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China's next move: send enemy neighbors into internal political deadlock

So, how is the situation over there? Trouble-makers got tired and going back where they came from, I heard? Your observation?
Actual protestors are overwhelmingly high school and university students. But a substantial portion of the population are wearing the yellow ribbon in support of the protestors. Didn't see anybody wearing the blue ribbon against the protestors. But a large portion of the population are against the protestors and they show their anger. In other words, the protestors are extremely well-organized. They could have actually rehearsed well beforehand. The anti-protestors are not organized at all, just random angry people. Hong Kong government seems to be hoping the anti-protestors to kick out the protestors on their own. Even after most have dispersed by angry people, likely there would be a radical core group continuing to go after the government office similar to what happened in Taipei. So probably there will be a final chapter of tear gassing or rubber bullets and then both sides point fingers at each other about the brutal treatment of 1000 or so "students" :rolleyes:

looks they are camping there! i can't find their washroom and toilet. how do they poop?
i liked how he changed the focus and took two different snaps, professional
ford foundation tried that with India and then we had the storngest govt in 30 years history

China try that lets see what comes out of it
Actual protestors are overwhelmingly high school and university students. But a substantial portion of the population are wearing the yellow ribbon in support of the protestors. Didn't see anybody wearing the blue ribbon against the protestors. But a large portion of the population are against the protestors and they show their anger. In other words, the protestors are extremely well-organized. They could have actually rehearsed well beforehand. The anti-protestors are not organized at all, just random angry people. Hong Kong government seems to be hoping the anti-protestors to kick out the protestors on their own. Even after most have dispersed by angry people, likely there would be a radical core group continuing to go after the government office similar to what happened in Taipei. So probably there will be a final chapter of tear gassing or rubber bullets and then both sides point fingers at each other about the brutal treatment of 1000 or so "students" :rolleyes:

few hours ago, where did they go?



Is only the beginning of the great avalanche of Democracy.
Is only the beginning of the great avalanche of Democracy.

giving universal suffrage would mean tomorrow they will hold a referendum and declare hong kong a sovereign country with backing from usa-uk team, that is their ultimate goal

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