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Chinese bulk carrier rescued

grey boy 2

Jul 23, 2009
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United States
Hijacked Chinese bulk carrier rescued - People's Daily Online 08:08, December 28, 2009

A hijacked Chinese bulk carrier and 25 Chinese crew members aboard were successfully rescued at 3 a.m. on Dec. 28, according to Chinese Marine Search and Rescue Center.

After the rescue mission, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said that "De Xin Hai", the hijacked vessel, has been under protection of Chinese naval escort fleet.

After the medical checkup of crew members and resupply of provisions, the fleet will escort the ship and the crew to a safe sea area, and then ensure their safe return to China as soon as possible, according to Jiang.

Chinese bulk carrier De Xin Hai, which belongs to Qingdao Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd, carried about 76,000 tonnes of coal from South Africa to India when it was hijacked in the Indian Ocean on Oct. 19, 350 nautical miles northeast of the Seychelles and 700 nautical miles off the east coast of Somalia.

After the hijack incident, the Chinese government instructed relevant departments and enterprises to carry out rescue mission while ensuring the safety of the ship and the crew members.

Jiang said that the Chinese government expressed sincere greetings to the rescued crew members and their families.

Chinese Foreign Ministry again reminds Chinese vessels and personnel not to go close to relevant dangerous sea areas and take precaution measures so as to avoid occurrence of incident.

China's Ministry of Transport again demands Chinese shipping companies and their vessels and crew to strengthen self-protective measures in an effort to prevent hijack by pirates.

Source: Xinhua
Great job, China, once again you proved to us your will and ability to

protect your people, Thankyou China, we are proud of you.:china:

Great job, China, once again you proved to us your will and ability to

protect your people, Thankyou China, we are proud of you.:china:


bro,we paid the ransom.......only proved one thing ,we need AC to prevent it happening again.i am glad they are all safe
bro,we paid the ransom.......only proved one thing ,we need AC to prevent it happening again

Either way, it was a wise decision. After all over a dozen lives are definitely worth more than a measly 4 million. But from here, we must beef up our navel forces. I recommend having solar powered observatories scattered all over the oceans of the world.

Huawei would be best to design and build such a network system. This way we will have eyes in the sea (and it can be used for military observation too!).

And I would like to wish everyone here a merry christmas (or happy holidays) and a happy solar new year. Surprised so many people still waste their time plugging away here.... :)
bro,we paid the ransom.......only proved one thing ,we need AC to prevent it happening again.i am glad they are all safe

Brother, are you sure ? never heard about ransom being paid though.

Damn it, why call it rescued? should call it being set-free in the news.

Brother, are you sure ? never heard about ransom being paid though.

Damn it, why call it rescued? should call it being set-free in the news.


It's not a matter of not being able to rescue them, but if we used force it might spook the pirates and someone might get hurt. But it was a long ordeal. That said, something needs to give these Somali pirates a good ol' spanking! :cheers:
4mil US is not that much considering the lives of 25 crew members. Hell, even the 76,000 tonnes of coal plus the ship costs way more than 4 mil. I am glad those people are safe. :)

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