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China's official media shows shot down a U.S U - 2

Gambit, we have to give credit where credit is due, B-2 (and F-22 of course) is a marvelous piece of technical and engineering achievement, not that you guys should be too proud using it everywhere in other countries' airspace :D After all an intrusion is an intrusion.
What is the need of B2 sortie US already has high resolution satellites?:victory:
How many U-2 overflights were there? More than a few shot down? How about a lot more? How many U-2 Soviet overflights were there before one was shot down?

Dude,do I look like I care how many flights were taken,and its still not relating to my comment and to the fact that the U2 was shot down by China, and it of course, definitely suprised the USA.

And the PLA leadership must have been frothing at the mouth with rage when the U-2 flights were over Chinese airspace

Of course they have the right to be at rage! You are entering a sovereign country's airspace. If another country had penetrated USA's airspace, USA would have made a big issue out of it, the same way they made a huge issue about Russian stationing nuclear weapons on cuba when they had so many nuclear weapons in country located near Russia.
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High tech satellites don't carry payloads. A bomber sortie is often dont to show a nation's capability to bomb another.

No, he was asking why the B2 is used to take pictures. Well, the B2 is used to take pictures for its clarity. Since it's subsonic, there will be less "blur" in the image. Also, since satellites are above atmosphere, there is an extra medium to refract light hence, bending beams off target-Loses accuracy. Thus, something below atmosphere and low speed traveling makes the B2 idea for surveillance sorties.
Dude,do I look like I care how many flights were taken,and its still not relating to my comment and to the fact that the U2 was shot down by China, and it of course, definitely suprised the USA.

Of course they have the right to be at rage! You are entering a sovereign country's airspace. If another country had penetrated USA's airspace, USA would have made a big issue out of it, the same way they made a huge issue about Russian stationing nuclear weapons on cuba when they had so many nuclear weapons in country located near Russia.

i'm just ignoring that, typical US comment. to prevent misinformation, the U-2 came again, was shot down. then again. and again. then uncle sam got smart and stopped sending them.
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m just ignoring that, typical US attack dog comment.

Hey man, he may have a different point of view than both of us, but it does not give us a right to call him a dog bro. Furthermore, he is a military professional, so he is much more in depth about us in this topics, I suggest you edit your post and apologize, or your could be banned.
Taiwan used to operates U2 too (still does?), and I think a couple were also shot down in china
Taiwan used to operates U2 too (still does?), and I think a couple were also shot down in china

...more than a couple.

During 15-years of reconnaissance operations code-named
Project Razor, ROC pilots flew 102 missions that penetrated the bamboo curtain,
including overflights over North Korea and Northern Indochina. Surface-to-air
missiles shot down five U-2s over Mainland China. Three ROC pilots were killed,
two taken prisoner.

U-2 Black Cat Squadron in Taiwan _ ROCAF U-2 Operations over China
It was then difficult to shoot down a U-2 even with HQ-2 missiles. But it won't be as difficult nowadays to buster a B2 or F-22 with land based SAM system. China is not Serbia.
Hey man, he may have a different point of view than both of us, but it does not give us a right to call him a dog bro. Furthermore, he is a military professional, so he is much more in depth about us in this topics, I suggest you edit your post and apologize, or your could be banned.

sorry, it's just did not seem professional to state something that was patently false. the U-2 missions flew 110 times over China before the HQ-2's were advanced enough to shoot them down. then once the HQ-2's shot down 5, they stopped coming.

it was not out of charity. it was because from that point onwards, they'll just be wasting their aircraft and pilots trying.
What took the pictures of the U-2? I thought the U-2 could fly higher than any aircraft.
Fly high does not mean it can not be destroyed
U2 The aircraft is a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, its altitude is high. Fighter of that period that can not be reached, and it can 20000-22000 meters long-term high-altitude flight. This is equivalent to we are now sitting in general aviation aircraft more than doubled. During the flight, be able to 200 kilometers wide, about 5,000 km of terrestrial scenes glance to the whole film down, and printing photos into a 4000 pairs of photos. U-2's goal is to detect the nuclear industrial base in west China. Since the late 50s, China began to secretly develop nuclear weapons, the United States need to learn Chinese self-reliant development of nuclear weapons information. Nicknamed the "black widow" u2 reconnaissance aircraft, began to appear in the sky of our land. But the windfall has given China, China has found the wreckage of some good stuff.
Anyone has infor on when this shoot down took place?? And if any US pilot captured?
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