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Chinese Aircraft Carrier Liaoning is Bigger, More Powerful & Cheaper than I

Is there any plan from China to deploy couple of them in Indian Ocean close to SL shore ;)
^Got your point and you aim but Nope not in next 5 years at least. The ACC is for training and research purpose and its main theater will be SCS and Pacific as its of more priority as far as deploying an ACC is concerned.

The training of deck crew, officers, pilots etc. will take a lot of time.
i think the chinese navy will use it as a helicopter carrier untill their pilots and j-15's fleet is fully ready to take on.

Sir, you will be dispointed soon. Be aware that China is not India and do not think in your Indian way.

I think India can do better than letting the Russians refit the Gorshkov. I don't quite understand why India does not ask Russia to build a new Kuznetsov Class from scratch. Alternatively, India could buy Gorshkov and try to refit by their own engineers. Yes India may encounter lots of difficulties in the process, but these are valuable experiences that can be used for India' indigenous AC.

All world know it is impossible for India to refit.
^ I was just expressing a possibility otherwise it will be useless to operate a ACC without any aircraft on it even if you have just launched it and whats wrong with operating helis from the AC carrier every navy in the world does that, or your navy is too much arrogant to do that because of its different chinese thinking.
My friends its not about AC weight and price tag.... AC is about what you got on it and around it.... Indian AC are totaly far superior because most on it are from russia, israel, uk and france (and USA soon).... These countries are developed nations.... Indian AC is far superior and will be superior in asia for many decades.... We got AC, Russia building AC for india while india itself building a AC (soon to be launched) and got one more on paper.... China can never match india in AC catagory.... If china decides to build more AC than india got chance to order AC from uk, france and yes USA (might tell them to built AC for india while same time we built our own too).... Indian AC got most powerful radars, jammers, anti missiles, jet fighters and in future AC u will see Rafale and F-35 taking off from indian AC.... AC is not about size.... Cargo ships are even 3 times bigger.... AC is about technology.... Also AC is about what we got on it and also around it.... Indian AC will be protected not only by Jet fighters, missiles and anti-missiles but also submarines, stealth fridgets destroyers etc etc.... India got so much experience of having AC and we even used AC in real war.... Chinese navy chief visited our AC and he kept saying he felt AC power and he wish china to have AC soon.... India will always lead in asia in AC catagory due to far advanced Technology on it....
It's not possible. If you know Indian shipyard. You will know they have not choice but to bite the bullet and ask Russia to do the refit. Unless India start to invest billions in shipyard facilities. But that will mean waiting for another 10 years.

Even the indigenuous carrier is just bull. The work has stopped as they encounter difficulties.

Indigenous carrier is bull? They floated out the hull last year, the thing should be fully ready by next year.
Sir, you will be dispointed soon. Be aware that China is not India and do not think in your Indian way.

Of course you geniuses lose no chance to troll, but do remember that the J-15 is the very first Naval Plane China is operating. It is slated to be ready by 2015-2016, so what is the navy gonna do till then? The obvious answer is, finish off the sea trials, and use the Liaoning as a Helo carrier.

All world know it is impossible for India to refit.

And why do you say so? We have been using ACCs since China has been using nukes. We can make ACCs better than any Asian country.
EzioAltaïr;3449167 said:
Indigenous carrier is bull? They floated out the hull last year, the thing should be fully ready by next year.

It's not possible. So what the empty hull is floated? Does it mean it can be ready soon or next year? You all can say what u want. It will not be ready next year or sooner. That is the problem of India. Always too ambition and simplify the difficulties.

EzioAltaïr;3449167 said:
Indigenous carrier is bull? They floated out the hull last year, the thing should be fully ready by next year.

It's not possible. So what the empty hull is floated? Does it mean it can be ready soon or next year? You all can say what u want. It will not be ready next year or sooner. That is the problem of India. Always too ambition and simplify the difficulties.
It's not possible. So what the empty hull is floated? Does it mean it can be ready soon or next year? You all can say what u want. It will not be ready next year or sooner. That is the problem of India. Always too ambition and simplify the difficulties.

