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Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

Typical Indian mentality! Like to cover up their failure. You will never learn from mistake.


whereas u will continue to learn from ur numerous copy and fail missile tests..:)

and will continue to lie about evrything..typical chinese mentality..:smokin:
the NK, which is isolated to the rest of the world, is doing a better job.

the real problem behind is why indian can't make Agni work. I think the major reason is indian always talk, they never work hard on anything. if you look at the defence projects of india, it is the best match definition of "failure", failed arjun, failed LCA, failed Agni.

they even can't operate Su-30/27 safe.

you have to ask why. because they only care about polotical shows, one one is willing to do the hard work and actually improve the strength of the nation and the lives of millions.

Doing better job or what? they can even make their missile or space rocket successful till now

The Agni will work, you will see it soon dont worry,

Would you like to clarify that why did chinese Air force drop JF -17 which they are planning to buy in 250 nos? Oh No..... Did Chinese air for told what is the reason ?

I can suggest one of the reason the JF-17 dont make up to the mark of Chinese air force, thats why they chose to fly MIG 21 type instead of these JF-17 :rofl:

Arjun is not accepted by Army because of its heavy weight which India's cold start doctrine now depends on Light Weight tanks which can move swiftly.

YOU saying Arjun failed because army not accepted , then you call JF_17 failed because Chinese airforce thing MIG-21 copy is better then JF-17 , they didnt brother to replace those.

china should understand one thing never underestimate your enemy

you don't know indian blood just ask from Pakistani because befor 1947 they were also Indian

china aggression is good for our country now our power is increasing

your hate is our power

jai hind

china should understand one thing never underestimate your enemy

you don't know indian blood just ask from Pakistani because befor 1947 they were also Indian

china aggression is good for our country now our power is increasing

your hate is our power

jai hind

cool down mate.

China and India are responsible nations. Both believe in prosperity and peace and most importantly economic growth.

Economy deadlock is a price that none of the two are willing to pay and hence war is a very distant happeneing.

See whats happening in Cope 15 , see how we jointly bid for Oil resources, we have a large population to feed and such common interests make us close as well.
A lot of Indians members believe that overall, India weaponry, military technology and military manufacturing capability is overall superior to that of China. Am I correct? Also, how many Chinese members believe that Chinese weaponry, military technology and military manufacturing capability is overall superior to that of Russia or Europe?
A lot of Indians members believe that overall, India weaponry, military technology and military manufacturing capability is overall superior to that of China. Am I correct? Also, how many Chinese members believe that Chinese weaponry, military technology and military manufacturing capability is overall superior to that of Russia or Europe?

Since when you surveyed Indian members??quit talking about what Indians feel and do if you don't know about it...Yes we now have western and Russian weaponry which is much better than that of China..can you deny that?
A lot of Indians members believe that overall, India weaponry, military technology and military manufacturing capability is overall superior to that of China. Am I correct? Also, how many Chinese members believe that Chinese weaponry, military technology and military manufacturing capability is overall superior to that of Russia or Europe?

Indian Air Chief recently Openly said we r 1/3 of PLAAF.

Indians know and respect the reality, if u close ur eyes with just thinking what pleases u - u r simply closing all the doors to improvement.

Similarily we know that though we r ahead of Pakistan, it still is worth thinking that the neighbor is nuke capable.
We dont boast our capability.

We lag behind China, Statistically.
But firmly maintain that we are all capable of dealing with any foreign threats.
Its clear that Xinix and seiko provides two contrasting responses to my question. Xinix took at the whole picture and provide a thoughtful analysis and response to my question. Seiko nit pick on a few instance of Russian/Western imports (which twist my question around to fit his view) and avoid answering the question but point out how his answer shows India is better than China. This is the mentality of avoiding the truth. The worst part about his post is not his answer but two other Indians agree with seiko and none respond to Xinix.

If Indian politicians and media is more like Xinix, which clearly see the truth, I am certain India would be in a much better state than it is right now. India would have inducted its LCA program and working on its MCA and its fielding 900 of its Arjun tanks instead of T90 tanks. After all, how can one improve unless you engage with reality. If someone like Xinix is put in charge with India's weapon development and program, I'm certain that India, with its huge pool of superior engineers, would be able to equal the west in technologically. If someone like seiko is in charge of India, India would disintegrate to something similar to Somalia. Unfortunately, base on the opinions of Indians here, most people would prefer to be like seiko than Xinix. This need to change for India to not just grow, but survive.
Its clear that Xinix and seiko provides two contrasting responses to my question. Xinix took at the whole picture and provide a thoughtful analysis and response to my question. Seiko nit pick on a few instance of Russian/Western imports (which twist my question around to fit his view) and avoid answering the question but point out how his answer shows India is better than China. This is the mentality of avoiding the truth. The worst part about his post is not his answer but two other Indians agree with seiko and none respond to Xinix.

