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You block Malaca Straits and USN will intervene.You Indians really make others laugh.Yeah the Chinese Navy will be sitting in China while you are blocking it's lines.Damn Even USN is scared of IN.
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:rofl::rofl::rofl: Ha ha ha. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

No China and Chinese people all over the globe do NOT see India has a major future competitor, not even a minor competitor. Get this through your thick skull: It's a one-sided obsessive fascination you guys have. Case in point, ROK as only a population of 42 million yet their economy is WAY BIGGER than yours! The day you surpass your former White Masters then we can discuss this matter at the adult table. Until then....:crazy:

Also, if you somehow manage to cut the supply line Japan and Korea will also be affected. Now do you really what to piss so many people off???

this guy is crazy!
we agree that china is ahead of us bt we are also catching up!
n mind if u tok abt economy!
look at your economy today!
can it in any means be compared to ours!
forget about china!:lol:

I think india-china relationship in the coming future will improve as none of the two countries would want to end this trading!

India enjoys a positive balance of trade with China.In 2004, India's total trade to China crossed US $13.6 billion, with Indian exports to China touching $ 7677.43 million and imports from china at US $ 5926.67
You block Malaca Straits and USN will intervene.You Indians really make others laugh.Yeah the Chinese Navy will be sitting in China while you are blocking it's lines.Damn Even USN is scared of IN.

u r right...but the USN needs a reason to block India's efforts...

of course to think that the Chinese navy shall come deep in to the straits and wage a war and gain superiority is a pathetic notion..
Eye on China, is India adding muscle on East?

NEW DELHI: India may publicly be very cautious about not ruffling China's prickly feathers but is slowly taking some steps to counter the stark
military asymmetry with its much larger neighbour. In the latest such move, the Army now wants a dedicated artillery division for the eastern front.

After getting the Cabinet Committee on Security's approval to raise two new infantry mountain divisions (with around 15,000 combat soldiers each) and an artillery brigade last year, the Army is now pushing the case for the new artillery division, say defence ministry sources.

The proposed artillery division, under the Kolkata-based Eastern Army Command, will have three brigades -- two of 155mm howitzers and one of the Russian `Smerch' and indigenous `Pinaka' multiple-launch rocket systems.

As earlier reported by TOI, IAF has already begun to base its most potent Sukhoi-30MKI fighter jets at Tezpur, with other airbases in the northeast like Chabua next on the roadmap, apart from building new helipads in Arunachal Pradesh.

Even as the Navy tries to counter China's strategic moves in the Indian Ocean Region, India is progressively reactivating old ALGs (advanced landing grounds) like Daulat Beg Oldi, Fukche, Chushul and Nyama in Ladakh after decades of them lying largely unused.

Then, of course, India is also set to conduct another test of the 3,500-km range Agni-III ballistic missile this month, even as work is in progress for the maiden test of the 5,000-km Agni-V missile by mid-2010.

"Though China is way ahead in military capabilities, all we want is a credible active deterrence posture against it. But again, the progress of our various measures to counter Chinese moves, like the huge build-up of military infrastructure in Tibet and south China, remains quite sluggish," said a top official.

Only 10 of the 73 roads earmarked for construction along the Sino-Indian border, for instance, have been built till now. This when the 2.5-million People's Liberation Army can move two divisions to the border within a month.

The importance of the proposed artillery division can be gauged from the fact that India has only two such formations till now. Both are primarily tasked for the western front with Pakistan, one under the Chandimandir-based Western Command and the other under Pune-based Southern Command.

All Army divisions and corps, including those in the eastern sector, have their own integral artillery brigades. But a dedicated artillery division will give the Eastern Army commander a `potent' force with long-range, high-volume firepower, having as it will guns and rocket systems, missiles and UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles).

The Army's Rs 15,000 crore artillery modernisation programme continues to be hampered by a series of kickback scandals. The project to procure 140 ultra-light howitzers for Rs 2,900 crore, for instance, needs to get going since it will ensure artillery can be deployed in forward, inaccessible areas at short notice with the help of helicopters.
If USA, India and Turkey want our Xinjiang and Tibet to be the next Kosovo!

Please let Washington, New Delhi and Ankara enjoy our Nuclear bombs!

We have Nothing but Nuclear bombs!


Actually to remind you, India and US also has N-bombs.

Apart from that we also have sensibility of not throwing up this type of over-confident BS.:rolleyes:
Joshi,no use debating with the naive troll,ignore him.....
Intel centres to keep tabs on China's missiles, navy

NEW DELHI: Stung by China's aggressive posturing, including its deployment of missiles in Delingha near Tibet, and other increasingly hostile activities in India's neighbourhood, the Cabinet Committee on Security is considering a proposal to set up separate centres for nuclear or missile intelligence and maritime security. In fact, with strong backing by National Security Advisor M K Narayanan, the CCS, which is still smarting under the Chinese `aggression', is all set to give the go-ahead to the proposal.

