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Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

We had a tough 10 years shitty culture revolution which almost destroyed our military forces, e.g. only 400 tanks were ready for combat in 1979 when we invaded Vietnam. But instead of making excuses, we conquered Vietnam in just days.

Like all previous wars against Vietnam, we captured Lang Son and stopped moving forward. In case you lack the very basic idea of what is Lang Son, check it up on internet, it is the gate to the capital and the entire nation, Vietnamese King would surround himself to the Chinese troops every time when Lang Son was captured.

This guy has been posting so many craps in all the threads related to india. Also he disrespects the people of india and a neighbouring country. My kind request to all is never reply to this fool and cowardly guy ...:wave:
This guy has been posting so many craps in all the threads related to india. Also he disrespects the people of india and a neighbouring country. My kind request to all is never reply to this fool and cowardly guy ...:wave:

Everyone thinks that you are the dumbest and you still deny it.

Want a proof ? Didn't you see the title of this very thread ?

-- " shchinese aggression is good for Indians' Defence " :smitten:

Hey, it's an Indian who started this thread and has been proven very popular amongst your fellow Indians.

BTW, only "Thank you , Speeder, for saying that !" would be accepted for any response. :agree:
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Everyone thinks that you are the dumbest and you still deny it.

Want a proof ? Didn't you see the title of this very thread ?

-- " shchinese agression is good for Indians' Defence " :smitten:

Hey, it's an Indian who started this thread and proved very popular amongst your fellow Indians.

BTW, only "Thank you , Speeder for saying that !" would be accepted for any response. :agree:

Good one buddy, Lets keep it simple, a provoking topic deserved

some aggressive reply. End of the story.:china::cheers::china:
I believe he (schinese) might be paid by the chinese or Pak members to ruin all the valuabe and informative threads to related to india and defence... Forum admin's shud kick him out of this forum for using derogatory language in his replies to the threads posted...he gives false information about indian products and posts unrelated info with regards to the thread
Everyone thinks that you are the dumbest and you still deny it.

Want a proof ? Didn't you see the title of this very thread ?

-- " shchinese aggression is good for Indians' Defence " :smitten:

Hey, it's an Indian who started this thread and has been proven very popular amongst your fellow Indians.

BTW, only "Thank you , Speeder, for saying that !" would be accepted for any response. :agree:

An informative reply is always welcome, but some fellow members often post useless craps unrelated to the topic..
I believe he (schinese) might be paid by the chinese or Pak members to ruin all the valuabe and informative threads to related to india and defence... Forum admin's shud kick him out of this forum for using derogatory language in his replies to the threads posted...he gives false information about indian products and posts unrelated info with regards to the thread

Read this and stop your personal attack before you open your big

mouth again !!
http://www.defence.pk/forums/forum-information/41367-troll-fatwas.html :smitten::pakistan::china:
An informative reply is always welcome, but some fellow members often post useless craps unrelated to the topic..

Good thought !

To follow your lead, I encourage all the rest Indian memberes here to
proactively report you as a troll. :agree:

Now back to the thread topic, how aggresive do you want us Chinese to be for your own good? :blink:
Good thought !

To follow your lead, I encourage all the rest Indian memberes here to
proactively report you as a troll. :agree:

Now back to the thread topic, how aggresive do you want us Chinese to be for your own good? :blink:

Buddy, I am am afraid you ask the wrong question, with this kind of

mindset from their leaders, no matter how aggressive China is won't


For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.
India can't match China's military force: Navy Chief:cheers::china:
Buddy, I am am afraid you ask the wrong question, with this kind of

mindset from their leaders, no matter how aggressive China is won't


For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.
India can't match China's military force: Navy Chief:cheers::china:

Feed your insecure ego by comparing a developing nation like India to yours, It easy aint it ? can you do the same with a developed nation??? lack of confidence eh?
Feed your insecure ego by comparing a developing nation like India to yours, It easy aint it ? can you do the same with a developed nation??? lack of confidence eh?

Please stop trolling, if you have nothing to contribute, kindly go away,

We are having a healthy discussion about how Chinese aggression is

helping India's defence. :smitten::pakistan::china:
Buddy, I am am afraid you ask the wrong question, with this kind of

mindset from their leaders, no matter how aggressive China is won't


For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.
India can't match China's military force: Navy Chief:cheers::china:

So what is China waiting for? Bring your made in China tanks and your made in China army and come take over the disputed territory :partay:
So what is China waiting for? Bring your made in China tanks and your made in China army and come take over the disputed territory :partay:

LOL :rofl: They are still not that great yet. Well back to topic if a 4 or 3 (I'm not sure) trillion dollar economy (China) can think and dream about competing with US (14 trillion dollar economy) tell me why can't India (1 trillion dollar economy) think and dream about catching up with China
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