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China’s unorthodox weapons, provocative actions escalated situation in Ladakh: Defence ministry

you really expect your Agni to hit Beijing? China has a far bigger nuclear weapon arsenal than India. Don't you understand the consequence happened to India if one day you really launch the nuclear missile to Beijing? The induction of the Agni-5 is more like a gesture to China that "don't threat us with nuclear missile, or we will fight back". But does China need to use ICBM to target Delhi, which is just a few hundred km from the boarder?

Please measure the distance of Delhi to the border and Beijing to the boarder. China has the privilege to deploy the low cost rocket launchers in the boarder to make sure Delhi is in the range, what is the corresponding investment needed by India to make Beijing in the range?

Considering the manufacturing industry capacity gap between the two countries, you really want your country to have an arms race with China? China spends only 1.9% of the GDP as defense budget, less than the 2.4% spending of India, but China's GDP is 5x of India.

Good luck with that.

Haha, the global investors are crazy to the Chinese electric cars manufacturers and give it the valuation that is as high as 90 billion USD; while Tata Motor, the pride of the supa powa 2020, is worth of less than 1/10 of it; if Landrover is excluded from Tata Motor, I'm very curious to know how much the pure Indian part of Tata Motor could be worth of.

The global investors, who need to take the responsibility of their own monetary interests, are more clear what is gold, and what is crap.

You can churn out as much as you want with those Chinese quality.
But for us its just only one precision strike .
And we have enough inventory to ensure that .
No need to argue.Ask your ccp why they cover up the incidents happens in LAC?
Our people withstand all kind of ground shake events in our history ..
If you want to question our sovreignity, good luck with that.
But we will end the Chinese history also there.
Your weapons not going to help you also
He says that India will overtake Chinese economy in 2027 I'm PPP. I believe you also trust his narrative.

no,even your MP is full of b*llshit,so I believe you Indians are untrustworthy.

But only 3 days are enough to ring China on its knees.

nonono, just your own big mouth is enough to bring India to supapawa, LOL
You can churn out as much as you want with those Chinese quality.
But for us its just only one precision strike .
And we have enough inventory to ensure that .
No need to argue.Ask your ccp why they cover up the incidents happens in LAC?
Our people withstand all kind of ground shake events in our history ..
If you want to question our sovreignity, good luck with that.
But we will end the Chinese history also there.
Your weapons not going to help you also
Lol... Can't even take on Pakistan and brag about China? Remember your colonel Babu?
Low Iq indians always has to show their inferiority complex...are they so low IQ to not understand their firecracker nukes in the kt range yield is nothing compared to the far more numerous Chinese thermonuclear warheads measured in the mt range?? MAn indians are dump. One DF31 MIRV would wipe out India lol. China could wipe out India 100x over in minutes compared to a few fire cracker nukes they fire at us.

Indians plz stop being brainwashed low iq slaves of ur media. Bad for ones self improvement.
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You can churn out as much as you want with those Chinese quality.
But for us its just only one precision strike .
And we have enough inventory to ensure that .
No need to argue.Ask your ccp why they cover up the incidents happens in LAC?
Our people withstand all kind of ground shake events in our history ..
If you want to question our sovreignity, good luck with that.
But we will end the Chinese history also there.
Your weapons not going to help you also
A typical post from an Indian troller. Full of blind confidence and big mouth in this and that, although they live in a country that is incredibly sh*tty, ridiculous, and incapable.

This kind of blind confidence and big mouth is not just seen in normal Indian people, but also the top political leaderships. In my view, this is the most incredible part of the "Incredible India"


Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee's Independence Day Address 2002:
We moved our troops and they pissed in their pant.

May be large but not advance. China can not make a good scooter. How can their nukes be more advance?

What were their names? Where did Global time quoted 4-5 soldiers. Please quote the reference you troll.
Your pathetic acknee is advanced? friggin shit is not even indigenous use imported titanium parts.

Not sure about combustion scooters we do export electric scooters to India. India can't even feed their population, how can you be expected to feed your soldiers? Lol.
Your pathetic acknee is advanced? friggin shit is not even indigenous use imported titanium parts.

Not sure about combustion scooters we do export electric scooters to India. India can't even feed their population, how can you be expected to feed your soldiers? Lol.

We have not developed the great feeding techniques such as plastic rice fried in gutter oil to be consumed with cockroach soup. That is why we are unable to feed our people like great China does.
We have not developed the great feeding techniques such as plastic rice fried in gutter oil to be consumed with cockroach soup. That is why we are unable to feed our people like great China does.
Yup yoou go organic, dog roadkill and human corpses right? Lol
Yup yoou go organic, dog roadkill and human corpses right? Lol

if you want to win on pdf you need to show strength in real world, right now you are loosing fast ... real world is far off you are not even winning on pdf with must support...

you are trying to make fun of expert when you suck at your own job...
We have not developed the great feeding techniques such as plastic rice fried in gutter oil to be consumed with cockroach soup. That is why we are unable to feed our people like great China does.
Indians only eat the finest organic food

Lol... Can't even take on Pakistan and brag about China? Remember your colonel Babu?

Colonel Babu died as our Soldier and received full honor before he ascends.
While PLA commander degraded in to the soil without any identity .
You know what
For us Pakistan is braver than CCP clown nation.
At least sometimes they agrees and recognize their fallen soldiers .So we will give that concession sometimes .
But for Chinese, you are nothing but a bunch of cowards who cant even accept their own fallen one.
A typical post from an Indian troller. Full of blind confidence and big mouth in this and that, although they live in a country that is incredibly sh*tty, ridiculous, and incapable.

This kind of blind confidence and big mouth is not just seen in normal Indian people, but also the top political leaderships. In my view, this is the most incredible part of the "Incredible India"

View attachment 705990

Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee's Independence Day Address 2002:
View attachment 705991

Dont cry .
There is no point in crying.
Fact is you can play in a limitation.
Rest is assured , if you questions our nation, we will take you along with us
if you want to win on pdf you need to show strength in real world, right now you are loosing fast ... real world is far off you are not even winning on pdf with must support...

you are trying to make fun of expert when you suck at your own job...
Winning like India? Lolol.. Look at your pathetic country now. Virus unemployment and starvation, its winning shinning indeed supapowa...
Indians only eat the finest organic food

Yes and raw rat meat, they like it fresh it seems. Lol
Colonel Babu died as our Soldier and received full honor before he ascends.
While PLA commander degraded in to the soil without any identity .
You know what
For us Pakistan is braver than CCP clown nation.
At least sometimes they agrees and recognize their fallen soldiers .So we will give that concession sometimes .
But for Chinese, you are nothing but a bunch of cowards who cant even accept their own fallen one.

Dont cry .
There is no point in crying.
Fact is you can play in a limitation.
Rest is assured , if you questions our nation, we will take you along with us

well said. these humiliated chinese cant handle a small skirmish, they were so confident by bullying small nations....
entire confidence was vaporized on the night of 29th and 30th August.... looks like enemy has no answer to counter it....
loosing soldier to captured by Indians...
loosing generals to be moved overnight to other theater....
pla is only loosing everything...

well said. these humiliated chinese cant handle a small skirmish, they were so confident by bullying small nations....
entire confidence was vaporized on the night of 29th and 30th August.... looks like enemy has no answer to counter it....
loosing soldier to captured by Indians...
loosing generals to be moved overnight to other theater....
pla is only loosing everything...

View attachment 706689
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