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Chinese bomber exercise affirms air-defence identification zone, penetrates Second Island Chain

I personally love reading the ridiculous stuff Viets, Pinoys and Indians come up with to soothe their inferiority complex. I read through troll threads and have a good chuckle. Chinese members don't need to get wound up by them. They only hate because they know their own countries are helpless against the growing strength of China and this is the only way they can think of to gain moral victories. If it keeps them in delusion land, then that's even better for China. Just sit back Chinese members and enjoy the crying.
I think @Hu Songshan should be made moderator in this section considering he is a Chinese and @Deino is not.
Hu Songshan did an excellent job of moderating this section before but since the moderating powers were transferred to some German guy, this section has gone downhill.


First of all thanks for being so "open" with Your critics ... even I would have preferred a more polite way and do not completely agree with You that this section went "downhill".

But I agree with You that we have a few certain new members here after I took responsibility, which are very much obsessed to provoke, which are unable to discuss, to learn and are completely annoying with each and every post, since they are rarely posted to discuss but to spread their "anti-Chinese" sentiments. I agree with You that I sometimes do not know why they are even here ?

On the other side there are also a few - and IMHO - a few too many that are on the exact other side of the spectrum: they are pure-pro-China fan boys, who are also not able or willing to accept that there are still a few open issues, that take each post - for example that the J-20 might be fitted with a Russian engine, or that the Z-10 is not using the latest WZ-16 - as a post against their believing. To admit sometimes I think it's not bad to be not from China, since it allows me to keep cool ... at least sometimes.

As such I can only be wrong: for the one side I'm not strict enough against these "anti-China" posters while on the other side they don't want to hear anything against their own opinion.

To admit - and here I'm indeed willing to lean how to handle this job the best, or better than now - I'm always balancing between these two sides and if I could handle this section my own way a few would not be here any longer ... from both parties.

As such I'm maybe too calm but first of all I try to allow also a very different opinion as long as a discussion is on ... while on the other side I keep to the motto: Don't feed the trolls ... and many of the - I think for You - annoying discussions some are also responsible since they always reply to these provocations.

Anyway... I'm open for suggestions even if I'm not from China.
All the best,
too late for what. Notice the big change after their retranslation of constitution. Shinzo Abe even said nowaday Japanese ppl dont need to say Sorry for the WW2 criminals.

How about 2025?

the change doesn't limit to their internal issue but cover their cooperation with others as India, Australia...
Too late for what? too late for Japan to build up its independent military industry and development system. As I said, the best chance for Japan to start its own stuff after WWII is between 1985 and 1995. Since Japan has missed that opportunity, its military industry and development system have been controlled by US to the core. Now almost all the advanced military system that Japan has, including aircraft fighters, warships and as well as anti missile system, are actually US technologies.

First of all thanks for being so "open" with Your critics ... even I would have preferred a more polite way and do not completely agree with You that this section went "downhill".

But I agree with You that we have a few certain new members here after I took responsibility, which are very much obsessed to provoke, which are unable to discuss, to learn and are completely annoying with each and every post, since they are rarely posted to discuss but to spread their "anti-Chinese" sentiments. I agree with You that I sometimes do not know why they are even here ?

On the other side there are also a few - and IMHO - a few too many that are on the exact other side of the spectrum: they are pure-pro-China fan boys, who are also not able or willing to accept that there are still a few open issues, that take each post - for example that the J-20 might be fitted with a Russian engine, or that the Z-10 is not using the latest WZ-16 - as a post against their believing. To admit sometimes I think it's not bad to be not from China, since it allows me to keep cool ... at least sometimes.

As such I can only be wrong: for the one side I'm not strict enough against these "anti-China" posters while on the other side they don't want to hear anything against their own opinion.

To admit - and here I'm indeed willing to lean how to handle this job the best, or better than now - I'm always balancing between these two sides and if I could handle this section my own way a few would not be here any longer ... from both parties.

As such I'm maybe too calm but first of all I try to allow also a very different opinion as long as a discussion is on ... while on the other side I keep to the motto: Don't feed the trolls ... and many of the - I think for You - annoying discussions some are also responsible since they always reply to these provocations.

