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China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation ( CSIC ) has delivered a "New nuclear submarine" to PLAN, possibly be "095"?


"New" as in new submarine rather than class?
China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation ( CSIC ) has delivered a "New Type" of nuclear submarine" to PLAN, possibly be "095"?

Yes. I've heard that 095 secretly began construction too a while back ... not the least surprising. I hope the 095 can lower its noise level down to the SeaWolf/Virginia class.
here are few sweets for you guys````

China conventional AIP subs are:

the quietest in the world;

its AIP propulsion and power management system is unique, it allows the sub can operate the longest time and with highest speed under water in the world; (keep going with 10+ knots underwater for many hours, 5+ knots for weeks before emerging to recharge!!!!)

they have introduced new of communication system (I donno the details :lol:), which is the safest in the world;

new weapons

however, we are still quite behind (based on my collected info) U.S in terms of nuclear-subs```lets wait for 095 and 096
PLA Navy gets new nuclear submarine
By Yang Sheng and Qu Qiuyan Source:Global Times Published: 2017/9/20 23:18:39

Can provide ‘a second strike’ to a country in nuclear warfare: expert

A new nuclear submarine has been turned over to the People's Liberation Army Navy, one of the largest State-owned naval shipbuilding enterprises revealed on Tuesday, but experts believe that this submarine is not the most advanced Type 096, which is China's next generation strategic nuclear submarine.

China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC), which also manufactures China's aircraft carrier, posted the information on its WeChat account Tuesday in an article reviewing its achievements since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2012.

"The past five years since the 18th National Congress of the CPC has been an extraordinary period for the CSIC, with the handover of China's first aircraft carrier Liaoning to the PLA Navy, the launch of the first homegrown aircraft carrier, the completion of the new nuclear submarine and the deep-sea-exploration submersible Jiaolong…"the article said.

However, the article did not reveal the submarine's name and type. But some Net users and military enthusiasts speculated the submarine is Type 096, China's most advanced nuclear submarine, and the successor of the current Type 094, which first appeared on China Central Television in 2013.

The submarine the CSIC mentioned could be Type 094 or Type 093, but not the next generation nuclear-powered ballistic submarine Type 096, since Type 096 is too advanced and not to be completed soon, Song Zhongping, a military expert who served in the PLA Rocket Force, told the Global Times.

The strategic nuclear submarine, also called a nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, is capable of launching nuclear warheads from the sea, and can provide "a second strike" to a country in nuclear warfare.

That means when the enemy has completely destroyed land-based launch positions, the submarines take over.

The 2017 Annual Report to the US Congress on China's military power by the US Defense Department claims that China's next-generation nuclear submarine, Type 096, will likely begin construction in the early 2020s, and will reportedly be armed with the JL-3, a submarine-based ballistic missile.

"Pentagon's prediction about Type 096 could be correct to some extent, but the submarine could be completed ahead of schedule. The submarine is a key weapon to the country's nuclear warfare capability. Only the US and Russia have the real 'nuclear triad' (consisting of ballistic missiles, strategic nuclear submarines and strategic bombers), but sooner or later, China will have it as well," said Li Jie, a Beijing-based naval expert.

The US report also predicts that in the next decade, China will probably develop a new variant of the SHANG class (NATO code) Type 093B, which would not only improve the PLA's anti-surface warfare capability but also provide it with a more clandestine land-attack option.
here are few sweets for you guys````

China conventional AIP subs are:

the quietest in the world;

its AIP propulsion and power management system is unique, it allows the sub can operate the longest time and with highest speed under water in the world; (keep going with 10+ knots underwater for many hours, 5+ knots for weeks before emerging to recharge!!!!)

they have introduced new of communication system (I donno the details :lol:), which is the safest in the world;

new weapons

however, we are still quite behind (based on my collected info) U.S in terms of nuclear-subs```lets wait for 095 and 096

I'm very much doubtful that the Chinese have reached the level of the U-212 in terms of submarine acoustic stealth. I'd be very surprised if the latest 039B1 could reach Soryu-levels of acoustic performance, to say the least.
PLA Navy gets new nuclear submarine
By Yang Sheng and Qu Qiuyan Source:Global Times Published: 2017/9/20 23:18:39

Can provide ‘a second strike’ to a country in nuclear warfare: expert

A new nuclear submarine has been turned over to the People's Liberation Army Navy, one of the largest State-owned naval shipbuilding enterprises revealed on Tuesday, but experts believe that this submarine is not the most advanced Type 096, which is China's next generation strategic nuclear submarine.

China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC), which also manufactures China's aircraft carrier, posted the information on its WeChat account Tuesday in an article reviewing its achievements since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2012.

