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Chinese firms join race to supply locos to Railways

China has completely taken over Indian market. Things as small as school stationary, religious items, festival items, idols, clothes, shoes, electronics are all coming from China. Indian manufacturers are very small and do not bulk produce like the Chinese. So they can't keep their products as cheap as the Chinese and there's no help or subsidies from the govt as in China. Also, Indians have to develop their products themselves as they do not reverse engineer foreign products like the Chinese, it also makes domestic products more expensive than Chinese ones. Even if someone wants to help local economy by not buying Chinese products, they can't as there're no alternatives available. China simply dumps its cheap, poor quality products in Indian market. But we can't blame China. India has very weak anti-dumping laws and there's always policy paralysis at the centre.
And I won't be surprised if some of the lawmakers might be receiving bribes from China to let the dumping continue.

Please study the definition of dumping before talking about dumping law, and you will realize your post is self-contradictory.
Dumping law comes into effect when one party sells a similar product at very low price against its competitor. As you correctly pointed out, Indian company do not manufacture most of the Chinese product, so how can it be considered dumping when competitors don't even exist? Where's the cost/pricing benchmark going to come from?

Don't maglin Chinese for bribing your lawmakers. The truth is you have no choice but to import those cheaper chinese goods simply because they are affordable to Indians. China's the world's largest factory, chinese goods range from low quality to high end. China can also sell you a Li-ning badminton racket, do you know much it will cost in India? Or a Huawei telecommunication product.
Both Chinese firms should withdraw from the biddings。

Making India pay top dollar for any infrastructure project is in the long-term interests of China。

Stop being blinded by short-term gains or profits which are miniscule in this case any way。
Dirt poor Indians can't afford quality Chinese products.

Knowing that, unscrupulous Indian businessmen import cheap staff to dump on their hapless countrymen.

These people have also learnt the art of rebranding, and managed to sell Chinese products in India as their own.

Indians simply don't deserve Chinese modern products。

They deserve bullcarts.:omghaha:
Here we are talking bout the INDIAN RAILWAYS. And you cant compare PR with IR.

Correct, there is indeed no comparison b/w PR & IR. However, my post was an attempt to explain the different types of qualities that the Chinese produce, depending upon your requirement. If you want the best, the Chinese can offer qualities that can rival any Western product.
if indians so smart why don't they build their own trains? 死 蠢。

For your information India does make train locomotives up to 5000 HP. It is lacking in technology to making high-speed locomotives. Even Pakistan is a fan of Indian made locomotives. The prime reason for Pakistan to go for Indian made locomotive was when its Chinese imported locomotives stopped working. Admit it Chinese products simply sucks :lol:

50 made-in-India railway engines to chug into Pak - Hindustan Times
Both Chinese firms should withdraw from the biddings。
Making India pay top dollar for any infrastructure project is in the long-term interests of China。
Stop being blinded by short-term gains or profits which are miniscule in this case any way。

Exactly....basically what China is doing is helping India build up her country for FREE. How stupid !!!
Please study the definition of dumping before talking about dumping law, and you will realize your post is self-contradictory.
Dumping law comes into effect when one party sells a similar product at very low price against its competitor. As you correctly pointed out, Indian company do not manufacture most of the Chinese product, so how can it be considered dumping when competitors don't even exist? Where's the cost/pricing benchmark going to come from?

Don't maglin Chinese for bribing your lawmakers. The truth is you have no choice but to import those cheaper chinese goods simply because they are affordable to Indians. China's the world's largest factory, Chinese goods range from low quality to high end. China can also sell you a Li-ning badminton racket, do you know much it will cost in India? Or a Huawei telecommunication product.
The very reason that Indian manufacturers can't develop is because there's a ready availability of cheap Chinese goods. Sellers prefer Chinese goods as they provide more profit margin because they are made cheaper due to bulk production and subsidies by Chinese govt and deliberately keeping their currency low (such subsidies and currency manipulations are illegal as per WTO rules, of which China is a signatory but Chinese don't respect those rules) If Indian govt brings tough anti-dumping laws and provides financial and technical assistance to local manufactures then they will easily develop into big companies and fill the void created by reduced imports from China that the anti-dumping laws will cause.
As for Huawei, it is already suspected by Indian govt of providing intelligence to China and deliberately making products in a way that can be easily spied by China. Its facilities are suspected to have been infiltrated by Chinese agents. If we didn't had a good-for-nothing govt then Huawei would have been banned in India by now. As I said earlier, I won't blame China for any of this, I'll blame only the Indian govt. Hopefully, Modi might come to power in next elections. He has promised to take action against Chinese dumping in Indian market.
Please study the definition of dumping before talking about dumping law, and you will realize your post is self-contradictory.
Dumping law comes into effect when one party sells a similar product at very low price against its competitor. As you correctly pointed out, Indian company do not manufacture most of the Chinese product, so how can it be considered dumping when competitors don't even exist? Where's the cost/pricing benchmark going to come from?

Don't maglin Chinese for bribing your lawmakers. The truth is you have no choice but to import those cheaper chinese goods simply because they are affordable to Indians. China's the world's largest factory, Chinese goods range from low quality to high end. China can also sell you a Li-ning badminton racket, do you know much it will cost in India? Or a Huawei telecommunication product.
The very reason that Indian manufacturers can't develop is because there's a ready availability of cheap Chinese goods. Sellers prefer Chinese goods as they provide more profit margin because they are made cheaper due to bulk production and subsidies by Chinese govt and deliberately keeping their currency low (such subsidies and currency manipulations are illegal as per WTO rules, of which China is a signatory but Chinese don't respect those rules) If Indian govt brings tough anti-dumping laws and provides financial and technical assistance to local manufactures then they will easily develop into big companies and fill the void created by reduced imports from China that the anti-dumping laws will cause.
As for Huawei, it is already suspected by Indian govt of providing intelligence to China and deliberately making products in a way that can be easily spied by China. Its facilities are suspected to have been infiltrated by Chinese agents. If we didn't had a good-for-nothing govt then Huawei would have been banned in India by now. As I said earlier, I won't blame China for any of this, I'll blame only the Indian govt. Hopefully, Modi might come to power in next elections. He has promised to take action against Chinese dumping in Indian market.
China's the world's largest factory, chinese goods range from low quality to high end.

China produces high end goods? Most of the locomotives that China sold to Pakistan are not working anymore. That's when Pakistan and China re supposed to be "all weather allies". Indian should learn from Pak's experience and ban Chinese companies from participating in Indian loco bid.
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