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Chinese Defence Minister gifts Rs. 1 lakh to Indian Air Force pilots

Antony should return those money as gifts whenever he visits china, thats Indian tradition..
Giving small gifts of money is a part of our culture, you cheap Indians.

So is ours..but he was giving money to defense personnels on duty not to grooms on their marriage..Apples & Oranges.

It's unbelievable that you can call such a gift cheap, when the country of India has more poverty than Africa.

Usual Chinese run of the mill comment. if you or he was concerned about Indian poverty, the money should have be given to some poor not to AF pilots drawing 65,000+ salary.
So is ours..but he was giving money to defense personnels on duty not to grooms on their marriage..Apples & Oranges.

Giving small gifts of money is a very common thing in Chinese culture.

Not only reserved for giving to grooms, that doesn't even make any sense. Otherwise I would not have received hundreds of such gifts from family and friends of family before I was even 10 years old.
Giving small gifts of money is a very common thing in Chinese culture.

Not only reserved for giving to grooms, that doesn't even make any sense. Otherwise I would not have received hundreds of such gifts from family and friends of family before I was even 10 years old.

Grooms and brides receive gifts of money during the time of their marriage. Yes, it may be a Chinese tradition to give money as gifts, but in India there is a place and time for it and giving money to pilots on official duty is a no-no.
Grooms and brides receive gifts of money during the time of their marriage. Yes, it may be a Chinese tradition to give money as gifts, but in India there is a place and time for it and giving money to pilots on official duty is a no-no.

Then give it back, instead of whining about it and keeping it, like how you called the British aid as "peanuts" but kept it anyway.

The difference is that the British aid is just bribes in order to get contracts.

However, a small gift of money to pilots was obviously not a bribe (since they are not in charge of giving contracts anyway), but rather a gesture of friendliness in our culture, that was called cheap by Indians who seemed to be expecting more.
Then give it back, instead of whining about it and keeping it,

It will be in due course of time...but don't expect us to pay that in cash

like how you called the British aid as "peanuts" but kept it anyway.
The difference is that the British aid is just bribes in order to get contracts.

GoI said no to British aid many times but its the British themselves who are insisting on paying us. Also its the NGOs that get the money and not GoI...and we know very well why this aid is given.

However, a small gift of money to pilots was obviously not a bribe (since they are not in charge of giving contracts anyway), but rather a gesture of friendliness in our culture

Your delegation should have studied about our culture also and should have gifted some Chinese souvenirs than cash.

, that was called cheap by Indians who seemed to be expecting more.

Thats a personal opinion by some Indian members and not GoI.
This is actually a breach of Protocol. Working in corporate, the first lesson which is taught to us is the gift we receive and offer to the client side. There is set amount (During my work in Deloitte, Gifts and insider trading was most on focus thing) which you cant cross and Defense minister of a country can never do this and say it as happened in ignorance.

Anyway, This should be just notified and then move on. A diplomatic apology will take place thats it.
Cultural differences that is all. Chinese minister thought nothing of it, the IAF personnel followed procedure and informed their superiors and somehow some ignorant media outlet got hold of the info and tried to blow it up into something it is just not. These pilots aren't taxis, they are professionals and don't accept such monetary gifts. Anyway, let's move on!
The message is quite obvious..we ask the Indian pilots not to drop bombs anywhere in India but not on our side in case of war :rofl:
Then give it back, instead of whining about it and keeping it, like how you called the British aid as "peanuts" but kept it anyway.

The difference is that the British aid is just bribes in order to get contracts.

However, a small gift of money to pilots was obviously not a bribe (since they are not in charge of giving contracts anyway), but rather a gesture of friendliness in our culture, that was called cheap by Indians who seemed to be expecting more.
Hey I accept all your logic man, and I and the rest of INDIANS feel good that your leader has gifted cash for our pilots instead of any momento, but INDIA has a rule for serving officers of the government not to accept any thing in cash, that is the reason the money has be given to the Trushery.
we do know that its unwise to return a gift as it offends the one who gave it, in this case a man of great stature from your country who is on a good will note to INDIA.
So we will give the same kind of a cash prize to your pilots when our leaders visit there. I hope problem solved.

Now MODS can we close this phucked up thread
Very few can understand the Chinese far fetched thinking.
This was a good ploy to test the viability of bribing a few IAF personals.

OK, I'm convinced.

Very few can understand the far fetched thinking of people who try to analyze Chinese far fetched thinking.

Thats more than what these Pilots make?????

:lol: :lol:

Please google the salary of a Pilot in India...Please!!

You idiot!

There goes the PAF!

We're experts because we protest against US aid, but never seen any Indians do that, right?

Forgetting british aid scandal so soon?

The larger the aid,the louder the protests.

At this rate, you will ear-muffs issued along with the tin cups.

Giving small gifts of money is a part of our culture, you cheap Indians.

It's unbelievable that you can call such a gift cheap, when the country of India has more poverty than Africa.

You can give it back if you are such sore losers. But you chose to keep it instead.

I don't think that remark was meant to be anything but a humorous one. It is quite another matter that it wasn't in fact very funny. There was no way to return it without insulting the giver.

Just calm down.
Giving small gifts of money is a very common thing in Chinese culture.

Not only reserved for giving to grooms, that doesn't even make any sense. Otherwise I would not have received hundreds of such gifts from family and friends of family before I was even 10 years old.

Mate !! Gifts are indeed sensitive issue for our culture. It is not "gift" any thing to any one. If you intend to gift something to someone, first look if you are eligible to gift that person, then look at the gift if it is eligible for that person, then consider the feelings of the person to whom you are gifting the "gift" and what message your gift will send to that person. If all are fine then gift is granted. In this case "Money" is bad gift.

Had it been marriage gift, birthday gift, then "money" will be a good gift.
In this case If your minister gifted "hand made Items" from China or "sweets" from China it would be considered as best gift.
Its a cultural mixup.

Somewhere the Chinese Embassy in India too must share blame.

Exchanging gifts is protocol. In this case I expect the protocol officer must have mixed up or forgotten to obtain the usual gifts like Cuff Links, Tie Pins , Wine, scarfs etc which dignitaries give.

Last minute it is possible that they decided to give cash instead. So often this happens in personal life too - when unexpectedly one lands up in a family / friend situation ( birthdays , marriages mostly) one gives Rs 501 / 1001/ 1501/2001.

In fact during marriage season one keeps that envelope one uses for such occasions which has a Re 1 coin pasted on it in the car itself.

Shouldn't make much of it.
CD consider and reply to only selective posts and then say Indians do not like chinese :lol:
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