said India wants a resolution of the decades-old border issue with China "as soon as possible". He described as "positive" last week's high-level military dialogue between the two sides on the face-off in eastern Ladakh.

In an attempt to defuse tension, Lieutenant General Harinder Singh, the General Officer Commanding of Leh-based 14 Corps, and Commander of the Tibet Military District Major General Liu Lin held an extensive meeting on Saturday.


A day later, the foreign ministry said in a statement that the meeting took place in a "cordial and positive atmosphere" and that both sides had agreed that an "early resolution" would contribute to further development of the relationship between the two countries.

The Chinese foreign ministry, in a statement, said both the countries had agreed to work to maintain peace along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and resolve the standoff through talks.

I hate to say this …………….. But realistically China has so much CRAP coming its WAY you new this would end with Chinease pulling back TO STATUS QUO.
It's not a pullback by the Chinese in itself that is important, it is which bits they might pull back from and which they may continue to hold on to and what concessions they extract for the the parts they do pull back from.
Watch Pravin Sawhney's latest video for a full explanation.
Another “reliable” Indian source. Unfortunately track record of Indian sources are as good as a bucket with a hole.
China is in a strong position to negotiate- anyone occupying such a huge land mass holds the aces. India can continue trying to save face for public consumption - in reality have been shown and told who kingpin in the region is
only unrelaible indian source is quoting this . no Chinese or other sources .
if that thats the case then why talks failed on 6 june ?
.some thing is fishy .
sounds like a new face saving trick of modi mesia .
Is Indian Road construction still going on, that started this? if yes, then i guess, everyone has the answer to their question?

if India abandon the road construction work ( didnt start event after one month), then i guess Chinese win as that was the intent to stop the India military infrastructure build up.

I dont care about who withdraw where and who deploy how many troops where.

The above first two sentence will summarize the game for now. will the road construction continue or not?
The question is why would the Chinese pull back since they are building bunkers and fortifying their positions, basically all this face saving tactic is for the Indian domestic public. Most of the Hindustani media is controlled by Sanghi's, I wouldn't trust this news at all.
First there was no occupation or intrusion by China anywhere

Second Chinese retreated meters and kilometers

And now both retreated


This China paid dog pravin sawhney never talks any good about India.... watch any of his videos... its always full of negativity about India.... bloody dog.....

Is Indian Road construction still going on, that started this? if yes, then i guess, everyone has the answer to their question?

if India abandon the road construction work ( didnt start event after one month), then i guess Chinese win as that was the intent to stop the India military infrastructure build up.

I dont care about who withdraw where and who deploy how many troops where.

The above first two sentence will summarize the game for now. will the road construction continue or not?

Sorry.... no construction is stopped.... in fact India has cleared that infrastructure now will be completed more speedily....

China is powerful than India but unfortunately not as powerful as USA to make something like India to stop infrastructure related work in her territory....period....
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