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China's rebalancing strategies to ASEAN

I don't think it matters what they think now. The important thing is that Thailand's economy is heavily dependent on China, or will be soon.

Thailand can only play the balancing game if the US/PRC dependence and interests in Thailand is greater than Thailand's dependence and interests in the US/PRC (or if Thailand can convince the US and PRC to believe so). But now, and in the future, Thailand's dependency on the US (for politics and protection) and PRC (for Thai economy) is greater than the US/PRC 's dependency on Thailand. Thailand is in no position to play the balancing game.

And China can force Thailand to pick one side if Thailand's interests in PRC is greater than their interests in the US. I think this will happen when Thailand becomes more and more dependent on PRC for their economy.

Also, the US don't like it when there "friends" don't choose side and stay neutral. Remember when George W BUsh said "If you are not with us, then it means you are against us."

you are an indian not chinese, because you like to use the word-will

What was the context when the US-Thai alliance was made? I believe it was when the USSR was expanding their influence in SEA and Thailand was in real danger of getting dominated by the soviet-backed Vietnam. I don't think this is the situation anymore.

The PRC have no plan to invade Thailand and install a pupet government there so who is the US protecting the Thai from? On the other hand, Thailand is heavily dependent on PRC for their economy so I think we have a new context, or soon will be, where Thailand's interests in the PRC is greater than their interests in the US.

But of course, Thailand will choose US now because the US military is still stronger than the PLA. But what happen in the future when the US no longer have enough military power to subdue China? Thailand will not jump on the US band wagon.

when wenjiabao and Obama visited Thai last year, obviously, Obama is more welcome.
you are an indian not chinese, because you like to use the word-will

when wenjiabao and Obama visited Thai last year, obviously, Obama is more welcome.

That is funny, you can call me what you want but I'm sure I'm more chinese than a thai who likes to s*ck up to western farang. ;)

It doesn't matter what the white worshipping Thai thinks. The thai will have to bow to the PRC because of their economy. Japanese hates the Chinese, but Japan still have to tone down their nationalism when they felt the power of the Chinese economy. Big mouth Abe said he was going to visit the Shrine last month but then changed his mind.
Ok. All around is Chinese allies.

So what is the enemy of China ?

Could point out ? or all around ? Hahahaha

You could dream whatever you want ...
Thailand is good at balance between great powers. Learn the history of Thailand. It will not side with China or USA. I will plays the balance between the two. Thailand is only one country which has no colonization history in ASEAN. and in WW II, it sides with Japan firstly and then side with USA and China side.
The Thai tend to side with one who promises them more benefits or money. You are free to continue your day-dreaming to think Thailand will side with China. Even if it comes true, the Thai will sell you to Japan if the Japanese offer more money.

In this aspect, Thailand is like Italy, it changes friend and foe as it pleases.
Thailand is good at balance between great powers. Learn the history of Thailand. It will not side with China or USA. I will plays the balance between the two. Thailand is only one country which has no colonization history in ASEAN. and in WW II, it sides with Japan firstly and then side with USA and China side.
You can sell Thailand so much weapons and count them as your friend as you like and as some Chinese cheerleaders want, but in reality the Siamese are weak and no match with Vietnam. We defeated them in 3 wars: 1785, 1831 and 1841. Nowadays they rather run away than to face us on battlefields.
China No Threat to Southeast Asia as Xi Seeks to Grow Trade
By Neil Chatterjee & Janet Ong - Oct 3, 2013 4:50 PM GMT+0700


China’s economic development will bring opportunities rather than threats as it seeks to boost trade with Southeast Asia, Xi Jinping said on his first visit to the region as president.

China wants warmer ties with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and expects trade with the group to reach $1 trillion by 2020, Xi said in a speech to Indonesia’s parliament in Jakarta today.

Those calls will be tested as China grows more assertive in the South China Sea, an area dotted with nations that would call for U.S. help if attacked, while the U.S. is seeking greater influence in the region. Southeast Asia is aiming for its own free trade bloc by 2015, with regional ties to be on display at an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum leaders meeting in Bali and an Asean summit in Brunei next week.

“We should abandon the cold war mentality, and cooperate to build security and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability,” Xi said in the speech.

Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest economy, does not have direct claims to waters in the South China Sea rich with fish, oil and gas that are disputed by countries such as China, the Philippines and Vietnam. Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa has tried to broker agreement on a joint stance by Southeast Asian nations, while China has agreed to work toward a code of conduct on the waters, which contain some of the world’s major shipping lanes.

‘Dose of Salt’

“Indonesians will take his comments on the South China Sea with a large dose of salt,” said Keith Loveard, head of risk analysis at Jakarta-based security company Concord Consulting. “Actions speak louder than words and China’s recent actions in the area make it clear it intends to brook no disagreement with its claims.”

The Philippines was monitoring as many as five Chinese law-enforcement ships at Scarborough Shoal, its army said on Sept. 20. China said last month its sovereignty over the Shoal is undisputed.

“As for the territorial disputes between China and some Southeast Asian countries over sovereignty and maritime rights, both sides should always adhere to peaceful means,” Xi said.

Next year Chinese ships will for the first time join a 22-nation Rim of the Pacific naval drill, which is led by U.S. forces. China’s participation reflects a changed attitude as the world’s two biggest militaries boost contacts despite competing for influence in the Asia-Pacific.