If Indian politicians and media is more like Xinix, which clearly see the truth, I am certain India would be in a much better state than it is right now. India would have inducted its LCA program and working on its MCA and its fielding 900 of its Arjun tanks instead of T90 tanks. After all, how can one improve unless you engage with reality. If someone like Xinix is put in charge with India's weapon development and program, I'm certain that India, with its huge pool of superior engineers, would be able to equal the west in technologically. If someone like seiko is in charge of India, India would disintegrate to something similar to Somalia. Unfortunately, base on the opinions of Indians here, most people would prefer to be like seiko than Xinix. This need to change for India to not just grow, but survive.

you totally misunderstood man..I asked whether western or Chinese weapons are good??Considering the facts that India having western weaponry is having a quality advantage in the short run ..is it true or false?

And every one in India knows that our indigenous programme is in debacle now..but its natural with some one who start from the scratch..we cannot dream about developing all the weapon by our own..so the governent is making suitable steps for co-developing weapons with other countries ..

And about India will disintegrate to something similar to Somalia..As per your claim Indians are self boasting..well since 1947 India is ruled by the same self boasting Indians and will continue to rule by the self boasting Indians still we are not disintegrate to something similar to Somalia ..And we are not intend become like Somalia ..We know our limitations and we know our strengths..I never left my country in my entire life..I know the development of my country..I know the changes occurring in my country..I know lots of lives changed due to the progress of my country..You only know the poverty ridden India..But i know my country better..so quit preaching me what to do and what not to
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Its clear that Xinix and seiko provides two contrasting responses to my question. Xinix took at the whole picture and provide a thoughtful analysis and response to my question. Seiko nit pick on a few instance of Russian/Western imports (which twist my question around to fit his view) and avoid answering the question but point out how his answer shows India is better than China. This is the mentality of avoiding the truth. The worst part about his post is not his answer but two other Indians agree with seiko and none respond to Xinix.

If Indian politicians and media is more like Xinix, which clearly see the truth, I am certain India would be in a much better state than it is right now. India would have inducted its LCA program and working on its MCA and its fielding 900 of its Arjun tanks instead of T90 tanks. After all, how can one improve unless you engage with reality. If someone like Xinix is put in charge with India's weapon development and program, I'm certain that India, with its huge pool of superior engineers, would be able to equal the west in technologically. If someone like seiko is in charge of India, India would disintegrate to something similar to Somalia. Unfortunately, base on the opinions of Indians here, most people would prefer to be like seiko than Xinix. This need to change for India to not just grow, but survive.

buddy keep that advise for the chinese.... They have more aircraft crashes than India
China- Unofficially 4, so u can imagine actual figure to be b/w 10-20..... coz they hide so well their failures from public eye.. and even after that if unofficial figure is 4 the actual figure is bound to be very high....

what seiko and Xinix have said is both correct...

(seiko)In terms of quality India definately outclasses China....(as most of India tech is West/Russia...)
(Xinix) CHina has more numbers(but the quality of equipment is very poor as copared to west/russia...)

as seiko rightly put it
"Yes we now have western and Russian weaponry which is much better than that of China..can you deny that?"
the question which u infact didnt answer from seiko is ....can you deny that? no u cannot coz West/Russian technology is better now than China and will be for decades.
If someone like seiko is in charge of India, India would disintegrate to something similar to Somalia

this Infact shows your boastful and over confident attitude...which is what leads to the downfall of the countries LIKE CHINA where ppl think like u..
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faithfulguy, you just waste your efforts talking to those people who are still in deep dream....when they come to much shock with the reality then they will naturally be more prone to listen to the advices like you mention at here at 2009....but when that moment come for slumbering indians , i think it would be all too late for change already....
this Infact shows your boastful and over confident attitude...which is what leads to the downfall of the countries where ppl think like u..

That is why I'm trying to help you change your attitutes. Can you imagine if India become a failed state like Somalia. Its a big country with many people that will create nightmare for its neighbors.

I hope more Indians are like Xinix. He is a sensible guy with logic. If more Indians think like him, India probably won't have any issues any of its neighbors, including Pakistan.
and faithfulguy, you are a proindependence taiwanese isnt it?? want to find some anti ccp regime entity to secure taiwan independence??? let your eyes become brighter, what we yanhuang descendants can do is to strengthen and unite ourselves and restore the glory of zhonghua civilization and show and guide the world unique zhonghua pathway(philosohy and thoughts), instead of arguing with vulgar people here.....dont allow the bunch of people on the mere island become 华夏民族千古罪人 that drag down the entire zhonghua society......all overseas huaren hopes are with rising mainland , not with taiwan island as some hyping daydreamers on the island must know......pragmatism for further development brings true progress...not western demoncrazy.....zhongguo can have own unique political reforms someday but not now.....
That is why I'm trying to help you change your attitutes. Can you imagine if India become a failed state like Somalia. Its a big country with many people that will create nightmare for its neighbors.

I hope more Indians are like Xinix. He is a sensible guy with logic. If more Indians think like him, India probably won't have any issues any of its neighbors, including Pakistan.

What kind of logic are you talking about??you some times beg that India should be a slave of US and act as US wish.when Indian members say we have Independent policy in foreign relations you are saying Indians are Boasting..You dont have to help us...we know what we are doing..And as i said the same boastful Indians are leading my country and we are not intend to fall like Somalia..and also men like you are still in Thaiwan but still why you guys having issues with China??
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