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China's new Weapons

Whatever. I think Hu Jintao's foreign policies are not quite up to the mark. He cannot separate India from America, because India is more than a mere proxy of America to contain China, India is in fact an American replica in South Asia. The difference between America and India is that when the former is a very polished and sophisticated in her imperial structure, the latter is rough and blunt in its imperial structure.

And how can you be a Chinese if you just forget 1962 Indian back stabbing? How can you forget those Chinese soldiers go received martyrdom in 1962 to protect the border of China? How can you avoid India's covert planning to malign the image of China and deliver a serious blow to China's economy?

Thus Hu Hintao's foreign policies to woo an enemy might become self destructive and also it might cause some damage to the Sino-Pakistan friendship. Well my opinion is based on public media sources.

Let me explain it like this:

Hu Jintao does not act without prior consent of the ENTIRE PRC. Please understand that China before embarking on an important decision consults and thoroughly discusses all options and consequences. China speaks and act with one determine voice.

It is true India invaded China when China was weak from Euro-Amer Imperialism and a civil war. India thought they could take Tibet and Xinjiang (and Pakistan and Afghanistan to form Ahkand Bharat = Greater India) and launched a series of offensive starting in 1957. China warned India numerous times to stop but she didn't and in 1962 a counter-offensive was launched, land was recovered and Indian part was returned as a good gesture. However, GOI to this day refuses to apologize and instead claims contrary to all evidence.

Now what has been China's official policy concerning those events? China has discarded it as a "small squirmish" and would like to have a land swap. Southern tibet return to China, and eastern Kashmir return to India. Unfortunately India has refused this more than fair resolution but eyes on capturing the whole of tibet (which India claims because Buddhism 'originated' from India -- more precisely it originated from southern Nepal).

However, China continues to pursue the policy of peaceful negotiation for territorial integrity. This is done not out of fear, but good neighborly friendship.

During the earlier Qin Dynasty China pursued a "closed door" policy, because at that time China was the WEALTHIEST AND MOST TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED NATION IN THE WORLD, bar none! It was this arrogance that open up the door to European Imperialism that lead to the near complete colonization of the entire globe.

As as result China will not fall prey to the same mistake. :china: Make now mistake the government officials are very wise and intelligent. :) If China went to war with India over such as small matter that could be settled diplomatically, it would affect China's image and relationship with all the other nations of the world. Many "western" nations attempted to ISOLATE China, thus weakening her. Thus, in the past 3 decades China began the most earnest effort of reaching out to ALL NATIONS of the world, Americas, Africas, Arabs, Western Europeans, Eastern Europeans, SE Asians, South Asians, East Asians... you name it! :china:

I hope that explanation helps. :cheers:
You talk with such arrogance borderline foolishness just like the typical American.
No arrogance, just from age and experience.

Reminds me of the talk on how your finance and banking system were so superior but in the last 12 months most of them have either crumbled into dust or surviving on fed welfare.
As if China's state owned enterprises all these years does not qualify as 'fed welfare'?

You make it sound like a walk in the park fighting China with hardly any resistance just many surgical strikes on well lit targets.
Electronically speaking...ANY place that has electricity is 'lit', some more 'well lit' than others, but 'lit' nonetheless. I spent a couple years on temporary assignment to the USAF Special Operations command as Signals Exploitation (field) specialist with a secondary specialty as Linguist. Us 'killer geeks' would have about 120kgms of recording gears and one week's worth of rations, jumped in less than 1,000ft at night or swim ashore and buried ourselves in dirt and mud and let the tapes run.

In a winter training and exercise with the ROK Marines, now that is one bunch of badass mofos, I deduced from the tapes the amount of generators Osan AFB uses to start aircrafts based upon unique signals created by the generators. We analysts missed four generators and one of them was disqualified because it was packaged to ship back to manufacturor. Handhelds, aka 'bricks' because each radio is shaped very much like a brick, that are used for communication by maintainers, can be analyzed. We do not need to record the actual conversations, just the amount of transmission bursts and average that data over time to have a good estimate of how many aircrafts are on a base and how much work are there to keep them flying. With no need to record conversations, we can afford to run the tapes slower, therefore more data. I could go on and on.

Do you think you are dealing with amateurs here? How do you think Iraq's defenses were so easily overwhelmed? I do not believe that it will be a 'walk in the park' against China as you think I so believe. But based from my experience, and I was in post Saddam Kuwait collecting Soviet junks, if there is a shooting war between the US and China, have no doubt we ALREADY have your coastal missile batteries, ports, air bases and troop garrisons electronically mapped. There is a percentage threshold of electronic data a base generate that will flag the place as candidate for destruction and do not come back with a counter-argument that such data can be so easily faked. The reason why guys like me were asked to do this is precisely because of our experience in aviation maintenance or ship maintenance or tank maintenance for that matter. We can tell when the data is suspect.

If there was gonna be a conventional war China ain't gonna sit on its *** and allow you to fight just on Chinese soil.
You are confused if you think US troops will be on Chinese soil. We do not need to fight the PLA directly to cripple the Chinese military. Just take out the PLAN and the PLAAF and those fights will be over Chinese soil and off Chinese coast. I do not see any Chinese aircraft carriers off US coast, do you?

The PLA will support the N Koreans on their attack on S korea, Russia is gonna roll there tanks West to take back their former states when it see the US forces bogged down in China. So you have atleast a three front war possibly WW3, how again are you gonna finance this great expedition again??
Dream on...Russia can go only as far as Georgia. Their military is decrepit, manned by disgruntled conscripts. If Mother Russia is attacked, the people will fight, of course. But an armed conflict between the US and China will be of no concern to them. The South Korean can handle North Korean troops, who are underfed and ill equipped.

