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China's next move: send enemy neighbors into internal political deadlock

emily lau kind of people are using them. there are many girls, remove them from the scene, many boys themselves will disappear. and you know how to do that.

btw, how many indians did you see there?
It's difficult for me to tell northern Indians from Pakistanis. A Sikh I can recognize by the turban. A Dravidian I can tell by race. If they have a religious mark like a red color on the forehand then he's a Hindu. If he's dressed like Gandhi I can tell he's Indian. If he's dressed like an Arab, he's not a Hindu. I'm not going to go ask some South Asian looking guy in jeans and a shirt are you Pakistani my good brother or you are Indian my enemy. There were about <1% South Asia guys looking like they were trying to put up a big show acting tough but when push came to shove they all retreated despite acting in groups. Probably they were Indian... [Seriously though, on the news they showed one SouthEAST Asian guy got in a fight. Everybody else was just Chinese on Chinese.]
It's difficult for me to tell northern Indians from Pakistanis. A Sikh I can recognize by the turban. A Dravidian I can tell by race. If they have a religious mark like a red color on the forehand then he's a Hindu. If he's dressed like Gandhi I can tell he's Indian. If he's dressed like an Arab, he's not a Hindu. I'm not going to go ask some South Asian looking guy are you Pakistani my good brother or you are Indian my enemy. There were about <1% South Asia guys looking like they were trying to put up a big show acting tough but when push came to shove they all retreated despite acting in groups. Probably they were Indian... [Seriously though, on the news they showed one Southeast Asia guy got in a fight. Everybody else was just Chinese on Chinese.]

south asians supporting the occupy are indians and south asians supporting the anti-occupy are pakistanis.

btw, in your life, get a lesson, no body is a tough guy, every body may act like one but every body is scared of death, always remember it, even a lion or tiger is also scared of death. when you are confronting a tough guy, first conquer the fear of death, you will conquer him easily
giving universal suffrage would mean tomorrow they will hold a referendum and declare hong kong a sovereign country with backing from usa-uk team, that is their ultimate goal

not, that's just too small for an ever higher objective
Democracy was beaten by Chinese tradition. You know what Chinese tradition is? It's the triads of Hong Kong :)

As far as I know ,trolling is the tradition of some chinese members in here.I am not generalizing .Only few have such
behaviour like the one who posted this thread.
Perhaps our brothers in HK are trying for change . :D
As far as I know ,trolling is the tradition of some chinese members in here.I am not generalizing .Only few have such
behaviour like the one who posted this thread.
Perhaps our brothers in HK are trying for change . :D

i would have wholeheartedly supported the movement, had it really meant for democracy. but when you see, protesters waving british flag, it means they are not for democracy, they are for 'back to british colonialism' which is weird.
but this is also a lesson for china, it teaches everyone that making money, living a wealthy life are not all, humans want, they also want to be politically rich. prosperity without patriotic nationalism is dangerous for any nation.
Can't you see he's been very busy recently so cannot post on PDF. He's the one wearing the blue hat in this photo:


Yesterday, he tried to remove a barricade block and the yellow ribbon crowd mobbed him. I'm glad he still look OK.


You're a true patriot.
i would have wholeheartedly supported the movement, had it really meant for democracy. but when you see, protesters waving british flag, it means they are not for democracy, they are for 'back to british colonialism' which is weird.
but this is also a lesson for china, it teaches everyone that making money, living a wealthy life are not all, humans want, they also want to be politically rich. prosperity without patriotic nationalism is dangerous for any nation.

What chinese want most is stability. India never undergo prolong war that goes on for years. Average war in China 50 years My family were war refugee from China. You will never understand the suffering we been through. Those kid never been through life. Really ungrateful.
What chinese want most is stability. India never undergo prolong war that goes on for years. Average war in China 50 years My family were war refugee from China. You will never understand the suffering we been through. Those kid never been through life. Really ungrateful.

good point and i agree.

those kids should have been recruited in military and should have been deployed in battle fronts for few years so that they would understand the value of peace and stability. too much peaceful life for any new generation is always boring because one cannot value brightness if he has never seen darkness in life. you can only understand the value of life when you witness death. chinese want stability is understandable but how? one can desire to have stability only if he has experiences in instability. peace always comes through war. you have to understand the psychology of a new generation of youth. the youth of hong kong is suffering from boredom in life, they are not getting the meaning of life through too much prosperity and peace. its not their fault, they are humans and for them life is not all about luxury. they also want hardships and pain in life --- austerity is very significant in life. a young man wants adventure, sacrifice, pain, tremendous suffering, grief, languishment etc apart from all the comforts. this makes the totality in life. only then one becomes a complete man. this is why joining army and participating in war is necessary for every man. this is why any nation that goes through war becomes vibrant and full of life during peacetime which obviously comes after war.
i would have wholeheartedly supported the movement, had it really meant for democracy. but when you see, protesters waving british flag, it means they are not for democracy, they are for 'back to british colonialism' which is weird.
but this is also a lesson for china, it teaches everyone that making money, living a wealthy life are not all, humans want, they also want to be politically rich. prosperity without patriotic nationalism is dangerous for any nation.
You pointed out the anti-occupy forces must hold counter protests to swing the momentum back in our favor. The foreign press is terrified of popular anger at their agenda. This is what we are seeing now. The protestors are begging for police help against angry locals and pro-Beijing anti-protestors. The police tell them "take down the barricades, go home and you won't get hurt" :lol:


You're a true patriot.
I'm not going to just sit here while some fools sell out my country. They will have to do it over my dead body!
Can't you see he's been very busy recently so cannot post on PDF. He's the one wearing the blue hat in this photo:


Yesterday, he tried to remove a barricade block and the yellow ribbon crowd mobbed him. I'm glad he still look OK.

This isnt Chinese dragon really, is it? Confused,,

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