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Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

we tried. in 1962, our army moved to somewhere 100km away from your capital, that is the results of more than 3000 of your soldiers killed in action.

Provide credible sources for the part which is in bold or dont spew transgressions of your mind.
Well i would like our indian members to respond to the points raised by our chinese friend and not to the low quality in which it has been presented, he is showing his character in his post but we have nothing to do with it,and that doesnt mean that he is talking nonsense all the time.
I would rather suggest not to respond to him at all. What is the need, no matter what the topic is this guy bring 1962 into it, that goes to show he has no interest of discussion on topic.
Last year when the global financial climate was not that good, China made it clear to the world that China will never let Pak's international debt to overdue, who is going to provide you the same unlimited support?

What made you think that Pakistan is living on Chinese aid, i know you are using pakistan like USA have used it in past, against us, to engage india and to slow down its growth.
also to get oil & Gas route through Gwadar Port.

Plz see the following link of New York Times and stop insulting Pakistan and boast about false claims.:pakistan:

Rebuffed by China, Pakistan May Seek I.M.F. Aid
Any kind of military competition bring about improvement. Look at US/USSR competition in nucelar weapon and space exploration bring about changes in weaponry improvement and space exploration.

I'm still wondering why India is building a nuclear subs when it still haven't build a diesel/electric sub???? A sub construction is very difficult already. India would be the first country in history to build a nuclear sub as its indigenous sub.
Any kind of military competition bring about improvement. Look at US/USSR competition in nucelar weapon and space exploration bring about changes in weaponry improvement and space exploration.

I'm still wondering why India is building a nuclear subs when it still haven't build a diesel/electric sub???? A sub construction is very difficult already. India would be the first country in history to build a nuclear sub as its indigenous sub.

Hmm, Thats pure coincidence .

The real reason India is Building Nuclear subs is because India cant buy Nuclear subs.

India can buy as many advanced Diesel or electric subs as it wants.
Any kind of military competition bring about improvement. Look at US/USSR competition in nucelar weapon and space exploration bring about changes in weaponry improvement and space exploration.

I'm still wondering why India is building a nuclear subs when it still haven't build a diesel/electric sub???? A sub construction is very difficult already. India would be the first country in history to build a nuclear sub as its indigenous sub.
Faithfulhguy, I dont think there is a hard and fast rule on the progression of Submarine production.....

The Nuke sub gives us all the features that a Diesel Electric Sub would, but most importantly provides us the much needed "nuclear triad" that could be the ace up the Indian sleeve in case of a nuclear confrontation....

As is the rule of the game is to try to "one up" your opponent.....Pakistan at the moment with the procurement of U-214 German subs would have outclassed those in our current arsenal.....With the launch of the Arihant, we have surpassed the comepetion.....
Besides, the fact that one can only lease a nuke sub but not fit it with SLBM's required us to build indegenously...
yes, you won the 1962 war. now you feel happy?

don't forget to tell your mate that india won the 1962 war.

Why did China hand back all the territory it had captured in 1962? it could have kept it and that would have been the end of the dispute, instead it retreated, wonder why...
Any kind of military competition bring about improvement. Look at US/USSR competition in nucelar weapon and space exploration bring about changes in weaponry improvement and space exploration.

I'm still wondering why India is building a nuclear subs when it still haven't build a diesel/electric sub???? A sub construction is very difficult already. India would be the first country in history to build a nuclear sub as its indigenous sub.
Faithfulhguy, I dont think there is a hard and fast rule on the progression of Submarine production.....

The Nuke sub gives us all the features that a Diesel Electric Sub would, but most importantly provides us the much needed "nuclear triad" that could be the ace up the Indian sleeve in case of a nuclear confrontation....

As is the rule of the game is to try to "one up" your opponent.....Pakistan at the moment with the procurement of U-214 German subs would have outclassed those in our current arsenal.....With the launch of the Arihant, we have surpassed the comepetion.....
Besides, the fact that one can only lease a nuke sub but not fit it with SLBM's required us to build indegenously...

If India feel that it need to have a sub that is more advanced than U-214, than Arihant is not the way to go. India should procur more advance diesel electric subs. Arihant look more like a test platform than a real sub as the reactors are not even installed. Also, US, USSR and China suffered major nuclear sub problems. Arihant is likely to harm or kill Indian sailors than counter U-214.
Why did China hand back all the territory it had captured in 1962? it could have kept it and that would have been the end of the dispute, instead it retreated, wonder why...

It is because PLA were scared. They all ran back. :eek::eek:
Why did China hand back all the territory it had captured in 1962? it could have kept it and that would have been the end of the dispute, instead it retreated, wonder why...

1. China do not want the dispute to be resolved in that way. Actually when we had the war with india in 1962, it was not caused by the dispute that who owns the South Tibet or whether the McMahone Line should be regarded as the border of two nations, it was caused by the "forwarding policies" in which indian troops cross the border line which is claimed by themselves.

2. China did not return the territory captured in the western front.

3. South Tibet is only important to China if we have the intention to capture the entire india or to divide india into two separate parts, otherwise it is just a piece of useless land.
If India feel that it need to have a sub that is more advanced than U-214, than Arihant is not the way to go. India should procur more advance diesel electric subs. Arihant look more like a test platform than a real sub as the reactors are not even installed. Also, US, USSR and China suffered major nuclear sub problems. Arihant is likely to harm or kill Indian sailors than counter U-214.

the problem is india do not really intend to have such a domestic sub built in india. the regime in new delhi is only using it as a propaganda material to fool the people. they have been doing this for decades, by using Arjun and LCA, they tell indian there is an "incredible india", but they know that they can't fool 1 billion people with LCA and Arjun anymore after 30 years, so they come up with this new toy, the nuke sub.

Why did China hand back all the territory it had captured in 1962? it could have kept it and that would have been the end of the dispute, instead it retreated, wonder why...

lots of reasons:KMT/US counterattack the mainland,china-soviet hostility ,three years of natural disasters,supplies,“plain” india,etc.
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