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Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

Yes, India certainly not the same one as 1962,

The "new India" 2009;

India on various Global ranking studies

Global Hunger Index (GHI)

India’s score is 23.7, with a rank of 66th out of 88 countries, categorized under Alarming

The Human Development Report UNDP

India 134 out of 182 countries , categorized under Medium Human Development

Global Peace Index

India’s ranked 122 with 2.422 score

Global Corruption Index

Transparency International has downgraded India’s ranking from 72 to 85 in the list of world’s corruption-plagued countries

WEF The Global Gender Gap Report

India ranked 114 lisetd very poorly on the economic, education and health subindexes.

WEF Global Information Technology Report

India is down four places this year, at 54th

CIA world fact book on Account Balance

India listed as 182, the Current account balance of India is -37,510,000,000 (minus)

World Health Organization Statistical System
India on various Global ranking studies India Fact Book:smitten::pakistan::china:
India listed as 182, the Current account balance of India is -37,510,000,000 (minus)

Is that in Rupees or Dollars... If that is in Dollars, I need to take my investments out of India fast, Please Let me know!!!!

I would also check America in that same senario.
Is that in Rupees or Dollars... If that is in Dollars, I need to take my investments out of India fast, Please Let me know!!!!

I would also check America in that same senario.

When it comes to debt in absolute dollar, I'm certain that US top the chart many times over. But the rest of the world still rely on the US economy to keep them going. Moreover, the rest of the world still keep boku $ in their reserve.
Yes, India certainly not the same one as 1962,

The "new India" 2009;

India on various Global ranking studies

Global Hunger Index (GHI)

India’s score is 23.7, with a rank of 66th out of 88 countries, categorized under Alarming

The Human Development Report UNDP

India 134 out of 182 countries , categorized under Medium Human Development

Global Peace Index

India’s ranked 122 with 2.422 score

Global Corruption Index

Transparency International has downgraded India’s ranking from 72 to 85 in the list of world’s corruption-plagued countries

WEF The Global Gender Gap Report

India ranked 114 lisetd very poorly on the economic, education and health subindexes.

WEF Global Information Technology Report

India is down four places this year, at 54th

CIA world fact book on Account Balance

India listed as 182, the Current account balance of India is -37,510,000,000 (minus)

World Health Organization Statistical System
India on various Global ranking studies India Fact Book:smitten::pakistan::china:

How would all these statistic translate into India would not be able to defend itself better than 1962. Maybe is because of these statistics, the Indian arm force is much stronger:lol:.
When it comes to debt in absolute dollar, I'm certain that US top the chart many times over. But the rest of the world still rely on the US economy to keep them going. Moreover, the rest of the world still keep boku $ in their reserve.

Really then why is India buying gold around the world for Dollars, hummm?

Please explain I would love to know now!!!!
Really then why is India buying gold around the world for Dollars, hummm?

Please explain I would love to know now!!!!

Well, because gold is a better investment than dollar. I'm looking to buy gold also. However, US dollar, despite its weakness. Despite the sad state of the US economy, the rest of the world are still relatively weak and has issues.

People still has the most trust in US economy despite that India and China are growing very fast
People still has the most trust in US economy despite that India and China are growing very fast

india was not even mentioned/discussed during the last crisis.
their economy is way too small to have any real impact in a global scale.

or we can put it into this way: if india is nuked, the whole world can still functioning as usual, the same can't be said for the US and China.
india was not even mentioned/discussed during the last crisis.
their economy is way too small to have any real impact in a global scale.

or we can put it into this way: if india is nuked, the whole world can still functioning as usual, the same can't be said for the US and China.

Mostly true but why rub it in?
In the past few days, most Indian posters are very modest about bragging. You have done your job. Anything else would be too much.
Don't forget 1971 and Kargil.

Now, you are out of debate :smokin:

For Chinese :bounce: on 1962, it's 2009 and you are welcomed to be a friend but not at cost of AP or any other so-called Chinese territory. We are defending our borders Proactively.



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This is 2009 and no bengalis to get confused by ur proxys and no civil war and PAKISTAN isnt fighting 2 countries supported by a super power.Still in 71 u can see ur jet loses versus our jet loses etc.Remember 1948 an ill equiped army of tribals and villagers with no ordinance factories or an established army or airforce.Reclaiming there land from a big country which had 18 ordinance factories and most of the army airforce etc and then all know what hapened,1962 thrashing from the chinese.1965 unannounced attack at night by a country with twice the army and 1:3 the ratio of jets supported by USSR KNOW WHAT HAPPENED?
Kargil a fair thrashing militarily by paramilitary and mujahedeen armed by light weapons like machine guns RPGs and light mortars
=against indian airforce army equiped with heavy army contingents and gunships....WAR ENDS BY (fear of a full scale nuke war)USAs PRESIDENT CLINTON and the worlds pressure on PAKISTAN......WEAK NAWAZ SHARIF GOT SCARED AND CALLED FOR WITHDRAWAL resulting in casualities on PAKISTANI SIDE,,,,,,NOTE ONLY AFTER THE WITHDRAWAL CASUALITIES WERE TAKEN, indian loses between 4 or 5 Jets and helicopters or gunships......result nobody won in a war which was on one side taken as a light skimrish on the otherside(indian)taken as a full scale war....
MORAL=india is big no doubt but no the VICTOR in the battlefield.


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india was not even mentioned/discussed during the last crisis.
their economy is way too small to have any real impact in a global scale.

or we can put it into this way: if india is nuked, the whole world can still functioning as usual, the same can't be said for the US and China.

u think this world will stop if China is nuked...

why will the sun not rise next day or the earth will stop rotating...:rofl::rofl:

Mind it dear.. it doesnt make a penny's difference if ur China is nuked...:whistle:
india was not even mentioned/discussed during the last crisis.
their economy is way too small to have any real impact in a global scale.

or we can put it into this way: if india is nuked, the whole world can still functioning as usual, the same can't be said for the US and China.

it proves...u dont read anything...n ur imagination is just what u post here...

a first class child knows(coz he is free to form his opinion unlike u) India has been given the credit for the fast recovery of the world from the Economic depression...
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