On Nukes you never heard of MAD? Must be an obsolete concept for an armchair cyber general like yourself.
Look who is the real armchair general here. What part of the meaning of the word 'mutual' do you not understand? In order for MAD to be viable, there MUST be parity of forces. Parity in this context is beyond numerical figures but also the capability to deliver the weapons. The once Soviet Union had parity against US. Currently China does not. Not in functional nuclear warhead figure and not in delivery platforms, be it via missiles or other means.
Must be an obsolete concept for an armchair cyber general like yourself.

Disagree with the other poster all you want, but please remain respectful and civil.
Chinees progress in every thing also good for us because China is our good defence partner.
Killer satalights are a must against prying eyes of spy satalights
cry all you want and rant about China.
China is only defending itself better against an aggressors. AT least China didn't throw atomic bombs to defend its self.
The Aircraft Carrier Killer Satellite
March 13, 2007: While China has backed off, in the face of widespread international criticism, from blowing up any more space satellites with its new anti-satellite satellite, they have found a new use for it. The chief designer of Chinese satellites and spacecraft, Qi Faren, announced that their anti-satellite system can be modified to attack aircraft carriers. American aircraft carriers, one presumes, because China does not expect to have any carriers for another three or four years.
There's currently no treaty in force banning weapons in space. But the nations capable of putting weapons in space, have refrained from doing so for several decades. This is an informal agreement, and the United States has made it clear that is under no legal obligation to keep weapons out of space. If there were an arms race in space between China and the U.S., China would most likely lose.

The Chinese anti-satellite system was not actually a space satellite, but rather an ICBM warhead modified to stay in orbit for a while, and home in on a satellite passing in the vicinity. A similar "fractional orbit" type weapon could be used to hit ships at sea, if you had other satellite (especially radar satellites) nearby to keep track of the moving carrier. China would also need a well designed and robust guidance system for the warhead. Since China has demonstrated its ability to reliably launch satellites, and solid fuel ICBMs, as well as an anti-satellite system, an anti-ship ICBM is not beyond their capabilities

Space: The Aircraft Carrier Killer Satellite

With tensions already rising due to the Chinese navy becoming more aggressive in asserting its territorial claims in the South China Sea, the U.S. Navy seems to have yet another reason to be deeply concerned.

After years of conjecture, details have begun to emerge of a "kill weapon" developed by the Chinese to target and destroy U.S. aircraft carriers.

First posted on a Chinese blog viewed as credible by military analysts and then translated by the naval affairs blog Information Dissemination, a recent report provides a description of an anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) that can strike carriers and other U.S. vessels at a range of 2000km.

The range of the modified Dong Feng 21 missile is significant in that it covers the areas that are likely hot zones for future confrontations between U.S. and Chinese surface forces.

The size of the missile enables it to carry a warhead big enough to inflict significant damage on a large vessel, providing the Chinese the capability of destroying a U.S. supercarrier in one strike.

Because the missile employs a complex guidance system, low radar signature and a maneuverability that makes its flight path unpredictable, the odds that it can evade tracking systems to reach its target are increased. It is estimated that the missile can travel at mach 10 and reach its maximum range of 2000km in less than 12 minutes.

Supporting the missile is a network of satellites, radar and unmanned aerial vehicles that can locate U.S. ships and then guide the weapon, enabling it to hit moving targets
You know Patriot, for the life of me I can't figure out why you are under the delusion that America and China are opponents of one another. China is America's largest trading partner by far. American companies can be found on virtually every city block in places like Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. I live in a very small town in the middle of Idaho, a very unpopulated, wilderness, cowboy state in the American west and even my small town has numerous Chinese families who own several businesses here. We have the largest population of citizens of Chinese descent of any country outside of Asia. America has extremely strong ties with China. We are far, far, closer to China in our relations than we are to India as an example. We also have very close and friendly ties to both Japan and South Korea. The rapidly expanding Chinese economy has been extremely good for America. Our economic prosperity depends on China's prosperity. Yes, we wish the Chinese would become more democratic, and yes, China's military development is closely watched, but the idea that China is even on America's radar screen as a possible military opponent is only advanced by the most nutty of American isolationist...and well, you.

america is an opponent of anyone who doesnt bow down to its imperialist ways. take libya for example. theyve comited no crime, but were attacked because it refused to join africom, privatise its banking and oil industries. China doesn't oppose america. in fact, it is very passive when it comes to challenging imperialism. russia has been much more vocal in its criticism of america. i occasionally read the Chinese press and rarely hear any of the stuff that i hear chomsky, tarpley, pilger and galloway talk about.
I agree:coffee: US killed directly / indirectly millions of humans in the world. As a matter of facts millions have been killed in a single attack at world war II in JAPAN's atomic attack. ARe they forgot it ?? Than in Iraq than in Afghanistan than in Afrian countries. And indirectly USA is killing through CIA channel. Calculate it first !!

ALso USA always panic with Chinese culture :china:
I agree:coffee: US killed directly / indirectly millions of humans in the world. As a matter of facts millions have been killed in a single attack at world war II in JAPAN's atomic attack. ARe they forgot it ?? Than in Iraq than in Afghanistan than in Afrian countries. And indirectly USA is killing through CIA channel. Calculate it first !!

ALso USA always panic with Chinese culture :china:

Each country has black parts in its history.

It was not USA that committed Nanjing massacre against innocent Chinese people.

It was not USA that killed millions upon millions of Chinese during long march.

Between China and USA, the history shows a lot more cooperation than confrontation. US soldiers sacrificed their lives to save China from the occupation by axis of evil. How could one forget that?

Off course the Jingoistic Pakistanis on this board would like to think otherwise.

why going back to Chinese History alone, please tell us the history of USA also than:cheers:
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