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Chinese Aero Engine information thread

Not sure by You are so much offended? IMO it is a sign of good analysis and journalism to question any statement and image esp. if a certain source is known for not overall reliable.
So instead of complaining my concerns I'm a bit surprised that You seem to take everything for granted especially You seem to have missed my argument: Just look at that image ... which WS-10 on a teststand looks more modern? This just now posted image from Sina or Your image posted a few days ago??

And if You now take into consideration that nearly exact images showing a WS-10 on an outside teststand were posted several years ago - even if I have to admit that I wasn't able to find it in my collection - I think it is at least allowed to question the text.

In return, Your post just say "WS-10B bench test" as if You have confirmation or as if You are sure!??
Not even an "alleged", "maybe" or "said to be" in advance. :undecided:

But again it's a matter of trust and I don't trust Sina very much.

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But again it's a matter of trust and I don't trust Sina very much.


Like I said... and if I have to weight reliability and credibility of xinfengcao vs Sina, Sina will loose without any doubt by a wide, wide margin. By the way that old image was taken at the CFTE at Xi'an/Yanliang, while the newer/more recent one most likely at Jiangyou, Sichuan province.

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Chinese enterprise makes core component of aircraft engines: report

2017-10-25 09:53 Global Times Editor: Li Yan

Chengdu Aerospace Superalloy Technology Co (CAST), a listed mining company, made a great breakthrough in producing a single-crystal blade, the most important part of an aviation engine, national business channel CCTV 2 reported on Monday.

Designed to work at the highest temperatures, under the most complicated pressure levels and exposed to the most adverse environment in the engine, the single-crystal blades were produced by CAST to a high standard and used customized casting techniques.

The single-crystal blades directly determine the performance of an aviation engine.

"Specifications of the turbofan engine have reached an advanced international level. All components have independent intellectual property rights for both design and production, especially the most difficult part - the single-crystal turbine blades inside the engine," Xu Gang, a member of the aircraft engine R&D team and dean of the Laboratory of Light-duty Gas-turbines in the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was quoted as saying in the report.

The development has broken the U.S. monopoly in the global market, said the report.

In the core of a thrust engine, the component consists of 60 single blades. Each blade outputs power that is equivalent to a sport utility vehicle car with a 2.0 liter engine and the temperature is more than 1,720 C.

To avoid melting, the materials for single-blade production include a rare metal called rhenium.

To maintain its dominant position in the aviation industry, the U.S. and some other Western countries have blocked China from both material and technical details for years, according to the report.

CAST is able to purify rhenium for the blade product in a customized furnace now, it said.



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2017-10-24 20:13:29字号:A- A A+来源:央视财经

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I just want to clearify the types of WS TH engines we have at the moment````(in serivce, in development)

for air force
WS-10A hunderds in serivce, 12.5 T thrust, on J-11B
WS-10B start entering production, 13.5 T thrust, for future J10 series (cannot use on Chinese flankers, as its engine crankcase is underneath of the main budy)
WS-10ipe/J all testing is about to end, 14.1 T thrust, J-16s``````

for navy
WS-10H```similar to 10A,

to our fans, our turbofan engine industry started at very late stage, in order to shorten the gap with U.S and Russia, we need short cuts. WS-10 is the result of this short cut policy!```its CFM56 "style" core, F110's "architect"```Russian "standard" of low pressure stage and AL31f's "style" control mechanism and liquid supply system etc, during the period, 2005 (first inducted) to 2016, 606 went through very tough time```until to this day, there is still no personnel from this team has been nominated for "service and contribution distinction" reward``````but soon, thats what I heard, someone will be "nominated"`````the institution is gethering materils for incoming PR compaign now!