Trade Deficit

Xi met Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in Jakarta yesterday and signed agreements to jointly develop industries including fisheries, tourism and aerospace, the presidential palace said.

Xi is on a two-day visit to Indonesia and will leave for Malaysia today before returning to Indonesia for the APEC meeting on Oct. 7-8.

China was due to close agreements to invest in 21 projects in Indonesia worth a total $28.2 billion, Indonesia Industry Minister M.S. Hidayat said. China proposes setting up an Asian infrastructure investment bank, Xi said.

“So much else is at stake in the relationship,” said Loveard, referring to the promise of investment, Indonesian hopes to get a favored trade status and Chinese demand for its coal. “Indonesia knows very well that it is dealing with the big boy on the block and will tread cautiously.”

APEC Summit

Indonesia has built a new airport and toll road in Bali to be ready for Xi and U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to the APEC summit, while elsewhere infrastructure has struggled to keep pace with economic and trade growth. Its persistent trade deficit this year has led to a slump in the rupiah. Indonesia’s non-oil and gas exports to China in August were worth $1.48 billion, while imports totaled $2 billion, according to the country’s statistics bureau.

“By country, Indonesia’s trade shortfall with China remained by far the largest drag,” HSBC Holdings Plc said in a report today led by economists Frederic Neumann and Qu Hongbin.

To contact the reporters on this story: Neil Chatterjee in Jakarta at nchatterjee1@bloomberg.net; Janet Ong in Hong Kong at jong3@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Rosalind Mathieson at rmathieson3@bloomberg.net

China No Threat to Southeast Asia as Xi Seeks to Grow Trade - Bloomberg
No one dare to pro weak and coward China in ASEAN.

in 1979 we attack China's ally Pol Pot, China even with US's support still dare not face wt our regular forces in Cambodia.

in 1997, VN backed Mr. Hun Sen to stage a coup to arrest pro-China party (PDK) , China didn't dare to say a word to VietNam

in 2011 , VN backed Mr. Hun Sen to shell Thailand badly , China also didn't dare to say a word


ASEAN learn well from Pol Pot's lesson, trust in China then die in near future :pop:


Shameless fool.

Your "glorious" army invaded a poor, backwards nation.

Just imagine invading Thailand. The Thai military will 100% f*ck up your nation's weak army.

If China was to attack Vietnam again, PLA would give VPA bad time.

Stop thinking about Vietnam War and Sino-Vietnam War. This is the 21st Century, not Stone Age.

and its never happen coz VN-Phillipine plus VN's special friends Laos-Cambodia r not welcome China :pop:

A bunch of weak nations can't change anything. None of the nation's you mentioned are in the Global Stage.

Stop wet dreaming about super duper vietnam land. Grow up.

Shameless fool.

Your "glorious" army invaded a poor, backwards nation.

Just imagine invading Thailand. The Thai military will 100% f*ck up your nation's weak army.

If China was to attack Vietnam again, PLA would give VPA bad time.

Stop thinking about Vietnam War and Sino-Vietnam War. This is the 21st Century, not Stone Age.

A bunch of weak nations can't change anything. None of the nation's you mentioned are in the Global Stage.

Stop wet dreaming about super duper vietnam land. Grow up.

And you said your a filipino oh please typical imperialist intink bihon
Shameless fool.
Your "glorious" army invaded a poor, backwards nation.
Just imagine invading Thailand. The Thai military will 100% f*ck up your nation's weak army.
are you high? we spanked the Siamese in 3 wars: 1785, 1831 and 1841. The victories gave us the control of whole Indochina. Do you think they can beat us today because they possess more weapons. What a delusional idiot.
Battle of R
If China was to attack Vietnam again, PLA would give VPA bad time.
Stop thinking about Vietnam War and Sino-Vietnam War. This is the 21st Century, not Stone Age.
A bunch of weak nations can't change anything. None of the nation's you mentioned are in the Global Stage.

Stop wet dreaming about super duper vietnam land. Grow up.
...says a Pinoy who keeps licking Chinese boots? :omghaha:
Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos are all part of greater China. Many of these countries were Chinese provinces during our empire days. But now that the Chinese empire is returning, these countries will come under Han rule once again.
I for once welcome increasing China's presence in the region.

Indeed, it is good for economy and trade. After all there are more people live in greater East Asia than anywhere in the world, linking the markets will give greater economic return.
Everyone keeps believing China is everyone enemy, but when our leaders pay a visit to them, red carpet laying on the floor everywhere and deals are made all over the place. What a ******* delusional people.

Laos is Vietnam trusted ally, as long as VPA still station in Laos, China can't buy them. Similar to Cambodia, as long as CPP still in power, they can't side with China, though China influence on Cambodia is visible.

China is surrounded by U.S. and the alliance. Some odd reason, not many countries like China, have Chinese ever asked themselves that? Most ASIAN chose to be allied with Westerns rather than China though Chinese are Asian as well.

Vietnam for example was once U.S. foe. But they quickly become friend with U.S., There's something wrong with China as you can see in here, the Chinese extremists Vs the world.

If the war breaks out now, China will be gang bang like in the 18th century where 13 countries gang bang on and humiliated China for a century.
I know this will hurt you but not a single country in Southeast Asia trust you. Fact is country would prefer to be protect by a bigger power, with real muscle, not some skinny Vietnamese. LOL
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