Anyway... I'm open for suggestions even if I'm not from China.
All the best,

Maybe you can use SDF way Deino. Cut derailed posts in this sub forum, or give them warning, for both side to not derailed the topic further. We also need to prohibited VS or comparing posts. Like F-22 vs J-20 etc; China vs American Bomber, China vs American ASAT, etc. As they will only cause troll fight in this forum. If they want, just tell them like Jeff tell Bltizo and others in SDF to continue their arguments in private message.

the problem is that China Fan always want to hyperbole PLA capability, while their rivals want to make PLA look bad by comparing them with USA. This should be stopped. Well, I don't mind the PLA Fan to hyperbole their idol, as this is Chine Defense Forum, as long as they don't bring other country in the post.
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First of all thanks for being so "open" with Your critics ... even I would have preferred a more polite way and do not completely agree with You that this section went "downhill".

But I agree with You that we have a few certain new members here after I took responsibility, which are very much obsessed to provoke, which are unable to discuss, to learn and are completely annoying with each and every post, since they are rarely posted to discuss but to spread their "anti-Chinese" sentiments. I agree with You that I sometimes do not know why they are even here ?

On the other side there are also a few - and IMHO - a few too many that are on the exact other side of the spectrum: they are pure-pro-China fan boys, who are also not able or willing to accept that there are still a few open issues, that take each post - for example that the J-20 might be fitted with a Russian engine, or that the Z-10 is not using the latest WZ-16 - as a post against their believing. To admit sometimes I think it's not bad to be not from China, since it allows me to keep cool ... at least sometimes.

As such I can only be wrong: for the one side I'm not strict enough against these "anti-China" posters while on the other side they don't want to hear anything against their own opinion.

To admit - and here I'm indeed willing to lean how to handle this job the best, or better than now - I'm always balancing between these two sides and if I could handle this section my own way a few would not be here any longer ... from both parties.

As such I'm maybe too calm but first of all I try to allow also a very different opinion as long as a discussion is on ... while on the other side I keep to the motto: Don't feed the trolls ... and many of the - I think for You - annoying discussions some are also responsible since they always reply to these provocations.

Anyway... I'm open for suggestions even if I'm not from China.
All the best,

I may not be the best person to comment as I have no knowledge in military technology (you can see that my posts are mostly economic issues), but I truly appreciate your insight regarding Chinese military. I truly do and I learn something from your posts. The "criticism" made by Beidou2020, in my honest opinion, is rude, if not racist by the US standard. There are some parts that I strongly agree with Deino too. Very few Chinese members are too aggressive, if people disagree with their opinions. ( Similarly, as @Martian2 pointed out, some Chinese members are irrationally pro - Russia, when all the events that happened ever since the founding of PRC point to the contrary, One reason why China could NOT develop its heavy industry was due to intentional destruction on heavy industry in Manchuria by the Soviets in 1940s. It was also Soviet who encouraged India to launch its "forward policy". It was also Soviet that interfered in Xinjiang province during the WWII. I could go on and on) In my view, those Chinese members are not so much different from that Japanese guy who think Japan is military and economic colossus.

People like Henri K @hk299792458 and Deino @Deino are not novices in this industry, and their arguments are logical and rational. They don't make conclusions before seeing the empirical results, and this is the way how scientific community works.
Deino, I hope that you still provide your insights in Chinese military technology. There are some people who find your comments rewarding.
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I may not be the best person to comment as I have no knowledge in military technology (you can see that my posts are mostly economic issues), but I truly appreciate your insight regarding Chinese military. I truly do and I learn something from your posts. The "criticism" made by Beidou2020, in my honest opinion, is rude, if not racist by the US standard. There are some parts that I strongly agree with Deino too. Very few Chinese members are too aggressive, if people disagree with their opinions. ( Similarly, as @Martian2 pointed out, some Chinese members are pro - Russia, when all the events that happened ever since the founding of PRC points to the contrary, One reason why China could NOT develop its heavy industry was due to intentional destruction on heavy industry in Manchuria by the Soviets in 1940s. It was also Soviet who encouraged India to launch its "forward policy". It was also Soviet that interfered in Xinjiang province during the WWII. I could go on and on) In my view, those Chinese members are not so much different from that Japanese guy who think Japan is military and economic colossus.