until all of these "key" projects are finalized, than we can safely to say that we are 30 years behine the U.S```and the real deal is WS-15, as it is the first Turbofan engine that we start with our own, inside out! (only a minor data collection outsource jobs to Russia's CIAM, to check the consistency of the same data calculated and collected from our end). WS-15 will bring us only 10 years after the U.S (those professors like to use "how many years" to describe the gap between China and U.S``I guess its thier layman's method :lol:)

so still long way ahead of us```be humble but not pessimistic``
@cirr @Asoka @Deino @ChineseTiger1986 @Figaro
I just want to clearify the types of WS TH engines we have at the moment````(in serivce, in development)

for air force
WS-10A hunderds in serivce, 12.5 T thrust, on J-11B
WS-10B start entering production, 13.5 T thrust, for future J10 series (cannot use on Chinese flankers, as its engine crankcase is underneath of the main budy)
WS-10ipe/J all testing is about to end, 14.1 T thrust, J-16s``````

for navy
WS-10H```similar to 10A,

to our fans, our turbofan engine industry started at very late stage, in order to shorten the gap with U.S and Russia, we need short cuts. WS-10 is the result of this short cut policy!```its CFM56 "style" core, F110's "architect"```Russian "standard" of low pressure stage and AL31f's "style" control mechanism and liquid supply system etc, during the period, 2005 (first inducted) to 2016, 606 went through very tough time```until to this day, there is still no personnel from this team has been nominated for "service and contribution distinction" reward``````but soon, thats what I heard, someone will be "nominated"`````the institution is gethering materils for incoming PR compaign now!

until all of these "key" projects are finalized, than we can safely to say that we are 30 years behine the U.S```and the real deal is WS-15, as it is the first Turbofan engine that we start with our own, inside out! (only a minor data collection outsource jobs to Russia's CIAM, to check the consistency of the same data calculated and collected from our end). WS-15 will bring us only 10 years after the U.S (those professors like to use "how many years" to describe the gap between China and U.S``I guess its thier layman's method :lol:)

so still long way ahead of us```be humble but not pessimistic``
@cirr @Asoka @Deino @ChineseTiger1986 @Figaro

Can the WS-10IPE be used aboard the J-11D & J-10D?
How about the WS-19 for future shipborne versions of FC-31?
the official shipborne 5th gen stealth fighter has not been revealed yet, how can you be sure of that?

as far as I know H20 is going to have its own turbofan engine```could be a new model that is based on WS-10's core```but the problem facing them now is how to reduce the tempreture of exhasut nozzle dramatically, so they have to work really hard on low pressure part/chamber``````they have strict requirement on Long range, all round stealth and AI ``````I hope I didnt cross the line``:D
the official shipborne 5th gen stealth fighter has not been revealed yet, how can you be sure of that?

as far as I know H20 is going to have its own turbofan engine```could be a new model that is based on WS-10's core```but the problem facing them now is how to reduce the tempreture of exhasut nozzle dramatically, so they have to work really hard on low pressure part/chamber``````they have strict requirement on Long range, all round stealth and AI ``````I hope I didnt cross the line``:D

Not going to imply that it is definitely the shipborne 5th gen jet, but it is likely one of the contenders, and in order to make the platform as attractive as possible, they would need a new engine (WS-19 is what it's called, according to rumors).

The H-20 could be initially equipped with the D-30 (or a derivative) and refurbish with its own customized turbofan once the latter is ready.
Not going to imply that it is definitely the shipborne 5th gen jet, but it is likely one of the contenders, and in order to make the platform as attractive as possible, they would need a new engine (WS-19 is what it's called, according to rumors).

The H-20 could be initially equipped with the D-30 (or a derivative) and refurbish with its own customized turbofan once the latter is ready.

where did you get that info, or just your thought of convenience?
where did you get that info, or just your thought of convenience?

Unless there are size restrictions or incompatible locations of the engine gearbox, why can't this be a possibility? It is perfectly customary for large aircraft to complete flight testing with "mature" engines.
WS15 had compressor-combustor assembly issues. The engine core has not been approved for ground bench testing. It is still several years in development.
This information is inaccurate. WS-15 has already completed most ground tests ... and is currently being prepared for flight testing. I don’t believe there have been any problems with WS-15’s compressors or combustor ... the main problem used to lie in the single crystal blade production which was rectified in recent years. The core has already passed testing and a full scale engine prototype was built 4 years ago.

You probably already know the answer Yourself? The answer is simple: the J-20 does not use this hybrid engine in the same way the J-10B/C does not use it. It simply does not exist.

