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Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

I'm originally from Taiwan and the Taiwanese government claims China should be rule by the Taiwanese government. Few people from there still believe that Taiwan will one day take over China in a peaceful way. Also, if you want to talk about Taiwan, please get yourself educatd about Taiwan first.

great !! the same thing i am telling you again and again in different threads..get educated about India before talking ..But you are not listening :hitwall:
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Man disagreement this suggestion of yours lead you to start thinking that Indians are boasting a lot..as lot of members told you before I am repeating it " we have an independent foreign policy"..we have healthy relations with Russia,US and China to some extent..since we can take care of ourselves why should US troops has to defend our self??

chill out, I was merely providing an opinion as a response to a question.
Yes, of course China is still behind that of the west and Russia. However, I do see China's technology catching up to the Russian technology. The one country that is pulling away from everyone else is the US. China has to run just to stand still compare to the US.

However, this is comparing the US to China. As most Indian members only have their sight set on China, which is a backward developing country, my view is that China is pulling away from India in technology. In terms of military comparason, the only way for India to be able to compete with China is by purchasing. A lot of non-Indians in here suggested that India should just give up on developing weapons and instead use the money to import or for non-military needs. I believe that this would be a wise investment for Indian tax payers. Why spend so much money, so much time on developing a weapon that is obsolete because it took too much time. As a result, the military would only buy the imported products as they are much better.

I think a direct answer would have been more appropriate

That Yes Indian weapons are much superior to Chinese weapons...(imported or not doesnt matter)

I would have liked u now and would like you in future to accept this more openly than the grudging manner in which u accepted it in ur above post.....

now for ur second point:

WHatever India is building- an weapon is with TOT or in collaboration with West/Russian scientific community....
it is unlike China which is working in isolation.....

So whatever weapon India will make in future also will always be superior to Chinese weapon(because of TOT or West/Russian collaboration)

Secondly Indian scientific communities capabilities are renowed world over....they are as good as the west/russian when provided the right kind of resources....and even better sometimes...Infact we will catch up with west/russian standards much much earlier than China....

And i dont see China reaching anywhere near Russia/West Tech for decades...


ur suggestion that China will lead away in Tech from India is funny and laughable coz currently India got much better techology capability in defence sector than CHina...it is pure R&D as compared to copying done by China....going in future India will pull away furthur than now greatly from China and leapfrom many times ahead in Technology..
U learn 50 times more and ur Technological abilities increase manifold when u do ur own R&D.... copying results in 2 things:
a) poor quality of weapons as compared to original
b) no benefit to scientific mind of a scientist

the scientists which are habitual at copying become redundant and can ony do that- copying...
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great the same thing i am telling you again and again in different threads..get educated about India before talking ..But you are not listening :hitwall:

I guess all the Indian members here doesn't correspond to the mood of general Indians in regard to Indian defence.
chill out, I was merely providing an opinion as a response to a question.

Mate you are talking about this opinion in all India and China related topics..and response from Indian members are same every where as i wrote ..so you should have get the point by now...and you consider we are boasting becaus4e we dont agree with your points.what kind of logic is that?
I think a direct answer would have been more appropriate

That Yes Indian weapons are much superior to Chinese weapons...(imported or not doesnt matter)

I would like you in future to accept this more openly than the grudging manner in which u accepted it in ur above post.....

now for ur second point:

WHatever India is building- an weapon is with TOT or in collaboration with West/Russian scientific community....
it is unlike China which is working in isolation.....

So whatever weapon India will make in future also will always be superior to Chinese weapon(because of TOT or West/Russian collaboration)

Secondly Indian scientific communities capabilities are renowed world over....they are as good as the west/russian when provided the right kind of resources....and even better sometimes...Infact we will catch up with west/russian standards much much earlier than China....

And i dont see China reaching anywhere near Russia/West Tech for decades...


ur suggestion that China will lead away in Tech from India is funny and laughable coz as of now India got much better techology capability in defence sector than CHina...it is pure R&D as compared to copying done by China....

