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China's next move: send enemy neighbors into internal political deadlock

I think @Chinese-Dragon can better explain everything. He's not been posting recently.

Can't you see he's been very busy recently so cannot post on PDF. He's the one wearing the blue hat in this photo:


Yesterday, he tried to remove a barricade block and the yellow ribbon crowd mobbed him. I'm glad he still look OK.
but acknowledge the biggest intelligence failure
some heads must roll
university students have not been brainwashed overnight, not possible
this process has there been for long for sure
and without notice?
how dangerous?
now who should be held accountable?
they have long targeted the garrison
why does google earth show hong kong/mainland boundary as an international border?
what next, macau?
exploit this opportunity, bring it under full control
disband the police, remove the sar status
otherwise, they are dedicated
be aware, they will go to any extent
but acknowledge the biggest intelligence failure
some heads must roll
university students have not been brainwashed overnight, not possible
this process has there been for long for sure
and without notice?
how dangerous?
now who should be held accountable?
they have long targeted the garrison
why does google earth show hong kong/mainland boundary as an international border?
what next, macau?
exploit this opportunity, bring it under full control
disband the police, remove the sar status
otherwise, they are dedicated
be aware, they will go to any extent

Whole China is passing through a phase of internal turmoil. There was a report somewhere that China's Homeland Security budget is larger than it's Defence Budget. China might not go the USSR's way but China is definitely bracing for a big Political change which might mean chaos and bloodshed.

Those who are calling the protesting students idiots must read the history of revolutions. Peasants and Students have always been leading such revolutions. That is because it is the youth or the poor who is the most eager to change the Status Quo.
Whole China is passing through a phase of internal turmoil. There was a report somewhere that China's Homeland Security budget is larger than it's Defence Budget. China might not go the USSR's way but China is definitely bracing for a big Political change which might mean chaos and bloodshed.

Those who are calling the protesting students idiots must read the history of revolutions. Peasants and Students have always been leading such revolutions. That is because it is the youth or the poor who is the most eager to change the Status Quo.

you can read
The Chinese Student Movement of 1945–1949
Jessie G. Lutz

available on net

so it is alarming indeed
but acknowledge the biggest intelligence failure
some heads must roll
university students have not been brainwashed overnight, not possible
this process has there been for long for sure
and without notice?
how dangerous?
now who should be held accountable?
they have long targeted the garrison
why does google earth show hong kong/mainland boundary as an international border?
what next, macau?
exploit this opportunity, bring it under full control
disband the police, remove the sar status
otherwise, they are dedicated
be aware, they will go to any extent
LOL China can just move in mainlanders :)
LOL China can just move in mainlanders :)

as of now, it remains the only option but not a permanent solution which is discarding the present sar status. if you can't integrate the region fully, problem will exist btw
The optimal situation for China is for all its enemy neighbors to enter internal political deadlock. This makes the pawns useless for USA.

We saw how platform 981 paralyzed Vietnam internal politics. Now they are facing a full blown colored revolution. Ha ha. Good situation for China.

We saw how North Korea is very unstable now with a leadership crisis. They tried to turn against China and failed. Ha ha. Good situation for China.

We saw how Philippines is rendered helpless like a baby so they stopped all construction work in the South China Sea. Ha ha. Good situation for China.

The next step is to do the same to India. Modi promised to Obama that India will make trouble for China in the South China Sea. This is the forward policy China has been waiting for as an excuse to launch a massive counterattack. Another humiliating military adventure for Modi (after Chumar defeat) means the Congress returns to power.

Japan is going down this path too because their economy is going sour. Their demographics make them economically uncompetitive. An adventure to confront China over Diaoyu Islands ended in embarassment. Now with J-10B in service Japan's window of opportunity closed. With Abe discredited soon Japan's PM will be a revolving door position again.

With the periphery temporarily secured, then China can focus its efforts on purging seditious elements in Hong Kong (in the near term before 2017) and on a military invasion of Taiwan (in the middle term before 2022). Only with Taiwan secured can China render itself impervious to an intended blockade of Malacca Straits by US Navy. It all ends with China at the center of a massive trade network spanning from East Asia to Russia including all countries not openly hostile to China -- the Celestial Empire.

