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Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

100% Indians dont want such cars

show me the crash test results of your indian cars, or maybe indian cars are not qualified for a test like that?

here are more Chinese car crash tests, how about stop hidding the truth?

selecting a bad crash test out of hundreds of 3 star plus test results, try to fool the general public, that is the exact definition of loser.
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When Muhammad Ali said that he was greatest, was he boasting or he was just stating a fact?

If anyone else made this statement, it would have been a boast.

China and previously Taiwan and prior to that, Japan, made inferior products and ship them to the US. Their product were butt of jokes in the US. (Japan 60s to early 70s, Taiwan late 70s to early 90s and China 90s till now) And its the Americans who made fun of these Asian products. Its disrespectful. But its true that Americans made better products than these countries. As that have been the case, Americans have more of a right to said that these Asian countries make inferior products. Now, Americans have a lot of respect for Japanese made cars and gaining confidence in Taiwanese made products. As an American, I have more of a right to be critical of bad quality Chinese product in Walmart. Which is frustrating me but they have the best prices so I still go there.
Even though China's products are inferior, they are cheap and even more poor and less capable countries than China would purchase those product. If these countries laugh at China's inferior products as compare to the west, the insult is on these countries.
Well i do agree to alot things that Shchinese has said :smokin: (for a change) ... the bonhomie between India and US can absolutely under no circumstances be compared to the relationship between China and Pakistan and is more a result of the current Geo-political situation in :sniper: South-east Asia. Russians are a time trusted friends but then to them money is a very important factor and they maybe the only country India can turn to in dire situations....

And about the comments about Chinese aggression good for india... its is absolutely true because its going to keep the defence sector and politicians of India on their toes... thats the best thing bout a rivalry it brings the best in both the concerned parties.Also today India might be procuring defense equipment from abroad ... but the amount required will at one point of time definitely make India's Indigenous market upto the mark ....we need the push and trust me u guys are givng us a hell of a one :yahoo: better that Pakistan ever could (did not want to bring them into this ..just mentioning).

I believe war is not an option in South east Asia as none of the countries involved will simply roll over and Die in case of an aggression so the losses will be grave on both sides and this is a deterrent bigger than nukes (especially between INDIA and CHINA)

And lastly about the poverty in India and its alleviation in China ...bro, im speaking for a lot of people when i say this the way we want our country to be run is different from the outlook that u have... and it will be ... im not saying that there is no scope for improvement ...hell there is a huge scope for it but ...its going to come in the form that we choose.

Well thats my 2 cents :pop:
let me tell you guys one more facts that you will never be able to deny in your life:

when Chinese products are found to be of poor quality, Chinese in general would admit the gap in terms of quality control and the professionalism. They will be willing to work hard to address the problem. A very good example is we always admire the good quality and professionalism demonstrated by many Japanese products even when Japan and China have a well known troubled relationship.

indian, on the other hand, still couldn't make a wide range of industrial products and they don't have any intention to fix these, they keep posting laughing at the quality of Chinese products. Tell me my lovely indian mate,

can you build 400 million mobile phones a year like we Chinese do?
can you build 12 million cars a year like we Chinese do?
can your nation build LCD TV panel on your own?
what is the name of your multi-core processor that can power your computers?

in case these are too high end for you guys, fine, show me the india car crash test results on youtube please.

Well i do agree to alot things that Shchinese has said :smokin: (for a change) ... the bonhomie between India and US can absolutely under no circumstances be compared to the relationship between China and Pakistan and is more a result of the current Geo-political situation in :sniper: South-east Asia. Russians are a time trusted friends but then to them money is a very important factor and they maybe the only country India can turn to in dire situations....

trust me one thing, russia is never going to be anyone's friend. we have a reasonable good relationship with russia, we buy a lot of their weapons, we supply them with all different products, we coordinate in the UNSC. but we are not friends.

keep this in mind:

russia is not going to be anyone's friend.
india currently do not have any friend.
US do not want to have any friend.
China only has one friend.
trust me one thing, russia is never going to be you anyone's friend. we have a reasonable good relationship with russia, we buy a lot of their weapons, we supply them with all different products, we coordinate in the UNSC. but we are not friends.

keep this in mind:

russia is not going to be anyone's friend.
india currently do not have any friend.
US do not want to have any friend.
China only has one friend.

China's friend must be Hong Kong. US is a very close friend of Israel, Canada, England, Japan and Australia. Besides Israel, US have bases on these countries. And I'm certain that US can have bases there if we request it.

Russia and Ukrain should be friends. As matter in fact, they would be one country again soon.

As for India, it has so many friends on this forum that it doesn't need friends any where else.
China's friend must be Hong Kong. US is a very close friend of Israel, Canada, England, Japan and Australia. Besides Israel, US have bases on these countries. And I'm certain that US can have bases there if we request it.

Russia and Ukrain should be friends. As matter in fact, they would be one country again soon.

As for India, it has so many friends on this forum that it doesn't need friends any where else.