The best, what is possible is a locally modified AL-31FN improved with certain technologies (esp. manufacturing processes and materials) from the WS-10 but surely not a Frankenstein-powerplant developed by mating the one engine's core and the other engine's exhaust; that's plain ridiculous and regardless how often this theory is repeated (esp. without any hard and concrete facts) it will not become reality.

By the way some guys need to differ or be more precisely: there is an AL-31F for the Flanker series and an FN for the J-10A and finally the latest modification the FN Series 3 tailored for the J-10B/C (and IMO the J-20 in modified form too).

Anyway; from what I so far gathered around especially via long and highly informative discussions with several Chinese guys (some You find mentioned here as highly reliable "sources" via Twitter- and their Weibo-account) is the following, which is especially interesting, since even if their reports do vary a bit (IMO most of all related to not properly differing the F from the FN) in details, all do in general agree on the same story:

The first two prototype-demonstrators of Project 718 – aka the J-20s numbered 2001 & 2002 – were using standard AL-31FN engines. The later prototypes – aka 2011-2017 – were using the uprated AL-31FN Series 3 with locally modified parts, specifically the nozzles, like the silver/dark coating thing we saw during their testing and since these are Chinese own upgrades, the report translated this into "locally manufactured engine".

Concerning the J-20’s current engine, they all agree that it is a locally modified AL-31FN or indeed FM and also that the current J-20’s engine is supported by the PLAAF factory / maintenance and overhaul facility No. 5719 near Chengdu, which also overhauls/refurbishes AL-31F/FN series for PLAAF and – IMO most important – is the only factory/facility for any AL-31-series engines in China. Even more all confirmed that Factory No.5719 is NOT capable of producing new engines, however it can produce engine vanes and the FADEC system now (http://www.pzhkdl.gov.cn/zhaoshang.asp?ClassID=9).

Concerning this report, its reliability and even more as for why Liming in Shenyang is mentioned their common believe is that this report was lousily researched, full of errors, mistakes, contradictions and false information (like the WP-14 Kunlun, its thrust parameters, Liming and J-20’s engine …) and was therefore deleted in order to avoid any further controversy.

All say Liming is by now in no way related to the current J-20’s engine but – and another hint for why that report mentioned Liming – it will since both WS-10 and WS-15 are developed by AECC Liming (aka Institute No.606). Reason for that is that there are indeed some reliable sources, which claim the WS-10B (or IPE) with about 14t will indeed be tested on the J-20 before WS-15 finished development since its higher thrust compared to the current engine but this will depend on how long it will take until the projected WS-15 will be ready. If there are any further delays expected it is likely, if not, then another interim engine-change is unlikely and as such deemed a waste of time and resources.

In summary, Shenyang/Liming is working on WS-15 and the WS-10 if it will eventually be tested, so it will support J-20 engine manufacturing eventually but it is not yet and that was overhyped by that report.

Concerning by FM2-theory, they are skeptical since there are indeed no report at all regarding Russia exporting AL-31F-M2 technology to China and even less there is no sign that the AL-31F-M2 will be licensed manufactured in China, so they all stick to the FN Series 3.

As for the WS-15 on the J-20, their earliest estimated appearance is at around 2020 and it will be mature at best by 2022.

So long,

PS: I moved several of these engine-related posts from the PLAAF-thread to the engine-section (or do You prefer the J-20 thread ?)
and another hint for why that report mentioned Liming – it will since both WS-10 and WS-15 are developed by AECC Liming (aka Institute No.606).
Liming is not the same institute as 606. Shenyang Liming is the manufacturer of the WS-10 and was responsible for a lot of the early defects/reliability issues. 606 is the Shenyang Aeroengine Research Institute, which bears no connection with Shenyang Liming. The manufacturing of the WS-15 will be done by XAC (Xian Aeroengine Corporation), not Liming given the WS-10 problems.
You can be right here. I had some involvement with SF-A15 core but that information is atleast from 2008-09.

This information is inaccurate. WS-15 has already completed most ground tests ... and is currently being prepared for flight testing. I don’t believe there have been any problems with WS-15’s compressors or combustor ... the main problem used to lie in the single crystal blade production which was rectified in recent years. The core has already passed testing and a full scale engine prototype was built 4 years ago.

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