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China’s unorthodox weapons, provocative actions escalated situation in Ladakh: Defence ministry


Sep 26, 2018
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The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) used unorthodox weapons in Eastern Ladakh that escalated the situation, prompting the Indian Army to deploy heavy equipment like tanks and guns, the Ministry of Defence has stated in its year-end review for 2020, giving details of the continuing India-China standoff.

“Unilateral and provocative actions by the Chinese to change the status quo by force, in more than one area on the Line of Actual Control (LAC), were responded to in a firm and non-escalatory way, ensuring the sanctity of our claims in Eastern in Ladakh,” the defence ministry stated.

Blaming China for the continued tensions, the ministry said that the Indian Army has maintained all protocols and agreements between the two countries. “The PLA escalated the situation by utilisation of unorthodox weapons and amassing large number of troops,” the review said.

Referring to the Galwan clash on June 15, the defence ministry said, “20 Indian soldiers lost their lives while preventing PLA troops from ingressing into our territory.”

“The Chinese also suffered significant casualties,” the MoD year-end review added.

The year-end review gives an account of how things escalated in August-end with the Chinese troops making more attempts to occupy more areas. This was when gunshots were also fired in the air.

“On 28-29 August 2020, own troops in a precautionary deployment, pre-empted Chinese expansionist designs and occupied heights along the southern bank of Pangong Tso,” it said.

The Indian Army in a counter operation has occupied crucial heights of the Kailash Range on the southern side of Pangong Lake.

The Ministry of Defence also said that Indian Army, with assistance from IAF, mobilised troops including accretionary forces in a very short duration, including heavy equipment like guns, tanks as well as ammunition, rations and clothing.

India and China have been involved in an unprecedented tussle in Ladakh with both sides bringing in the heavy deployment of troops, artillery guns, tanks and armoured vehicles in close proximity.

“The standoff in Ladakh started early-May, last year, with Chinese PLA making attempts to change status quo by occupying areas that had been in Indian control,” the ministry said.

The deployment continues even in the peak harsh winter as temperatures have dipped -40 degrees in some of the friction points.

Indian Army constructed roads, accommodation shelters and bridges to assist troop deployment.

“Braving inclement weather, own troops continue to be deployed on these heights. Advance Winter Stocking (AWS) and winter preparations for the enhanced strength has been completed and troops are well entrenched to counter any misadventure by the Chinese forces. While the Indian Army is prepared for any eventuality, talks are also progressing to resolve the issue in an amicable manner,” it said.

The tensions started with skirmishes in Pangong Lake in May when troops came to blows on more than one occasion leaving many injured on both sides. On June 15, in an ugly clash in another area called the Galwan Valley, 20 Indian soldiers died, while the Chinese never made their casualty public.

There have been eight rounds of military talks at the Corps Commander-level to find a solution to the standoff that started early-May but the deadlock continues.

Despite the previous talks on November 6 discussing a disengagement plan, there has been no forward movement and no further dialogue has taken place to implement measures discussed to ease out tensions.

We heated them up until they exploded from the inside :lol:

How long you can play these games?
Indians dont need CCP morons to guide their people .
And Indians knows to evolve as per situation.
Agni 5 is already inducted .
So that means we will enjoy your monkey game in Himalayas.
How long you can play these games?
Indians dont need CCP morons to guide their people .
And Indians knows to evolve as per situation.
Agni 5 is already inducted .
So that means we will enjoy your monkey game in Himalayas.
Chinese are enjoying beating the Indian game:-

How long you can play these games?
Indians dont need CCP morons to guide their people .
And Indians knows to evolve as per situation.
Agni 5 is already inducted .
So that means we will enjoy your monkey game in Himalayas.
India’s missile tech sucks
Agni 5 is already inducted .
Yes, but so what?

First, China has a much bigger nuclear weapon inventory: DF5, DF26, DF31, DF41, JL2 etc.

Second, Delhi is just a few hundred kilometers away from the boarder. Guess how many rocket launchers (e.g. PCL191, which is 350 to 500km in range) could be deployed near the boarder to neutralize your Agni 5? Want to have a race of rocket launcher production by China vs. Agni 5 production by India?

How long you can play these games?
Indians dont need CCP morons to guide their people .
And Indians knows to evolve as per situation.
Agni 5 is already inducted .
So that means we will enjoy your monkey game in Himalayas.

Actually, Agni III with 2.5 ton payload with low 2digit accuracy is China specific. We can use them with conventional warhead on Chinese targets.
Actually, Agni III with 2.5 ton payload with low 2digit accuracy is China specific. We can use them with conventional warhead on Chinese targets.
yes, true, that's a potential option.

But again, measure the distance of Delhi to the border, and think of the rocket launchers operated by the PLA Army (not even the ballistic missiles of the PLA Rocket Force) that could be deployed in the Tibet plateau. PLA calls it rocket launcher, but actually they all have guided warhead with high accuracy.

Which one is cheaper? Rocket launcher or ballistic missiles?
Whose pocket is deeper? China or India?
Whose manufacturing capacity is bigger? China or India?
Actually, Agni III with 2.5 ton payload with low 2digit accuracy is China specific. We can use them with conventional warhead on Chinese targets.

With a single war head, how much damage can you actually inflict? Unless you're claiming indians have 1000 agni missiles specifically targeting Chinese forces in Ladakh?
yes, true, that's a potential option.

But again, measure the distance of Delhi to the border, and think of the rocket launchers operated by the PLA Army (not even the ballistic missiles of the PLA Rocket Force) that could be deployed in the Tibet plateau. PLA calls it rocket launcher, but actually they all have guided warhead with high accuracy.

Which one is cheaper? Rocket launcher or ballistic missiles?
Whose pocket is deeper? China or India?
Whose manufacturing capacity is bigger? China or India?

You can boast as much as you want. Nobody is afraid of your hyped weapons. I dare you to use them in Ladakh. Your weapons are hyped by CPC propaganda machinary.
You can boast as much as you want. Nobody is afraid of your hyped weapons. I dare you to use them in Ladakh. Your weapons are hyped by CPC propaganda machinary.
Precision shown from the long-range rocket launcher drills conducted by the army troops from the Tibet Military District





you can ignore it or think it is PSed by CPC, if it could make you feel comfortable. That's totally fine to me.
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