What are you talking about ? Hongkong =part of China !! not friend !

Thats my hometown city.:smitten: :china:
let me tell you guys one more facts that you will never be able to deny in your life:

when Chinese products are found to be of poor quality, Chinese in general would admit the gap in terms of quality control and the professionalism. They will be willing to work hard to address the problem. A very good example is we always admire the good quality and professionalism demonstrated by many Japanese products even when Japan and China have a well known troubled relationship.

indian, on the other hand, still couldn't make a wide range of industrial products and they don't have any intention to fix these, they keep posting laughing at the quality of Chinese products. Tell me my lovely indian mate,

can you build 400 million mobile phones a year like we Chinese do?
can you build 12 million cars a year like we Chinese do?
can your nation build LCD TV panel on your own?
what is the name of your multi-core processor that can power your computers?

in case these are too high end for you guys, fine, show me the india car crash test results on youtube please.


Well, China is making progress. But no need to talk about India by saying what it doesn't have. 15 years ago, other people can say to China like what you say to India. So maybe in 15 years, India would have the technology that China has today. No need to put India down.

You pretty much has quiet the Indians who were boasting in here and the only Indians that are in here are the more reasonable ones. So no need to react.
What are you talking about ? Hongkong =part of China !! not friend !

Thats my hometown city.:smitten: :china:

But Hong Kong can also be a friend of China as it is a special economic zone. I see Hong Kong athletes in the Olympics. If its the Hong Kong ping pong player playing against china, who do you support, Hong Kong guys or China guys?
But Hong Kong can also be a friend of China as it is a special economic zone. I see Hong Kong athletes in the Olympics. If its the Hong Kong ping pong player playing against china, who do you support, Hong Kong guys or China guys?

No brainer, Hongkong, cause thats my hometown, but I don't see

anything special, just like NBA in US, every team supported by their

hometown fans.:cheers::china:
No brainer, Hongkong, cause thats my hometown, but I don't see

anything special, just like NBA in US, every team supported by their

hometown fans.:cheers::china:

Olympics is about national pride. HOng Kong and Taiwan is in affect a separate country when it comes to Olympic games. Their medal count is not include in the China count.
we tried. in 1962, our army moved to somewhere 100km away from your capital, that is the results of more than 3000 of your soldiers killed in action.

u want 2 compare 1962 to 2009? remember when vietnam whipped yr bum? think that scenario can happen again ? then rethink 1962 scenario
u want 2 compare 1962 to 2009? remember when vietnam whipped yr bum? think that scenario can happen again ? then rethink 1962 scenario

We had a tough 10 years shitty culture revolution which almost destroyed our military forces, e.g. only 400 tanks were ready for combat in 1979 when we invaded Vietnam. But instead of making excuses, we conquered Vietnam in just days.

Like all previous wars against Vietnam, we captured Lang Son and stopped moving forward. In case you lack the very basic idea of what is Lang Son, check it up on internet, it is the gate to the capital and the entire nation, Vietnamese King would surround himself to the Chinese troops every time when Lang Son was captured.
We had a tough 10 years shitty culture revolution which almost destroyed our military forces, e.g. only 400 tanks were ready for combat in 1979 when we invaded Vietnam. But instead of making excuses, we conquered Vietnam in just days.

Like all previous wars against Vietnam, we captured Lang Son and stopped moving forward. In case you lack the very basic idea of what is Lang Son, check it up on internet, it is the gate to the capital and the entire nation, Vietnamese King would surround himself to the Chinese troops every time when Lang Son was captured.

Buddy, no need to waste your time on someone with a sore butt

from 1962, all they wanted is to troll to save face without any

creditable source to support their rediculous claim.:china:
We had a tough 10 years shitty culture revolution which almost destroyed our military forces, e.g. only 400 tanks were ready for combat in 1979 when we invaded Vietnam. But instead of making excuses, we conquered Vietnam in just days.

Like all previous wars against Vietnam, we captured Lang Son and stopped moving forward. In case you lack the very basic idea of what is Lang Son, check it up on internet, it is the gate to the capital and the entire nation, Vietnamese King would surround himself to the Chinese troops every time when Lang Son was captured.

Correction : You moved into Vietnam but moved out before they could get their troops back from Cambodia. After Vietnam whipped the Yanks so badly China was smart not to engage in a long term war with Vietnam. Some 200 000 Chinese troops against some 70 000 Vietnamese soldiers and civilians is an odd match I would say and yet the PLA got a sore bleeding nose in that saga. It's like running into your neighbour's house to quickly kiss his wife and running out before he gets home but still running out with a bleeding nose caused by the wife whacking you :D

Now all those factors which you pointed out pertaining to your losses in Vietnam are also pertinent to India's losses in 62. Point being that in another neighborly war, do not expect India to beg the world for guns for its army like it did in 62. The India you face today is a different miltary country from that which you faced in 62 and is vis a vis the China of 79 to the China of today against Vietnam
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