U learn 50 times more and ur Technological abilities increase manifold when u do ur own R&D.... copying results in 2 things:
a) poor quality of weapons as compared to original
b) no benefit to scientific mind of a scientist

the scientistc which are good at copying become redundant and can ony do that- copying...

I am not even going to try to answer your statements. I'll let the Chinese guys answer it. Its their country you are refering to not mine. But if you want to substitute China above with the US, I'll answer you.
China vs India: Military might

Thursday October 1, 2009, New Delhi

China's military parade on the 60th anniversary of the Communist Party taking over was designed, right down the smallest detail, to prove the country's super-power status.

The world's other declared rising super-power watched the parade closely. And India's calculations reflected this.

India has over 13.25 lakh active military personnel compared with China's 22.55 lakh troops.

China's Air Force has 9,000 aircrafts with 2000 fighter planes. The Indian Air Force has 3,000 airplanes with 790 fighter planes.

China's combat power is guaranteed through its fleet of Russian Sukohi-30 MKK and indigenously built J-10 fighters.

The Indian Air Force, on the other hand, has French built-Dassault Mirage 2000s and Russian Sukohi-30 MKI as the best aircrafts in its combat fleet. No indigenous fighters or aircrafts have been deployed by India so far.

The Indian Navy is the world's eighth largest navy with a with a fleet of 145 vessels consisting of missile-capable warships, advanced submarines, the latest naval aircrafts, and an aircraft carrier in its inventory. It is experienced both in combat and rescue operations during wartime and peace, as seen from its wars with Pakistan in 1971, and the Tsunami that struck in December 2004.

In comparison, China's Navy with its fleet of 284 vessels is quantitatively larger but lacking in actual war experience, which could undermine its strategic capability. China currently has no aircraft carriers in its naval fleet but is slated to build and induct an aircraft carrier by 2010.

In strategic nuclear defence and delivery systems, China's army is miles ahead of India's nuclear forces with 200-400 active nuclear warheads. In comparison, India's strategic nuclear force is estimated to have stockpiled about 50-70 nuclear warheads.

The most powerful warhead tested by India had an yield of 0.05 megatons which is quite small compared to China's highest yield of 4 megatons. India's nuclear delivery system consists of bombers, supersonic cruise missiles and medium range ballistic missiles. Agni 2,

India's longest range deployed ballistic missile is capable of a range of 2500 km, carrying a single nuclear warhead of about 1000 kg. In stark contrast, China's nuclear delivery system is far more capable with multiple warheads.

My dear Indian friends, please do wake up from your wet dreams.
Mate you are talking about this opinion in all India and China related topics..and response from Indian members are same every where as i wrote ..so you should have get the point by now...and you consider we are boasting becaus4e we dont agree with your points.what kind of logic is that?

Its one thing to boast, its another thing to be detach from the reality. You need to figure that out by yourself.
I think a direct answer would have been more appropriate

That Yes Indian weapons are much superior to Chinese weapons...(imported or not doesnt matter)

I would have liked u now and would like you in future to accept this more openly than the grudging manner in which u accepted it in ur above post.....

now for ur second point:

WHatever India is building- an weapon is with TOT or in collaboration with West/Russian scientific community....
it is unlike China which is working in isolation.....

So whatever weapon India will make in future also will always be superior to Chinese weapon(because of TOT or West/Russian collaboration)

Secondly Indian scientific communities capabilities are renowed world over....they are as good as the west/russian when provided the right kind of resources....and even better sometimes...Infact we will catch up with west/russian standards much much earlier than China....

And i dont see China reaching anywhere near Russia/West Tech for decades...


ur suggestion that China will lead away in Tech from India is funny and laughable coz currently India got much better techology capability in defence sector than CHina...it is pure R&D as compared to copying done by China....going in future India will pull away furthur than now greatly from China and leapfrom many times ahead in Technology..
U learn 50 times more and ur Technological abilities increase manifold when u do ur own R&D.... copying results in 2 things:
a) poor quality of weapons as compared to original
b) no benefit to scientific mind of a scientist

the scientistc which are habitual at copying become redundant and can ony do that- copying...