"The past five years since the 18th National Congress of the CPC has been an extraordinary period for the CSIC, with the handover of China's first aircraft carrier Liaoning to the PLA Navy, the launch of the first homegrown aircraft carrier, the completion of the new nuclear submarine and the deep-sea-exploration submersible Jiaolong…"the article said.

However, the article did not reveal the submarine's name and type. But some Net users and military enthusiasts speculated the submarine is Type 096, China's most advanced nuclear submarine, and the successor of the current Type 094, which first appeared on China Central Television in 2013.

The submarine the CSIC mentioned could be Type 094 or Type 093, but not the next generation nuclear-powered ballistic submarine Type 096, since Type 096 is too advanced and not to be completed soon, Song Zhongping, a military expert who served in the PLA Rocket Force, told the Global Times.

The strategic nuclear submarine, also called a nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, is capable of launching nuclear warheads from the sea, and can provide "a second strike" to a country in nuclear warfare.

That means when the enemy has completely destroyed land-based launch positions, the submarines take over.

The 2017 Annual Report to the US Congress on China's military power by the US Defense Department claims that China's next-generation nuclear submarine, Type 096, will likely begin construction in the early 2020s, and will reportedly be armed with the JL-3, a submarine-based ballistic missile.

"Pentagon's prediction about Type 096 could be correct to some extent, but the submarine could be completed ahead of schedule. The submarine is a key weapon to the country's nuclear warfare capability. Only the US and Russia have the real 'nuclear triad' (consisting of ballistic missiles, strategic nuclear submarines and strategic bombers), but sooner or later, China will have it as well," said Li Jie, a Beijing-based naval expert.

The US report also predicts that in the next decade, China will probably develop a new variant of the SHANG class (NATO code) Type 093B, which would not only improve the PLA's anti-surface warfare capability but also provide it with a more clandestine land-attack option.
It’s the 095
It’s the 095

The facility for 095 & 096 construction halls has not even been completed as of late 2016. There is zero possibility that the 095 could've been launched in less than a year of being in construction.

But again, I'm not ruling out the possibility that the lead units could've been built in the old halls. Who knows?
The facility for 095 & 096 construction halls has not even been completed as of late 2016. There is zero possibility that the 095 could've been launched in less than a year of being in construction.

But again, I'm not ruling out the possibility that the lead units could've been built in the old halls. Who knows?
I heard that construction secretly began some time ago ... presumably in the smaller and older halls. So the 095 will not be produced on masse yet
I heard that construction secretly began some time ago ... presumably in the smaller and older halls. So the 095 will not be produced on masse yet

Are you sure those rumors were referring to the 09V rather than the 09IIIB? Because the latter were fairly recent additions to the PLAN and could've been mistaken for a next-generation SSN.
Are you sure those rumors were referring to the 09V rather than the 09IIIB? Because the latter were fairly recent additions to the PLAN and could've been mistaken for a next-generation SSN.
I’m thought the 093B was only a stop-gap measure until the 095. To be fair, I’ve seen very few photos and heard little about the 093B so this new sub could indeed be that.
I’m thought the 093B was only a stop-gap measure until the 095. To be fair, I’ve seen very few photos and heard little about the 093B so this new sub could indeed be that.

It's probably best to wait & see. But with submarines, I doubt the community would be getting any photographs for several years.
I'm very much doubtful that the Chinese have reached the level of the U-212 in terms of submarine acoustic stealth. I'd be very surprised if the latest 039B1 could reach Soryu-levels of acoustic performance, to say the least.
I dont know why all the fuzz about Soryu class>?????
tell me what is it so "distinctive" and "advanced"``? just because it is made by Japan??
the only "advantage" it has over Chinese new subs is that can dive few meters deeper than ours.
But in terms of quietness, weapon variety, communication system, propulsion system, power management system and costs! it is much inferior than China's`````actually French and few other European countries make much bettter subs than Japan does```

U-212? ok, tell me can it swim with 10+knots underwater for 8 hours without popping up for bit a fresh air? or can it keep jogging for 5+knots for 2 weeks without a break on the surface?
It's probably best to wait & see. But with submarines, I doubt the community would be getting any photographs for several years.
The nuclear sub area is the most sensitive part of the entire PLA ... much more so than any other area like missiles or aircraft engines. The only report we've gotten on PLAN sub noise levels is from that 2009 ONI report, which relied on even earlier data (basically early 2000s). So basically, we're completely in the dark when it comes to relative noise levels on Chinese nuclear subs ...
in conventional subs, we look up to no one, more infos will leak through official channel in near future`````
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