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Chinese Defence Minister gifts Rs. 1 lakh to Indian Air Force pilots



By Abingdonboy

Cultural differences that is all. Chinese minister thought nothing of it, the IAF personnel followed procedure and informed their superiors and somehow some ignorant media outlet got hold of the info and tried to blow it up into something it is just not. These pilots aren't taxis, they are professionals and don't accept such monetary gifts. Anyway, let's move on!

By Thirdeye

Exchanging gifts is protocol. In this case I expect the protocol officer must have mixed up or forgotten to obtain the usual gifts like Cuff Links, Tie Pins , Wine, scarfs etc which dignitaries give.

Last minute it is possible that they decided to give cash instead. So often this happens in personal life too - when unexpectedly one lands up in a family / friend situation ( birthdays , marriages mostly) one gives Rs 501 / 1001/ 1501/2001.

In fact during marriage season one keeps that envelope one uses for such occasions which has a Re 1 coin pasted on it in the car itself.

Shouldn't make much of it.

By Darius

Its a gift and we should honor and respect it!!Its obvious that the Chinese min is well aware that the IAF pilots derive much more than the amount as their monthly salary it's the same with the PLAAF as well.We should not bring it down to the level of cheap mud throwing antics until and unless the gesture had some ulterior motive of insulting or something like that involved.

By Fateh71

Whats the big deal. They declared it and deposited it with govt like any other gift they might have received. It sounds unusual to hand over cash, but still it was openly given so was meant in good faith.

Similalrly in good faith the pilots deposited with govt. Of course trolls from all sides will try to give some meaning to their lives by indulging in stupidity on this thread too.
Does anyone know detail packaging of this gift of money? Because this could be a souvenir if the those note are limited edition ones like those.
Giving small gifts of money is a part of our culture, you cheap Indians.

It's unbelievable that you can call such a gift cheap, when the country of India has more poverty than Africa.

You can give it back if you are such sore losers. But you chose to keep it instead.
they are ungratefull from the day one.
they are ungratefull from the day one.

We are not like sino money puppets from the very beginning.......

This gift will be considered as the cheap gift.........this amount is not even equal to a IAF pilot's monthly salary.

It shows china's boosting ecomomy indeed :lol:

Then give it back, instead of whining about it and keeping it, like how you called the British aid as "peanuts" but kept it anyway.

The difference is that the British aid is just bribes in order to get contracts.

However, a small gift of money to pilots was obviously not a bribe (since they are not in charge of giving contracts anyway), but rather a gesture of friendliness in our culture, that was called cheap by Indians who seemed to be expecting more.

lol.....we are not expecting more.

In the front view chinese are giving small money gifts as a friendship gesture but in the back they are pointing their nukes towards India.......Is'nt it a weird gesture??????
Once again, its a cultural issue.

Cash is not given as a gift in such situations unless as a tip in a hotel - never to professionals.

Put it behind.


By Abingdonboy

Cultural differences that is all. Chinese minister thought nothing of it, the IAF personnel followed procedure and informed their superiors and somehow some ignorant media outlet got hold of the info and tried to blow it up into something it is just not. These pilots aren't taxis, they are professionals and don't accept such monetary gifts. Anyway, let's move on!

By Thirdeye

Exchanging gifts is protocol. In this case I expect the protocol officer must have mixed up or forgotten to obtain the usual gifts like Cuff Links, Tie Pins , Wine, scarfs etc which dignitaries give.

Last minute it is possible that they decided to give cash instead. So often this happens in personal life too - when unexpectedly one lands up in a family / friend situation ( birthdays , marriages mostly) one gives Rs 501 / 1001/ 1501/2001.

In fact during marriage season one keeps that envelope one uses for such occasions which has a Re 1 coin pasted on it in the car itself.

Shouldn't make much of it.

By Darius

Its a gift and we should honor and respect it!!Its obvious that the Chinese min is well aware that the IAF pilots derive much more than the amount as their monthly salary it's the same with the PLAAF as well.We should not bring it down to the level of cheap mud throwing antics until and unless the gesture had some ulterior motive of insulting or something like that involved.