US current regard China as the next country that will challenge the US suprmecy in economics and military. This is the general mood of the government, media and society at large. Maybe the US is focusing on the wrong country.
Its one thing to boast, its another thing to be detach from the reality. You need to figure that out by yourself.

its better to have an independent policy than becoming some ones so called "ally" ..

Considering the facts that India has western and Russian weapons she have a qualitative advantage over China in military ..

which one of the two points i made here is detachment from reality??please enlighten me?
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China’s Air Defence missile systems
Dr Carlo Kopp

EARLY THIS MARCH THE US DOD RELEASED THE 2008 VERSION OF THE ANNUAL REPORT TO Congress on China’s military power. Last year saw an important incremental improvement in what is already a formidable air defence capability, as the PLA deployed four battalions of the S-300PMU-2 / SA-20 Gargoyle high mobility long range SAM system. This is another step in China’s long march since the end of the Cold War to deploy a modern multi-layered
Integrated Air Defence System (IADS).

Whats do you have except so-called future missiles shield ?

India was'nt even worth mention to the US congress, Why ?
I'm originally from Taiwan and the Taiwanese government claims China should be rule by the Taiwanese government. Few people from there still believe that Taiwan will one day take over China in a peaceful way. Also, if you want to talk about Taiwan, please get yourself educatd about Taiwan first.

Ok that is understood that Taiwan ppl think that Taiwan should rule China....
But u have a democracy back home...but i never found u opposing the Chinese system..!!!!!!

Furthur your posts leave no doubt that u r chinese...u can continue to lie though....
Ok that is understood that Taiwan ppl think that Taiwan should rule China....
But u have a democracy back home...but i never found u opposing the Chinese system..!!!!!!

Furthur your posts leave no doubt that u r chinese...u can continue to lie though....

Taiwan was under dictatorship during its fastest phase of development. Gradually, its people obtain rights to elect its officials. First in the local level, then in the congress and finally the president. This allow people to gradually learn the responsibility of rule themselves.

In a country like China where the majority are peasant and poor. Their first need is to feed and educate the people. They do not need democracy as a country like China requires a benevelent dictatorship to help bring the country out of poverty. Once it has acquire a level of growth and the majority's primary need is not finding something to eat any more, they would have be able to take on the responsibility to govern their country. Otherwise, people without adequate basic necessities to live could easily sell their vote for these necessities.

In another word, freedom to govern is a responsibility for the people. The people must be ready first. Before they are ready, the government must provide food, housing and education to raise the standards of the people.
Taiwan was under dictatorship during its fastest phase of development. Gradually, its people obtain rights to elect its officials. First in the local level, then in the congress and finally the president. This allow people to gradually learn the responsibility of rule themselves.

In a country like China where the majority are peasant and poor. Their first need is to feed and educate the people. They do not need democracy as a country like China requires a benevelent dictatorship to help bring the country out of poverty. Once it has acquire a level of growth and the majority's primary need is not finding something to eat any more, they would have be able to take on the responsibility to govern their country. Otherwise, people without adequate basic necessities to live could easily sell their vote for these necessities.

In another word, freedom to govern is a responsibility for the people. The people must be ready first. Before they are ready, the government must provide food, housing and education to raise the standards of the people.

very well said :tup:
we have seen successful examples like taiwan/southkorea/singapore developed their countries under dictorship first then turned to democracy later at a time when their social bases were well prepared for the change. Same for japan that developed a solid social base before wwii under dictorship. i yet to see other successful example that has a meaningful democracy but without a strong social base.
Do u need source for the fact::what:

1) India weapons are Russian/West technology based...
2)China no match for Russ/West tech....

good i know what u have understood in ur stay on this forum...
no more reply to troll like you...

in hindi there is a saying:
pagal ke sath sar maroge toh khud pagal ho jaoge par pagal ko samajh nahi ayega....

I promise that if India start war with China, or enter Tibet, India troops / army / air force will lose to China very soon! :china:
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