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China's Uighurs fight for rights

Sahiliyan, you must understand that we were slaves to the British for 300 years.

Before that, we were slaves to the Mughals for 500-600 years.

It may be difficult for you to understand what foreign rule can do to the morale and spirit of a country, and to its people.

The British built railways and industry only so that it becomes easier to loot the resources and people of India, not to help them.

They divided the Indian people to fight among themselves, so that it became easier to rule us.

Before them, the Mughal rulers had exploited India for their own lavish lifestyles. They massacred and depopulated huge areas of wealth and culture, so that Indians cannot oppose their rule.

If you want to know more about why India is poor today, you might want to study the history of India before, and after the foreign invasions. That will give you a better idea why one of the world's greatest peoples are so poor today.

Indian politicians are crooks, and will remain so, until Indian people can learn to choose the right leaders.


As a HongKonger, we don't think that we are slave to British for 150 years. But I still hate British. Tibet issue was directed by Britishman. :devil:
As a HongKonger, we don't think that we are slave to British for 150 years. But I still hate British. Tibet issue was directed by Britishman. :devil:

Sino, the British had a very different policy towards Hong Kong. They were treated fairly and ruled well.

This was not the case with India.
Sahiliyan, you must understand that we were slaves to the British for 300 years.

Before that, we were slaves to the Mughals for 500-600 years.

It may be difficult for you to understand what foreign rule can do to the morale and spirit of a country, and to its people.

The British built railways and industry only so that it becomes easier to loot the resources and people of India, not to help them.

They divided the Indian people to fight among themselves, so that it became easier to rule us.

Before them, the Mughal rulers had exploited India for their own lavish lifestyles. They massacred and depopulated huge areas of wealth and culture, so that Indians cannot oppose their rule.

If you want to know more about why India is poor today, you might want to study the history of India before, and after the foreign invasions. That will give you a better idea why one of the world's greatest peoples are so poor today.

Indian politicians are crooks, and will remain so, until Indian people can learn to choose the right leaders.

I don't think British are that bad.They developed Malaysia and Hongkong very well.No doubt they looted the resources and weath from India,like they did in other colonies,but they developed India too.Mahatma Gandhi is a good example,they educated many Indians,this is fact
India's economic growth rate is high,but you must let it benefit on poor people,not only some rich people
I don't think British are that bad.They developed Malaysia and Hongkong very well.No doubt they looted the resources and weath from India,like they did in other colonies,but they developed India too.Mahatma Gandhi is a good example,they educated many Indians,this is fact
India's economic growth rate is high,but you must let it benefit on poor people,not only some rich people

Well, it will take longer for India to catch up with China.

One of the reasons is that Indian democracy is very slow to take decisions and very inefficient in implementing them.

China grows because of its government. India grows inspite of it.

我問過美國人 : 你們堅持中國入侵西藏,為何你們不派兵解放西藏?
I have asked American about Tibet issue - If You American insist that China invaded Tibet, why USA doesn't send troop to librate Tibet?

美國人答 : 因為西藏沒有石油。
American answer : Because Tibet has no petroleum.

我問過塔利班支持者 : 你們在阿富汗搞伊斯蘭原教旨主義,為何你們不派遊擊隊解救新疆伊斯蘭兄弟?
I have asked Taliban supporters about Xinjiang (Chinese Turkistan or East Turkistan) issue - You Taliban implements Islamic Fundamentalism in Afghanistan, why you doesn't send guerrilla to save Chinese Turkistan Islam brothers?

塔利班支持者答 : 這樣做的話,塔利班會冚家剷(全軍覆沒)。
Taliban supporters' answer : We will suffer a total loss if doing this.

Han Chinese has no intention to extinguish the Tibetan and Uyghur.

&#27665;&#36939;&#30064;&#35211;&#20154;&#22763;&#22235;&#21477;&#35441; : &#20013;&#22283;&#27794;&#27665;&#20027;&#65292;&#29544;&#31435;&#19981;&#21487;&#33021;&#65292;&#20013;&#22283;&#26377;&#27665;&#20027;&#65292;&#29544;&#31435;&#19981;&#38656;&#35201;&#12290; <~ &#36889;&#21477;&#35441;&#20107;&#23526;&#19981;&#26159;&#23565;&#21488;&#28771;&#35498;&#65292;&#32780;&#26159;&#23565;&#32173;&#21566;&#29246;&#26063;&#12289;&#34255;&#26063;&#35498;&#30340;&#12290;
Chinese Democracy activists have said, 'Independence is impossible if China has no democracy, Independence is no need if China has democracy.' <~ The statements above are not for Taiwan issue, but for Tibet and Chinese Turkistan issues.
Relax dude, no need to get hysterical...

Firstly, China is not a republic. A republic is for the people and by the people.
China is for the government, by the government.

China had simply invaded Tibet like any other empire. Why do you think their true leader is in exile?

Sikhs joined India at partition, and by casting their votes year after year, they recognize and wish to be a part of India.

Sikkim voluntarily joined India in 1975

Neither Eastern part of China, nor Tibet was ever given the chance of expressing their views. They were bullied into becoming part of China.
Basically, China just wants to occupy more land to accomodate their massive Han population.

There are two countries enjoying double standard in the World - USA and India

:china::pakistan: :sniper: :usflag: and India
We (Chinese) discuss these problems in this forum. Uyghur Online forum

But I don't like Amnesty International, this is an anti-China organization which is subsidized by White Christian. :china::pakistan: :sniper: :usflag:

Uighurs, indeed, will no longer be a problem.

Neither will Tibet.

There will be adequate Hanisation soon as it is being done now.

China will be be free of all these splittist people.

And China has no time for religion.

As Karl Marx rightly said, Religion is the Opium of the Masses.

And Communists are not Masses. They are special people to inherit this Earth.


Friend, Islam is no push over.

One can supress any religion, but as the world is realising, it is not that easy with Islam.

Wake up and smell the coffee!
There are two countries enjoying double standard in the World - USA and India

:china::pakistan: :sniper: :usflag: and India

And China is a double faced Janus!

They have embraced the devil and the antitheses of Communism - Capitalism and copying the West in every detail.

Give us a break.

You have sold yourself from the Communist ideology.

State ownership to individual ownership and capitalism!

Shame on you.

Where is the fight for the proletariat and the workers and the peasants?

Quit carping and be with your Leaders in suits and not Mao suits!

Communism is dead.

Captalism is in with double speak!

India and the US may have double standards.

But China has sold her soul to the capitalists and the imperialists!
Uighurs, indeed, will no longer be a problem.

Neither will Tibet.

There will be adequate Hanisation soon as it is being done now.

China will be be free of all these splittist people.

And China has no time for religion.

As Karl Marx rightly said, Religion is the Opium of the Masses.

And Communists are not Masses. They are special people to inherit this Earth.


Friend, Islam is no push over.

One can supress any religion, but as the world is realising, it is not that easy with Islam.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

If the World think that Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang (Chinese Turkistan) are not part of China.

Please don't hesitate to admit Republic of China (Taiwan), Tibetan Government in exile and East Turkistan terrorist groups and set up diplomatic relationships with those. We don't care!

But you need to terminate the diplomatic relationship with China first!

Sino-PakFriendship, please use the normal format to post, no need to shout...we hear you! :rolleyes:

And let me remind you that Defence.pk doesn't encourage nor tolerate abuse of freedom of speech, racial slurs or personal insults.
Hate India or US as much as you like, donot degrade this forum to spread hatred.

Any post showing ':pakistan::china::sniper::usflag:' will promptly be deleted!


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