The inability of central intelligence agencies like RAW, DIA and IB in keeping a tab on recent deployment of intermediate range missiles like DF-4 and reports that Beijing might station ICBMs in the Delingha region seem to have alarmed authorities into action. The medium-range ballistic missiles which are already deployed in Delingha can hit targets that are almost 3,000 kilometres away. China has also built several launch pads for nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles in the same region.
"The entire northern India and parts of central India can be hit from there. The way these missiles have been deployed, they can only hit four countries -- Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar and India. And because the other three countries are not potential adversaries of China, there is obviously deep concern here about China's intentions and you can say that this is one way of addressing this concern,'' said a source, adding that the separate centres for missile and maritime intelligence will initially comprise officers from central intelligence agencies. Till now, the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) has worked as the nodal agency responsible for the functioning of all internal and external intelligence agencies.
A security official admitted that the need for separate missile intelligence centres was primarily because of China's expanding missile development programme. The new agency will not just gather information but also analyse information available with central agencies like DIA, RAW, IB and NTRO and recommend action to counter any adverse development.

"This agency, once it comes into being, will deal exclusively with nuclear and missile intelligence. The agencies carrying out this work now function under the JIC but the committee is not exclusively for missile and nuclear intelligence,'' he added. The new agency will function directly under the National Security Council and will be accountable for all inputs from the neighbouring region on developments related to missile and nuclear technology.

This proposal was first mooted by a joint task force on intelligence headed by former JIC chief S D Pradhan. Two other members of the task force are former IB director P C Haldar and scientist Roddam Narasimha. The task force was constituted at the behest of Narayanan himself and it has submitted its report to the government.

Similarly, a separate centre for maritime intelligence is also likely to be cleared by CCS. This centre will work as pivot around which all intelligence agencies involved in maritime security will function.
China is far ahead of India in all areas and will remain far ahead for atleast a decade or so.Its important to note that while India has on paper a strong defence forces but is surely less efficient than the Chinese.

In war many things matter such as strategy, deception, execution, weaponry and psy-ops...In recent years, India has made some progress in developing a strategic framework. However, we are still pretty much archaic,theoritical and ineffecient in many of the above areas...which means the 1:2 advantage in numbers that the Chinese enjoy becomes a 1:5 (xx:yy....) superiority in a real situation; IN's and IA's superior planes and warships notwithstanding...The above is theoretical comparison ie the ratio's are arbitrary....

Its important to realise, China is competing with the US and not India.
Right now, India is a also ran story....In Geo-strategic scenario, there is no draws; only winners and losers at any point of time.India doesnt hold any major cards...economic, military, intel...etc

Given the above, economic recession and therefore the emerging new duopoly of US:China.India needs to make a strategic choice between three options:

1. Try and compete with the Chinese and the west (US) on its own terms and be ready to be attacked, isolated, sanctioned and stand on its own feet...

2. Align totally with US.
3. Aligh totally with China.

Right now, India wants #1, actually practices psuedo #2 and considers #3 as a totally unthinkable option....
No offense but the 4th largest Economy is still no more than one third of the second largest economy. And the friendship across the Karakoram Range is not funny under the threaten of a south asia giant.

You pakistanis are very humorous people, spreading laughter all around. :enjoy:

The way you Pakis lick Chinki *** is something to be proud of, no wonder the world thinks of you people as the most good-for-nothing bunch of idiots on the face of the planet.

Who's obsessed with whom? The way I see it, you lots have been obsessed with the big, bad Hindu India for the last 62 years. Your leaders said they would eat grass but would match India bullet for bullet, well that certainly has'nt happened but you all are still eating grass nonetheless. :rofl:

Look at your country, or should I call it a 'shithole' since that would go better with the state your land of pure is currently in. What do you think you are? Who do you think you are? What's your standing in the world? Everybody thinks of you as terrorists, as bloody chutiyas of the world. You're a liability to the rest of the world.

You talk of 'white masters'. LMAO. The same Britishers ruled your ***** too, in case you forgot, your Pakistan was carved out of British India. If anything, you're the ones who still bow down & the lick the ***** of your white masters (in addition to licking Chinki *****, which is your favourite national pastime), you are the ones who go begging to 'Friends of Pakistan' forum & beg for money..Baksheesh dedo !! Baksheesh dedo!! :taz: Every single day, US keeps bombing your own people in your own territory. We have surpassed our 'white masters', but you're busy shining their shoes & licking their gaand.