By Fateh71

Whats the big deal. They declared it and deposited it with govt like any other gift they might have received. It sounds unusual to hand over cash, but still it was openly given so was meant in good faith.

Similalrly in good faith the pilots deposited with govt. Of course trolls from all sides will try to give some meaning to their lives by indulging in stupidity on this thread too.
they are ungratefull from the day one.
A petty country like Pakistan carved out of India might have such a thing as day1 and day2 or end of days:rofl::rofl::rofl:!!Old and ancient civilizations like India and China do not have such things. . . . If u want to find out the day1 as u say of India maybe u will have to travel 10'000 yrs back where u might accidentally discover the fact that ur ancestors were. . . .hmm. . . u know what!!And who are u to talk about gratefulness??What do u know of it??After partition if India would not have provided u guy's with food,milk and trampolines than half of your populace might have died out then and there. . . And what we got in return was TERRORISM!!
Oh your history and civilization lol probably you are forgeting Indus, Gandara civilization which are Pakistani not indian. This is what you learnt in your school? You were only fu*ked by invaders. Thats it.

india took share of Pakistani assets too after partition. But alas still your more than half population is in hunger...

be realistic get out of fantacies.
U tell this to any expert on History and Human civilization and what u get back in return would be this:

It's better u take the advice of ur own experts about revisiting ur history books
If what u are telling had been true than people would have been more fascinated about Pakistan than India and there would have been Pakologists rather than Indologists and millions of people would have been visiting Pakistan instead of India every year to study and learn about the Indian civilization.Come out of ur delusional state of mind.And the so called Indus and Gandhara that u are talking about existed at that point of time in History when there was no such country as Pakistan!!It was India(Bharatvarsha)at that time.If today Italy is a separate country does that mean that all the ancient structures in Rome becomes Italian heritage and culture??No they are still Roman structures and part of the Roman history!!??:rofl:This is the problem with u guy's.You'll are always in a delusional state of mind owing to your education system.Even today Pakistanis in Australia and other Western Nations has to identify themselves with India even to run a successful fast food chain cause everyone knows that Pakistani food is essentially Northern Indian.The video is about a restaurant in Sydney Australia owned by a Pakistani and guess what he named it-Oh!!Calcutta which BTW is the name of my home city the capital of West Bengal.Just imagine.Why did not he name it Oh!Lahore or Oh!Karachi?????
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If what u are telling had been true than people would have been more fascinated about Pakistan than India and there would have been Pakologists rather than Indologists and millions of people would have been visiting Pakistan instead of India every year to study and learn about the Indian civilization.Come out of ur delusional state of mind.And the so called Indus and Gandhara that u are talking about existed at that point of time in History when there was no such country as Pakistan!!It was India(Bharatvarsha)at that time.If today Italy is a separate country does that mean that all the ancient structures in Rome becomes Italian heritage and culture??No they are still Roman structures and part of the Roman history!!??:rofl:This is the problem with u guy's.You'll are always in a delusional state of mind owing to your education system.Even today Pakistanis in Australia and other Western Nations has to identify themselves with India even to run a successful fast food chain cause everyone knows that Pakistani food is essentially Northern Indian.The video is about a restaurant in Sydney Australia owned by a Pakistani and guess what he named it-Oh!!Calcutta which BTW is the name of my home city the capital of West Bengal.Just imagine.Why did not he name it Oh!Lahore or Oh!Karachi?????

And his seven star client is the Maharana of Udaipur. hmmm.
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Indian media is reporting 50k each today while yesterday it was one lakh each.

I must say, I don't get why the Indian media is so anti-Chinese? They make such a huge deal out of such small issues...
I must say, I don't get why the Indian media is so anti-Chinese? They make such a huge deal out of such small issues...

I agree.

It was a totally uncalled for attack. I am sure the Chinese general did not mean to offend.
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