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Chinese Air Force (PLAAF) News & Discussions

New advanced XSAR(X-band SAR) developed,will be deployed shortly:

高分专项重要 观测设备通过评审- 中国日报网

Per National Defense Science and Technology Industry Bureau:enjoy::tup:

高分专项重要 观测设备通过评审

2013-11-24 01:05:00 来源:科技日报

[提要] (记者付毅飞)记者11月22日从国家国防科技工业局获悉,我国高分专项航空系统的首个观测设备——X波段高分辨率全极化合成孔径雷达(XSAR),已顺利通过技术校飞总结会评审。

 原标题:高分专项重要 观测设备通过评审

  科技日报讯 (记者付毅飞)记者11月22日从国家国防科技工业局获悉,我国高分专项航空系统的首个观测设备——X波段高分辨率全极化合成孔径雷达(XSAR),已顺利通过技术校飞总结会评审。雷达功能性能达到预期目标,所获取的图像画质清晰、层次丰富,将于近期投入使用。


This may have been covered somewhere but the posting of this official news today, December 3, 2013, through the State media that J-15 has officially started production:




And salute to our late Chief 罗阳:


Chief Luo Yang's statue established on the 1st anniversay of his passing away

Our everlasting Hero:

Credits: Jiangsu Xinhuanet, Sohu, Chinanews.com, Xinhuanet
I estimate the no of production for J-15

1. Liaoning: 30
2. next 2 carriers: 30-40 = total 60-80
3. 1 nuclear CVN:50-70

25 extra for back up.
10 for training
so up to year 2020 the number of J-15 that we are going to produce is

Upper limit: 215
Lower limit: 175
Will J-31 on board in the future?

Considering the time for incubation is around at least 7 to 8 years, J-31 will barely start its mass production in 2020 if all test flights go well in the interim.

As the tensions builid up in our neighbourhood, there is no time to wait for J-31's induction
Also J-15 is built on the established platform of J-11 and variants
AVIC and Ukraine's Ivchenko-Progress to deepen aero-engine development ties - IHS Jane's 360

The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) and Ukrainian engine manufacturer Ivchenko-Progress have agreed to expand collaboration in developing and producing aero-engines.

Citing an official from Ivchenko-Progress, the Interfax-Ukraine news agency reported on 5 December that the agreement facilitates the modernisation of existing aircraft engines as well as the joint development and manufacturing of "new engines for aircraft and helicopters".

AVIC also confirmed the collaboration programme in a statement published on 2 December following meetings between AVIC president Lin Zuoming and representatives from Ukroboronprom, Ukraine's state-owned defence industrial holding company.

Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych also paid a visit to AVIC during his three-day trip to China, which concluded on 6 December, in which the two countries agreed to a "2014-2018 strategic partnership development plan" that calls for industrial collaboration across several sectors, including aerospace.
Colonel Shen Jinke, news spokesperson of the Chinese air force, said on the 28th November that the Chinese air force had dispatched S-30 and J-11 and other main battle aircraft for a standard air patrol in China's East China Air Defense Identification Zone, so as to reinforce the monitoring of aerial targets and carry out a range of missions and tasks. Interviewed by a media reporter, military expert Du Wenlong said that we have placed both "eyes" and "fists" in the Air Defense Identification Zone at the same time, and have given full play to our active capabilities.

He emphasized that the Chinese air force always maintains a high state of defense readiness, and will take the appropriate measures to deal with any air threats and resolutely protect the security of China's air defenses.

Explaining the format of the patrols, Du Wenlong said that this particular model is an air-to-air combination: i.e. it organizes the early warning aircraft and fighters into air formations while cruising in the Air Defense Identification Zone. This allows the air command and early warning capacity and the air interception capacity to be very closely combined. The Air Early Warning 2000 not only has a very wide scope of early warning and a long scouting range, but also can control many groups of targets with great precision. In addition, it can also command large numbers of aircraft tasked with intercepting targets.

China's main battle military aircraft can intercept multiple targets in the air defense identification zone - People's Daily Online

PLAAF is top to bottom professional air force. They must have calculated all the pros and cons before taking the responsibility of maintaining the law and order within the CADIZ. They must also have considered ways of countering eventualities in case there are F 22 or B 2 stealth factors.


PLA's main battle fighters patrol air defense zone - People's Daily Online

is it for real this time? The WS-10? This engine is like Chinese soccer, i been hurt too many time, and yet I can't quit you.

Same as a crazy girlfriend.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Sooooooooooooo funny dude.
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