No, that is the problem with trolls. Always too much trolling, and little sense. I'm only saying what officials have said.
EzioAltaïr;3449468 said:
No, that is the problem with trolls. Always too much trolling, and little sense. I'm only saying what officials have said.

Please wait up from reality! India now is not
Capable of building a carrier. As I say floating an empty hull is useless if u can fit the sub system. Engine, radar, catapult, arrestor hull and many many more...
only the empty hull is cheap. the stuff they put on it probably in billion of dollars range..

it's worth if it cost billions: job creation, learning curbe for Shipyard personal, acquire required technologie and experience for future AC construction. AC is new toys for Chinese ship industrie...this is an invaluable opportunity for all chineses either military or civilian to work togheter on one main goald: build a decent naval power...we 're moving on right direction
I think India can do better than letting the Russians refit the Gorshkov. I don't quite understand why India does not ask Russia to build a new Kuznetsov Class from scratch. Alternatively, India could buy Gorshkov and try to refit by their own engineers. Yes India may encounter lots of difficulties in the process, but these are valuable experiences that can be used for India' indigenous AC.

They rather fail to try than try and fail
If you have some knowledge and know some history of Soviet Union. Russia shipyard quality is even worst than China.

Define quality.

The shipyard that can build large ship is at Ukraine. After Soviet collaspe, Ukraine inherit the facilities.

So where have all of the ships that have been build after 1991 come from? All the ships that are under construction, where are they being built?

Ever heard of Russia needed to buy Mistral LHD from France?

Ever heard of the reason as to why the Mistral was purchased? It has nothing to do with ability to built the ship but the time required to built the ship. The Russian Navy needs and wants a Mistral type ship as soon as possible, it does not want to wait 10 years for a similar type ship to be designed, have a shipyard built or modified to accommodate, wait years for the ship to be completed, begin sea trials, and finally get commissioned.

And in case you did not know, one Mistral in under construction in Vladivostok while another is to be laid down in Sevastopol. So much for your claim that Russia has no facilities to construct large ships.
Define quality.

So where have all of the ships that have been build after 1991 come from? All the ships that are under construction, where are they being built?

Ever heard of the reason as to why the Mistral was purchased? It has nothing to do with ability to built the ship but the time required to built the ship. The Russian Navy needs and wants a Mistral type ship as soon as possible, it does not want to wait 10 years for a similar type ship to be designed, have a shipyard built or modified to accommodate, wait years for the ship to be completed, begin sea trials, and finally get commissioned.

And in case you did not know, one Mistral in under construction in Vladivostok while another is to be laid down in Sevastopol. So much for your claim that Russia has no facilities to construct large ships.

What kind of ship Russia has build after 1991? May I know? Not even a single PHASED ARRAR radar ship has build for domestic or foreign customer. How advance is Russian shipyard?

You can twist and avoid this that. It's undeniable Russia not able to build and design something like Mistral LHD. That they require France assistance and technology transfer. Abt the time or what is just BS excuse use by you. Without France help, Russia never able to handle and build something like LHD.

Define quality.

So where have all of the ships that have been build after 1991 come from? All the ships that are under construction, where are they being built?

Ever heard of the reason as to why the Mistral was purchased? It has nothing to do with ability to built the ship but the time required to built the ship. The Russian Navy needs and wants a Mistral type ship as soon as possible, it does not want to wait 10 years for a similar type ship to be designed, have a shipyard built or modified to accommodate, wait years for the ship to be completed, begin sea trials, and finally get commissioned.

And in case you did not know, one Mistral in under construction in Vladivostok while another is to be laid down in Sevastopol. So much for your claim that Russia has no facilities to construct large ships.

What kind of ship Russia has build after 1991? May I know? Not even a single PHASED ARRAR radar ship has build for domestic or foreign customer. How advance is Russian shipyard?

You can twist and avoid this that. It's undeniable Russia not able to build and design something like Mistral LHD. That they require France assistance and technology transfer. Abt the time or what is just BS excuse use by you. Without France help, Russia never able to handle and build something like LHD.
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