People like Henri K and Deino are not novices in this industry, and their arguments are logical and rational. They don't make conclusions before seeing the empirical results, and this is the way how scientific community works.
Deino, I hope that you still provide your insights in Chinese military technology. There are some people who find your comments rewarding.
Don't forget the Soviets/Russians held an independence vote in China's Outer Mongolia in 1945. I think less than 50,000 people voted. The Russians were responsible for partitioning Outer Mongolia from China.

The Russians left a mess for China. Now, modern China has to go through the long process of re-attaching Mongolia back to China. No thanks to the Russians.
LMAO, someone doesn't agree that the engine of the J-20 is the AL-31F, so he/she is automatically a "radical Chinese ultranationalist"? You are creating too many definitions for other people who hold a different opinion.

BTW, I am voting @Martian2 as the mod of the Chinese defence section, since no one here surpasses his knowledge about the Chinese military, and he is the best antidote for the anti-China trolls.

I may not be the best person to comment as I have no knowledge in military technology (you can see that my posts are mostly economic issues), but I truly appreciate your insight regarding Chinese military. I truly do and I learn something from your posts. The "criticism" made by Beidou2020, in my honest opinion, is rude, if not racist by the US standard. There are some parts that I strongly agree with Deino too. Very few Chinese members are too aggressive, if people disagree with their opinions. ( Similarly, as @Martian2 pointed out, some Chinese members are irrationally pro - Russia, when all the events that happened ever since the founding of PRC point to the contrary, One reason why China could NOT develop its heavy industry was due to intentional destruction on heavy industry in Manchuria by the Soviets in 1940s. It was also Soviet who encouraged India to launch its "forward policy". It was also Soviet that interfered in Xinjiang province during the WWII. I could go on and on) In my view, those Chinese members are not so much different from that Japanese guy who think Japan is military and economic colossus.

People like Henri K @hk299792458 and Deino @Deino are not novices in this industry, and their arguments are logical and rational. They don't make conclusions before seeing the empirical results, and this is the way how scientific community works.
Deino, I hope that you still provide your insights in Chinese military technology. There are some people who find your comments rewarding.

No one is working for the behalf of Russia, we are just looking for the best national interest that suits China.
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I may not be the best person to comment as I have no knowledge in military technology (you can see that my posts are mostly economic issues), but I truly appreciate your insight regarding Chinese military. I truly do and I learn something from your posts. The "criticism" made by Beidou2020, in my honest opinion, is rude, if not racist by the US standard. There are some parts that I strongly agree with Deino too. Very few Chinese members are too aggressive, if people disagree with their opinions. ( Similarly, as @Martian2 pointed out, some Chinese members are irrationally pro - Russia, when all the events that happened ever since the founding of PRC point to the contrary, One reason why China could NOT develop its heavy industry was due to intentional destruction on heavy industry in Manchuria by the Soviets in 1940s. It was also Soviet who encouraged India to launch its "forward policy". It was also Soviet that interfered in Xinjiang province during the WWII. I could go on and on) In my view, those Chinese members are not so much different from that Japanese guy who think Japan is military and economic colossus.

People like Henri K @hk299792458 and Deino @Deino are not novices in this industry, and their arguments are logical and rational. They don't make conclusions before seeing the empirical results, and this is the way how scientific community works.
Deino, I hope that you still provide your insights in Chinese military technology. There are some people who find your comments rewarding.

Don't forget the Soviets/Russians held an independence vote in China's Outer Mongolia in 1945. I think less than 50,000 people voted. The Russians were responsible for partitioning Outer Mongolia from China.

The Russians left a mess for China. Now, modern China has to go through the long process of re-attaching Mongolia back to China. No thanks to the Russians.

that is true. The argument for Chinese supporting Russia now is because of US policy of containing China. Ultimately, the US view China as public enemy #1 but is taking out its frustration with Russia. Personally, Russia is not an ally of China but for the time being both share the same interest.
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