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Chinese and Native Americans have same ancestry

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How many times have you racially insulted Chinese people while hiding behind other flags, you Urdu/Punjabi speaking Pakistani?

You make so many threads laughing about Indian rapes, do you think a single person believes you are an Indian?

There has been no attempt to insult anyone on my part. I am sharing my own views supplemented by facts.
A Pakistani cheering for the Indians? What's new. :lol:
Ayub Khan did the same thing in 1962 and even offered to help India against China. Later, they repaid your generosity by splitting your country in half.
See, at least we are honest enemy then a backstabbing friend. :D

Which is better ?
There has been no attempt to insult anyone on my part. I am sharing my own views supplemented by facts.

Give me a break, I have seen all the racist sh*t you have been posting about Chinese people in your time here. :rolleyes:

Just like Ayub Khan, go kiss up to the Indians and watch them carve your country apart again.
We don't share anything with Caucasians. People of sub-continent are a different race altogether.

See, at least we are honest enemy then a backstabbing friend. :D

Which is better ?

Who wouldn't like civilized and noble enemies like us? :P
Even the real Indians here were laughing at you when you failed to read a Hindi word and started referring to the Ganges river as a prostitute. :rolleyes:

So now I need to learn Hindi from you! Do you know the meaning of Double Entendre?
few members like this op make all other Indian members look bad

few members like this op make all other Indian members look bad
Give me a break, I have seen all the racist sh*t you have been posting about Chinese people in your time here. :rolleyes:

Just like Ayub Khan, go kiss up to the Indians and watch them carve your country apart again.

You are unnecessarily hurting the Pakistani members here. This is uncalled for. Stop this please.
few members like this op make all other Indian members look bad

few members like this op make all other Indian members look bad

I wish I could be more politically correct. I think facts speak louder than political correctness.
You are unnecessarily hurting the Pakistani members here. This is uncalled for. Stop this please.

Haha so you only get hurt when I say something bad about Pakistan??

You make fun of raped Indian women and raped Chinese women all day... but one wrong word about Pakistan and you start crying? :rofl:

See, at least we are honest enemy then a backstabbing friend. :D

Which is better ?

Look at this pathetic behaviour:

First he writes in Urdu + Punjabi which was confirmed to me be other Pakistani members. He even boasted about writing in Punjabi to me as well.

Then he gets embarrassed by Indians over being unable to understand Hindi, by calling the Ganges river a prostitute:

China, India can 'change the world' - Pakistan Defence Forum

Then of course every knows how much pleasure he gets out of making fun of Indian rapes. The thing that people don't know is that he also makes fun of Chinese women who were raped, in the thread about eve-teasing.
So now I need to learn Hindi from you! Do you know the meaning of Double Entendre?

Chaube Gaye Chabbey Banne , Dubey banke Aaye .

This is your whole life story on PDF
Real Indian members here think he is a Pakistani.

The facts are indisputable. He can speak Urdu/Punjabi yet cannot understand any Hindi word that does not also exist in Urdu (for example in that thread when he was calling the Ganges a prostitute).

He makes fun of Indian rapes as his main hobby (as we have all seen), and he makes fun of raped Chinese women as his second calling.

He starts threads about how India "won" the 1962 war, obviously to start a flame war between Chinese and Indians.

He is getting more worried now after the Indians were calling for war against Pakistan over the beheading episode, so he is going into overdrive, thinking he can use a forum to get his two neighbouring countries to fight each other. :rolleyes:

The sad thing is that there are plenty of real Indians who are willing to start flame wars for free, he didn't even need to do it.

Why do Chinese members thank him, in one thread he said he'll conquer China and make Chinese women his slaves.
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Why do Chinese members thank him, in one thread he said he'll conquer China and make Chinese women his slaves.

"Enemy" is always making fun of raped Chinese women, and saying that he will make Chinese women his slaves.

Any Chinese person who thanks him for insulting our women is an idiot.
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