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China’s unorthodox weapons, provocative actions escalated situation in Ladakh: Defence ministry

and you wash their pants full of piss?

We have a history of returning wet pants of enemy soldiers. Sometime, our enemy soldiers runs away by removing their pants to hide their identity. We return them their pants gracefully.
Who buys this crap?

Did you sell your proof that the electric cars from NIO are crap to the Wall Street? NIO's stock price grows by 8.55% in the last trading day, the latest market cap is 92 billion USD now, i.e. >10x of Tata Motor, the biggest pride of the supa powa 2020.

But no worry, the higher NIO's share price today, the more you can earn from prove its vehicles are crap. Just do it!!
We have a history of returning wet pants of enemy soldiers. Sometime, our enemy soldiers runs away by removing their pants to hide their identity. We return them their pants gracefully.
no doubt 1000 years of slavery taught you weird stuff.
yes, true, that's a potential option.

But again, measure the distance of Delhi to the border, and think of the rocket launchers operated by the PLA Army (not even the ballistic missiles of the PLA Rocket Force) that could be deployed in the Tibet plateau. PLA calls it rocket launcher, but actually they all have guided warhead with high accuracy.

Which one is cheaper? Rocket launcher or ballistic missiles?
Whose pocket is deeper? China or India?
Whose manufacturing capacity is bigger? China or India?

When you talks about Agni ,you are talking about nuclear weapon.
Always remember that
Yes, but so what?

First, China has a much bigger nuclear weapon inventory: DF5, DF26, DF31, DF41, JL2 etc.

Second, Delhi is just a few hundred kilometers away from the boarder. Guess how many rocket launchers (e.g. PCL191, which is 350 to 500km in range) could be deployed near the boarder to neutralize your Agni 5? Want to have a race of rocket launcher production by China vs. Agni 5 production by India?

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For the artillery, we have Pinaka series, Prahaar Pragyan etc.You attack our capital , our forces will ensure Beijing will burn to ground .
Good luck with that
India’s missile tech sucks
Try your luck
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When you talks about Agni ,you are talking about nuclear weapon.
For the artillery, we have Pinaka series, Prahaar Pragyan etc.You attack our capital , our forces will ensure Beijing will burn to ground .
you really expect your Agni to hit Beijing? China has a far bigger nuclear weapon arsenal than India. Don't you understand the consequence happened to India if one day you really launch the nuclear missile to Beijing? The induction of the Agni-5 is more like a gesture to China that "don't threat us with nuclear missile, or we will fight back". But does China need to use ICBM to target Delhi, which is just a few hundred km from the boarder?

Please measure the distance of Delhi to the border and Beijing to the boarder. China has the privilege to deploy the low cost rocket launchers in the boarder to make sure Delhi is in the range, what is the corresponding investment needed by India to make Beijing in the range?

Considering the manufacturing industry capacity gap between the two countries, you really want your country to have an arms race with China? China spends only 1.9% of the GDP as defense budget, less than the 2.4% spending of India, but China's GDP is 5x of India.

Good luck with that.
I am not talking about Chinese who are habituated to buy everything crap. Copied mobile to copied cars.
Haha, the global investors are crazy to the Chinese electric cars manufacturers and give it the valuation that is as high as 90 billion USD; while Tata Motor, the pride of the supa powa 2020, is worth of less than 1/10 of it; if Landrover is excluded from Tata Motor, I'm very curious to know how much the pure Indian part of Tata Motor could be worth of.

The global investors, who need to take the responsibility of their own monetary interests, are more clear what is gold, and what is crap.
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If you really believe these cars are crap and you have the proof, you can sell your findings to WallStreet; believe me, you can be a millionaire in one night.

NIO's market cap is USD 89 billion!
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You know the market cap of Tata Motor, the biggest pride of the shitty india? It's only 8.9 billion USD. I.e. NIO is 10x worth of Tata! I'm wondering if Landrover is not counted in, what could be the value of the pure Indian part of Tata Motor?

Obviously in the eyes of investors, they are very clear who is crap and who is gold.
Bro, India has ammunition for 10 days only.
Indians on PDF has ammunition for 10 posts only.
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