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China's political system is more flexible than US democracy

I suspect that there is a strong racial component to his hatred. The man is confused, conflicted, lost, and a coward. Like today's communists, he does not have the courage to live under the system he wish to impose upon everyone else.
There is No real communist nation yet , and hope USA will be the first one .......and of course hope Stalin will not Reborn to bully poor Gambit :lol:
There is No real communist nation yet , and hope USA will be the first one .......and of course hope Stalin will not Reborn to bully poor Gambit :lol:

You mean No nation being run by butchers lol :rofl:

and I bet USA will never be Communist and if so it will be the end of democracy.

Long live Democracy
There is No real communist nation yet , and hope USA will be the first one .......and of course hope Stalin will not Reborn to bully poor Gambit :lol:

Thats why the constitution of US gives right to bear arms to save the country from threats , both internal & external (something that I adore about US constitution). Forget the city slickers ,as long as crazy hillbillies and rednecks are there in US, one can count on them to shoot any commie at sight.
You mean No nation being run by butchers lol :rofl:

and I bet USA will never be Communist and if so it will be the end of democracy.

Long live Democracy
Bro, I explain already: Communist is better than Capitalist , not Democracy . bcz Communist inherrit almost everything from Capitalist , including Democracy too, except 'too big too fail ' banking system
harpoon said:
Thats why the constitution of US gives right to bear arms to save the country from threats , both internal & external (something that I adore about US constitution). Forget the city slickers ,as long as crazy hillbillies and rednecks are there in US, one can count on them to shoot any commie at sight.

Sorry, protester say: You're Wrong , they love our commie hero in shining armor , come to take their houses back :lol:
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I thought I may take a chance to educate you on this . There is always going to be borrowers and the more sucessful nations borrow vs printing money. The democracies are the ones that you want to typically loan to. It's a fact China rather lend ot the US vs. lending that money internally speaks volumes. The notes we sell we get at a low low 2% or less...

Btw- I can't for the love of god figure out - why with so much hate for my country, its vaules, its democracy you still live off it? Is it because of that infamous character trait that is well known about your group?

I suspect that there is a strong racial component to his hatred. The man is confused, conflicted, lost, and a coward. Like today's communists, he does not have the courage to live under the system he wish to impose upon everyone else.

Don’t tell me US presidents were hating USA when they made these remarks:

“All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.” -- John Adam, 2nd president of US

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. “ -- Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of US

As for your type of great body of the fools littering around in N. America, Ohio Banker John Sherman had a very nice summary:
“The few who can understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests

For your fools' additional reading:

“Capital must protect itself in every possible way, both by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through the process of law, the common people lose their homes, they will become more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of government applied by a central power of wealth under leading financiers. These truths are well known among our principal men who are now engaged in forming an imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voter through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance. It is thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves that which has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished.” -- American’s Banker Association, 1924
Don’t tell me US presidents were hating USA when they made these remarks:

Oh look the fella is now hiding behind the democratic " Freedom of speech" right -the irony and hypocrisy :rofl:

For every quote you have added - they have 1000 praising the country, they called it the greatest nation on earth and not seditious talk like you do on every post...

For every quote you have added - you were too naive to know in what context it was spoken in

For every quote you added ; they were american loyalist and patriots 100%

for every post you've added personally here: it has been anti -US hate filled rants.

Gambit has you locked down :( do us a favor please and please remove our flag from your profile)

I suspect that there is a strong racial component to his hatred. The man is confused, conflicted, lost, and a coward. Like today's communists, he does not have the courage to live under the system he wish to impose upon everyone else.
Oh look the fella is now hiding behind the democratic " Freedom of speech" right -the irony and hypocrisy :rofl:

For every quote you have added - they have 1000 praising the country, they called it the greatest nation on earth and not seditious talk like you do on every post...

For every quote you have added - you were too naive to know in what context it was spoken in

For every quote you added ; they were american loyalist and patriots 100%

for every post you've added personally here: it has been anti -US hate filled rants.

Gambit has you locked down :( do us a favor please and please remove our flag from your profile)

Do you know why India is so crappy? It is because huge amount of your type of Indians take jingoism as patriotism. You only know to gloss over the sh!thols in your system and make 30% criminal residing your parliament. And you consider that patriotism! :lol: That is why your GDP was higher than China's in 1960 but is only 1/4 of China's now. That is why your starvation still persists and China's gone...

Do you know why USA is so powerful? It is because of some amount of my types of people know the defects of system and attempt to let everyone know and to fix them: from president like Jefferson, to ordinary people like Parenti.

So, if you want to help screw up further the system, sit with the bankers with jingoism, or go back to India with jingoism.

A great nation is never built on jingoism!

And in your crewed foolish logic, the thousands who occupy Wall Street hate USA.

BTW, don’t dream me to wave an Indian flag, not in your wettest dream… that’s a personal insulation.
Do you know why India is so crappy? It is because huge amount of your type of Indians take jingoism as patriotism. You only know to gloss over the sh!thols in your system and make 30% criminal residing your parliament. And you consider that patriotism! :lol: That is why your GDP was higher than China's in 1960 but is only 1/4 of China's now. That is why your starvation still persists and China's gone...

Do you know why USA is so powerful? It is because of some amount of my types of people know the defects of system and attempt to let everyone know and to fix them: from president like Jefferson, to ordinary people like Parenti.

So, if you want to help screw up further the system, sit with the bankers with jingoism, or go back to India with jingoism.

A great nation is never built on jingoism!

BTW, don’t dream me to wave an Indian flag, not in your wettest dream… that’s a personal insulation.