Talking about China, it's funny how you Pakistanis jump up to defend your 'tallel than mountains, deepel than osheans' fraaaand. :rofl: The whole world talks about India AND China, and that's what pisses the Chinkis off. Ofcourse, they are ahead of us, but for how long? Unlike you Pakistanis, we don't hide between some other country's success & lick their ***** in order to get some baksheesh. We are the 4th largest Economy in PPP terms, we are the 7th most industrialized nation, 4th largest military power in the world.

Porkistanis, WHO THE **** ARE YOU?!
What a scum bag you are. All i see is your trash mouth.

---------- Post added at 05:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:40 AM ----------

A well written response...though you could have done well without those profanities.....

i wonder why Pakistanis ...with all due respect to their nationality...spend hell lot of time boasting about a Chineese relationship where Pakisan contributes next to nothing.... Reminds me of 1971 when america was a blood friend.....but they refused wepons to pakistan during war....may be Pakistan should learn from that and create a stable economy based on lesser foregin support......
Your support for his reply was a shame if you know what iam talking about. You will be reported well!!!!!!!!

You pakistanis are very humorous people, spreading laughter all around. :enjoy:

<I have snipped away most of the quote, as leaving it in place defeats the purpose of the moderators deleting the original>

Why have you joined this forum? Have you no concern for civil behaviour, for any kind of norm governing the language that you use? Is anything and everything permitted? Is it that your logic and your rationality is insufficient and you need to use some additives? I am deeply put off by this vile language and the worse attitude.
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China is far ahead of India in all areas and will remain far ahead for atleast a decade or so.Its important to note that while India has on paper a strong defence forces but is surely less efficient than the Chinese.

In war many things matter such as strategy, deception, execution, weaponry and psy-ops...In recent years, India has made some progress in developing a strategic framework. However, we are still pretty much archaic,theoritical and ineffecient in many of the above areas...which means the 1:2 advantage in numbers that the Chinese enjoy becomes a 1:5 (xx:yy....) superiority in a real situation; IN's and IA's superior planes and warships notwithstanding...The above is theoretical comparison ie the ratio's are arbitrary....

Its important to realise, China is competing with the US and not India.
Right now, India is a also ran story....In Geo-strategic scenario, there is no draws; only winners and losers at any point of time.India doesnt hold any major cards...economic, military, intel...etc

Given the above, economic recession and therefore the emerging new duopoly of US:China.India needs to make a strategic choice between three options:

1. Try and compete with the Chinese and the west (US) on its own terms and be ready to be attacked, isolated, sanctioned and stand on its own feet...

2. Align totally with US.
3. Aligh totally with China.

Right now, India wants #1, actually practices psuedo #2 and considers #3 as a totally unthinkable option....
I admire your gutts for speaking the truth, this world is crazy man and these two poor nations P and I has been used simaltaniously.:hitwall:
China is far ahead of India in all areas and will remain far ahead for atleast a decade or so.Its important to note that while India has on paper a strong defence forces but is surely less efficient than the Chinese.

In war many things matter such as strategy, deception, execution, weaponry and psy-ops...In recent years, India has made some progress in developing a strategic framework. However, we are still pretty much archaic,theoritical and ineffecient in many of the above areas...which means the 1:2 advantage in numbers that the Chinese enjoy becomes a 1:5 (xx:yy....) superiority in a real situation; IN's and IA's superior planes and warships notwithstanding...The above is theoretical comparison ie the ratio's are arbitrary....

Its important to realise, China is competing with the US and not India.
Right now, India is a also ran story....In Geo-strategic scenario, there is no draws; only winners and losers at any point of time.India doesnt hold any major cards...economic, military, intel...etc

Given the above, economic recession and therefore the emerging new duopoly of US:China.India needs to make a strategic choice between three options:

1. Try and compete with the Chinese and the west (US) on its own terms and be ready to be attacked, isolated, sanctioned and stand on its own feet...

2. Align totally with US.
3. Aligh totally with China.

Right now, India wants #1, actually practices psuedo #2 and considers #3 as a totally unthinkable option....

There is a 4th option. Why always think in such confrontational tones?

4. Focus on internal poverty reduction while developing external friendly cooperation with all nations.

It is not a zero-sum game. Let's ASSUME it is a zero-sum game, in which conflict will only REDUCE the size of the pie ---> making it a NEGATIVE-SUM game! Contemplate on that. :police:
There is a 4th option. Why always think in such confrontational tones?

4. Focus on internal poverty reduction while developing external friendly cooperation with all nations.

It is not a zero-sum game. Let's ASSUME it is a zero-sum game, in which conflict will only REDUCE the size of the pie ---> making it a NEGATIVE-SUM game! Contemplate on that. :police:

Well said. And well understood by all sane people

But the problem is that that means the majority of Indian politicians will get unemployed. :lol:
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