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在建党95周年之际,黎阳人以实际行动向祖国交了一份厚礼,践行“动力强军 科技报国”的使命,以迎难而上的决心,坚定不移的信心,持之以恒的耐心,为航空发动机事业冲锋在前,贡献智慧和力量。

A new milestone for China's turbofan engine, then I cannot think any other than the mighty WS-15.
is there a mnimum duration to test the engine before declared ok? whats the TTW ratio of the new ws-13? thanks
More than 400 WS-10 series domestic engines have been installed on J-11B,D, J-16 since the end of (2015), no accident occurred so far
日前,中航工业发布2015年社会责任报告,其中“太行”发动机批量装备部队,中航工业已具备自主研发第三代大推力发动机的能力格外引人瞩目,曾几何时, 军用航空大推力发动机和CPU一样是中国的心病,也是一些网络舆论用来贬低中国工业水准的最佳武器。但从今往后,能够用于贬低中国工业水平和自主技术实力 的例子又少了一项,中国成为继美国和俄罗斯后,第三个批量装备国产大推力军用航空发动机的国家。就在中国取得这一成就的背后,有谁知道涡扇10所经历的艰 辛。



在 今年年初,中国航空报公布了涡扇10发动机改进型号由中航工业动力所研制成功的消息。改进版本的涡扇10发动机将加力推力提升到14-14.5吨,实现在 综合性能(最大加力推力、寿命、推重比)方面,涡扇10及其改进型号足以和俄罗斯的AL31F及其改进型AL31F-99M1/M2等发动机相媲美。

改 进版涡扇10发动机另一项重大改进就是航空发动机的全权限数字电子控制系统。航空发动机的全权限数字电子控制系统(英文简称为FADEC),是指挥发动机 的大脑。FADEC可以从发动机上的传感器中获取数据,对发动机进行一系列的复杂控制,如改变喷口面积、监控发动机状态、诊断故障等等。FADEC不仅能 够大大提高飞机的飞行性能,而且减轻了发动机的重量。在早期型号的涡扇10发动机上,由于中国自己则缺乏高性能涡扇发动机控制系统的研究经验,就把俄罗斯 发动机的控制系统移植到涡扇10上。


AVIC report: China's Taihang engine widely deployed in military
By Jiang Jie (People's Daily Online) 14:45, July 07, 2016


(File photo of Taihang engine)

China’s Taihang engines have become a significant, large-scale presence in the military, making China the third country in the world that has mass deployment of domestically-produced high-thrust engines for military use, according to the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) annual report.

AVIC's social responsibility report showed that the company is capable of independently conducting research and development on the next generation of high-thrust aerial engines, along with advanced drones such as Wing Loong, which have also been deployed in the military.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force has deployed no less than 400 Taihang engines in five air force regiments. Various types of fighter jets are equipped with the engine, including the J-11B and J-15 carrier-based fighter jets, reported China Science Communication, a news site under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. So far there have been no crashes due to engine failure among Taihang engine-equipped fighter jets, the news site also noted.

Some doubts have been voiced about the originality of the Taihang engine, as there are people who believe the Chinese-made engine is a copy of its Western counterparts. However, according to China Science Communication, the development of the Taihang engine was based on accumulated experience and technological advances gathered since 1978. The engine was also based partially on its predecessor, WS-6, which spent some 20 years in development.

Meanwhile, the engine also took inspiration from the control system of Russia's AL-31F aircraft turbofan engine, China Science Communication admitted, calling the Taihang engine a result of “independent development combined with technology from the Soviet Union and the U.S.”

“China has become the fourth country in the world to independently design and produce large transportation aircraft, as well as the third country to independently develop stealth fighter jets,” the AVIC report said, adding that China has advanced its air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles to the fourth generation.

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