OMG that has to be the most narcissistic napolean syndrome post ever. even compared yourself to the great US presidents and had to bring India( and go off topic) into the equation to side track your ilk's traits in my country. again- please I implore you to drop those flags, you were an immigration oversight & not an american in any shape or form.
Do you know why India is so crappy? It is because huge amount of your type of Indians take jingoism as patriotism. You only know to gloss over the sh!thols in your system and make 30% criminal residing your parliament. And you consider that patriotism! :lol: That is why your GDP was higher than China's in 1960 but is only 1/4 of China's now. That is why your starvation still persists and China's gone...

Do you know why USA is so powerful? It is because of some amount of my types of people know the defects of system and attempt to let everyone know and to fix them: from president like Jefferson, to ordinary people like Parenti.

So, if you want to help screw up further the system, sit with the bankers with jingoism, or go back to India with jingoism.

A great nation is never built on jingoism!

And in your crewed foolish logic, the thousands who occupy Wall Street hate USA.

BTW, don’t dream me to wave an Indian flag, not in your wettest dream… that’s a personal insulation.
And certainly not from people like you and the self-hating, self-righteous, self-obsessed and loony thousands who polluted public streets and annoys hard working businesses down in Wall St. You are not interested in fixing what is wrong with America. You are more interested in using what is wrong with America to fuel your irrational hatred of the country that gave your parents the freedoms they believed they never could have back in China and left, and to bring down this country with your hatred. As an immigrant like your parents and someone who served in the US military, I could probably list more faults with America in one hour than you can in one day. But unlike you, I realize that it was -- and still is -- what is right with America that is far greater than its flaws. Despite having a far longer history, your wished for China still has a long way to go before China can stand beside the US as a peer. Like it or not, China is NOT your country and your hatred for the US made your citizenship null and void. This is why you are confused, conflicted, and lost.
And certainly not from people like you and the self-hating, self-righteous, self-obsessed and loony thousands who polluted public streets and annoys hard working businesses down in Wall St. You are not interested in fixing what is wrong with America. You are more interested in using what is wrong with America to fuel your irrational hatred of the country that gave your parents the freedoms they believed they never could have back in China and left, and to bring down this country with your hatred. As an immigrant like your parents and someone who served in the US military, I could probably list more faults with America in one hour than you can in one day. But unlike you, I realize that it was -- and still is -- what is right with America that is far greater than its flaws. Despite having a far longer history, your wished for China still has a long way to go before China can stand beside the US as a peer. Like it or not, China is NOT your country and your hatred for the US made your citizenship null and void. This is why you are confused, conflicted, and lost.

After reading these lines He should get out of delusion :agree:and he should not use FLAGS:oops:
And certainly not from people like you and the self-hating, self-righteous, self-obsessed and loony thousands who polluted public streets and annoys hard working businesses down in Wall St. You are not interested in fixing what is wrong with America. You are more interested in using what is wrong with America to fuel your irrational hatred of the country that gave your parents the freedoms they believed they never could have back in China and left, and to bring down this country with your hatred. As an immigrant like your parents and someone who served in the US military, I could probably list more faults with America in one hour than you can in one day. But unlike you, I realize that it was -- and still is -- what is right with America that is far greater than its flaws. Despite having a far longer history, your wished for China still has a long way to go before China can stand beside the US as a peer. Like it or not, China is NOT your country and your hatred for the US made your citizenship null and void. This is why you are confused, conflicted, and lost.
hard working businesses ?? Gambit, pls don't call those Wall st Loand shark with a nice word like that.

btw: I think China system is more flexible than US , bcz China will change their leader each 5 years, but US never can change Wall st loand shrak even one time :)
And certainly not from people like you and the self-hating, self-righteous, self-obsessed and loony thousands who polluted public streets and annoys hard working businesses down in Wall St. You are not interested in fixing what is wrong with America. You are more interested in using what is wrong with America to fuel your irrational hatred of the country that gave your parents the freedoms they believed they never could have back in China and left, and to bring down this country with your hatred. As an immigrant like your parents and someone who served in the US military, I could probably list more faults with America in one hour than you can in one day. But unlike you, I realize that it was -- and still is -- what is right with America that is far greater than its flaws. Despite having a far longer history, your wished for China still has a long way to go before China can stand beside the US as a peer. Like it or not, China is NOT your country and your hatred for the US made your citizenship null and void. This is why you are confused, conflicted, and lost.

you just described yourself perfectly``well done`!

---------- Post added at 06:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 PM ----------

After reading these lines He should get out of delusion :agree:and he should not use FLAGS:oops:

self-critisism never exists in India, thats why its a backward, unjustice and a delusional country
gambit is right : i cannot see communism in USA.
even with this kind of people who suffer from the hard financial situation (reminds me the same situation in France where people work all their life ... for not having been able to buy a house):
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you just described yourself perfectly``well done`!

---------- Post added at 06:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 PM ----------

self-critisism never exists in India, thats why its a backward, unjustice and a delusional country

Well He was describing about mentality of people like gpit who are hiding behind US Flag and love to bash the democracy.
Why it is itching you so hard??:oops

And A chinese talking about unjustice and Delusions naaaaaaaaah kid grow up
gambit is right : i cannot see communism in USA.
even with this kind of people who suffer from the hard financial situation (reminds me the same situation in France where people work all their life ... for not having been able to buy a house):
Bro, I posted the clip about communist in Wall st already.

On Saturday night thousands of Occupy Chicago protesters cheered the communists as they spoke at the rally and march in downtown Chicago.

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