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Chinese Flanker Family: J-11, J-16 ... Su-27SK/UBK, Su-30MKK

Simple question. Because we can't get F135, so we have to go for 117s. That will help us understand where we are standing right now.
I really don’t understand what you mean here. Do you think China can really learn anything from the 117S besides TVC? As I have already mentioned earlier, an upgraded WS-10 is equivalent to the 117S except for TVC and maturity. AFAIK, the Chinese aren’t exactly plucking 117S engines out to place in their J-20 or performing reverse engineering ... there is little the 117S can do for the WS-10 program apart from its TVC features. If they really wanted the 117S engines, they could simply order them by batch ... rather than ordering whole fighter systems.

Is there indication that the J-11D program is still alive? We had a photo of a J-11D from February (or January?) 2018 but nothing so far.
Just because we don’t have many reports does not mean the program is dead. Same with the J-16D. I suspect it is due to a stricter Chinese national security policy, which has drastically limited the number of pictures ...
I really don’t understand what you mean here. Do you think China can really learn anything from the 117S besides TVC? As I have already mentioned earlier, an upgraded WS-10 is equivalent to the 117S except for TVC and maturity. AFAIK, the Chinese aren’t exactly plucking 117S engines out to place in their J-20 or performing reverse engineering ... there is little the 117S can do for the WS-10 program apart from its TVC features. If they really wanted the 117S engines, they could simply order them by batch ... rather than ordering whole fighter systems.

Just because we don’t have many reports does not mean the program is dead. Same with the J-16D. I suspect it is due to a stricter Chinese national security policy, which has drastically limited the number of pictures ...
You don't understand what I mean. How do you know how good you are if you don't have someone to be your benchmark?
J-16 cockpit :woot:

J-16 cockpit.jpg

A pilot and a maintenance man assigned to an aviation brigade of the air force under the PLA Western Theater Command perform checks inside the cockpit of a J-16 fighter jet prior to a flight training exercise in southwestern China's Chongqing Municipality on March 6, 2018. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Liu Chang and Liu Yinghua)

More --> J-16 fighter jets fly in two-ship formation - China Military

A group of J-11 fighter jets attached to an aviation brigade of the air force under the PLA Eastern Theater Command fly in formation over the snow-covered mountains during a flight training exercise on March 19, 2018. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Zhang Haishen and Cheng Guang)

J-11 fighter jets fly over plateau area - China Military
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Indeed impressive... this was most likely from a similar series of images from December 2017 but this is new to me.
Rumours have it that "supermaterials" will be used extensively to increase the J-16's stealthiness. :D:D
Rumours have it that "supermaterials" will be used extensively to increase the J-16's stealthiness. :D:D

Will the J-15B have the same applications when it debuts in late 2019?
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