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China's Warm welcome awaits Admiral Mike Mullen

Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen visited Nanjing military region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on Tuesday in southeast China's Zhejiang Province.

After his visit to an air force base in east China’s Shandong Province, Mullen went to Zhejiang with his entourage to start his visit to a mechanized infantry division of Nanjing military region. This troop was founded when the Chinese People’s Liberation Army was born in 1927, and it is an army with extinguished exploits and numerous heroes. More than 360 generals have come from this army. “Hard Boned Sixth Company” is the only company in Chinese army that was honored twice by the supreme commander. Mullen watched the military drill conducted by the mechanized infantry division to attack a terrorists’ camp. During his visit, he also saw some commanders' operation equipment including armored vehicle, operations vehicle, information receiving and processing vehicle.

China Mullen Visit Update

US military chief visits Chinese air force base - China News - SINA English
Then China may pass on intelligence to Afghanistan ,Libya....etc. Don't get poisoned by the peaceful this peaceful that statements from Chinese leaders. Look at history, China is as peaceful/aggressive as other countries.

Other countries should not take China's peaceful statements as signs of weakness and Softness. China can behave like North Korea or Iran at anytime.

? :rolleyes:

A professional Viet troll !!!??? :)
Aw, now Admiral Mullen got to see the inside of Yuan class sub, the successor of the Song, which he also visited.
Photo of the day: Type 039A Yuan Class SSK


Aw, now Admiral Mullen got to see the inside of Yuan class sub, the successor of the Song, which he also visited.
Photo of the day: Type 039A Yuan Class SSK


These photos are from 2007 from Mullen's first visit as Pacific Theatre commander. The submarine was a Song class and the captain in the photo died last year due to drowning in rough seas.
These photos are from 2007 from Mullen's first visit as Pacific Theatre commander. The submarine was a Song class and the captain in the photo died last year due to drowning in rough seas.

wow, so sad!!!

My respect for him!!!

P.S: But could you tell me the story!?
These photos are from 2007 from Mullen's first visit as Pacific Theatre commander. The submarine was a Song class and the captain in the photo died last year due to drowning in rough seas.

Don't know why China let them visit our submarine. I didn't see any news about PLA visited their submarine. Strange!
wow, so sad!!!

My respect for him!!!

P.S: But could you tell me the story!?
He was the captain of a Song class submarine. I believe his boat surfaced after hitting a net cable from fishing boat. He went outside with the sonar operator to inspect whether there was damage. A large wave swept the sonar operator into the water, and he jumped in to try to save him. By the time other crew members drag him back to the boat he was already dead. The sonar operator was never found.
Ops, sorry, it's out side your Red line

I notice this drawing of the line is less agressive than many i've seen on this forum, wich show the line practicaly on the beaches of other nations.
I notice this drawing of the line is less agressive than many i've seen on this forum, wich show the line practicaly on the beaches of other nations.

Where are those maps?

Which map is showing the line practically on the beaches of other nations? From your Viet mouth?
Where are those maps?

Which map is showing the line practically on the beaches of other nations? From your Viet mouth?

Lol, Viet? If you will notice...2 American flags. Plus I am what is known as "white" (though I have a nice tan, compliments So Cal and Texas sunshine!).
As far as the maps of which I speak, check any of the threads that DO mention Chinese-Viet tensions.
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