Our primary weapon to create internal political deadlock is PLA spanking. They all tasted it. They all know what it tastes like. Enough spanking and they realize confrontation is too costly. Like taming an animal.

So the pattern is: economic strength --> military advantage --> political influence --> economic strength of superpower proportions
What a hare brained thread. An excellent example of trolling.

I still fail to understand why kids are allowed to post here on PDF.
The optimal situation for China is for all its enemy neighbors to enter internal political deadlock. This makes the pawns useless for USA.

We saw how platform 981 paralyzed Vietnam internal politics. Now they are facing a full blown colored revolution. Ha ha. Good situation for China.

We saw how North Korea is very unstable now with a leadership crisis. They tried to turn against China and failed. Ha ha. Good situation for China.

We saw how Philippines is rendered helpless like a baby so they stopped all construction work in the South China Sea. Ha ha. Good situation for China.

The next step is to do the same to India. Modi promised to Obama that India will make trouble for China in the South China Sea. This is the forward policy China has been waiting for as an excuse to launch a massive counterattack. Another humiliating military adventure for Modi (after Chumar defeat) means the Congress returns to power.

Japan is going down this path too because their economy is going sour. Their demographics make them economically uncompetitive. An adventure to confront China over Diaoyu Islands ended in embarassment. Now with J-10B in service Japan's window of opportunity closed. With Abe discredited soon Japan's PM will be a revolving door position again.

With the periphery temporarily secured, then China can focus its efforts on purging seditious elements in Hong Kong (in the near term before 2017) and on a military invasion of Taiwan (in the middle term before 2022). Only with Taiwan secured can China render itself impervious to an intended blockade of Malacca Straits by US Navy. It all ends with China at the center of a massive trade network spanning from East Asia to Russia including all countries not openly hostile to China -- the Celestial Empire.

Our primary weapon to create internal political deadlock is PLA spanking. They all tasted it. They all know what it tastes like. Enough spanking and they realize confrontation is too costly. Like taming an animal.

So the pattern is: economic strength --> military advantage --> political influence --> economic strength of superpower proportions

giving universal suffrage would mean tomorrow they will hold a referendum and declare hong kong a sovereign country with backing from usa-uk team, that is their ultimate goal

even if it happens how will they survive - it is economically linked to china

What a hare brained thread. An excellent example of trolling.

I still fail to understand why kids are allowed to post here on PDF.

because once you too were a kid ..............

the kids will tumble rumble and grow up one day .................

till then bear with the kids
great, we have our own spy at the scene of the action. :D keep us updated matador
You might have thought the protest area is sealed off and non-protestors cannot get in. Actually it's all completely open. It's more like the city blocked off some streets to traffic and turned it into all foot pedestrians and a bunch of high school and university students are hanging out there. Probably many of them have no idea what they are supposed to be attending. Maybe they think it's cool to live like a homeless person for a week in the city center. There are propaganda posters everywhere with messages like "down with CY Leung." A very creepy atmosphere like something out of the novel 1984 or the height of the cultural revolution. On the other hand also like a student society fair on a really big scale.
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Nice pattern.Now please go and clear your internal HongKong political dead lock.Otherwise it would be very nice
China's neighbours . :lol: :rofl:
They have pretty much already countered it for good
You might have thought the protest area is sealed off and non-protestors cannot get in. Actually it's all completely open. It's more like the city blocked off some streets to traffic and turned it into all foot pedestrians and a bunch of high school and university students are hanging out there. Probably many of them have no idea what they are supposed to be attending. Maybe they think it's cool to live like a homeless person for a week in the city center. There are propaganda posters everywhere with messages like "down with CY Leung." A very creepy atmosphere like something out of the novel 1984 or the height of the cultural revolution. On the other hand also like a student society fair on a really big scale.

emily lau kind of people are using them. there are many girls, remove them from the scene, many boys themselves will disappear. and you know how to do that.

btw, how many indians did you see there?

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