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Chinese DZJ-08 80mm Single-Shot Light Recoilless Weapon

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Chinese DZJ-08 80mm Single-Shot Light Recoilless Weapon






China Defense Blog: Chinese Armbrust?
Looks like it is disposable to me.
However it is not a unit based weapon rather it is an individual assigned weapon.
In the article it says the blast made in the brick wall is large enough to enables a person to travel through.

Which means this may be useful for urban fighting where you may need to tunnel through buildings. Maybe can even be exported to countries fighting terrorism.
can someone plz translate the green table..:undecided:
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projectile diameter
projectile length
projectile weight
initial velocity
armour penetration thickness (dunno why they use 65 degrees for second)
diameter of hole made in wall
total weight of waepon
total length of weapon
Exerps from the table page:

The projectile has two tandem warheads, first one which composes of a penetrator with 300g explosives will make a small hole through armour surface and inject molten metal which can ignite explosives and kill/destroy personnel/equipment behind. This is then followed by the second warhead (300g) with a time delay of 4ms plus-minus 2ms which makes a 0.5m diameter hole which enables soldiers to pass through.

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Twin warhead weapon to puncture modern armour?

And looks like it can be fired from inside a building, so no flash?
It is also unguided. And unlike a RPG it doesn't have powered rocket flight and instead relies on impulse generated by the charge like a bullet. Recoilless is a relative term in that there is no hard blocking of the back of the firing chamber otherwise the back reaction would be too great.
It is also unguided. And unlike a RPG it doesn't have powered rocket flight and instead relies on impulse generated by the charge like a bullet. Recoilless is a relative term in that there is no hard blocking of the back of the firing chamber otherwise the back reaction would be too great.

I am thinking RL rifles needs more propellants to achieve the same initial velocity than a traditional closed tube artillery. Am I mistaken?
I think so. Its lobbing more than shooting, but i think it needs special attention to aerodynamic design so than even at relatively slow speeds it still have relatively straight ballistics. (In other words more like an arrow than a thrown rock)

Short video of recoilless rifle in action: at 0:05 if you look at not the front guy but the guy behind him firing (just right after the front guy has fired) you can see it still has some speed.

YouTube - live fire exercise with reciolless rifle, grg m48, tracer
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