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China's new Weapons

india is our first threat now,but when it comes to US,everywhere

Yes India is the source of all problems. For India's presence in South Asia, many Asian countries are suffering apart from China. Look at Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and partly Burma too. Every neighboring country is annoyed by India's intolerable arrogant attitude and unilateral bulldozing policies to sometimes block water, sometimes, trades, sometimes land occupation, sometimes blocking natural resources and transportation, sometimes chankya espionage and many more.

Its problematic presence in South Asia is not going to be accepted forever. If any day, US becomes weak, India will face the revengeful consequences. It is the USA, the god father, who is still protecting this problem.
Yes India is the source of all problems. For India's presence in South Asia, many Asian countries are suffering apart from China. Look at Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and partly Burma too. Every neighboring country is annoyed by India's intolerable arrogant attitude and unilateral bulldozing policies to sometimes block water, sometimes, trades, sometimes land occupation, sometimes blocking natural resources and transportation, sometimes chankya espionage and many more.

Its problematic presence in South Asia is not going to be accepted forever. If any day, US becomes weak, India will face the revengeful consequences. It is the USA, the god father, who is still protecting this problem.

True, but let's be fair every nation wants to expand its territory.:china::usflag::pakistan:The question then becomes legitimate claim. Europe WAS an extremely crowded place, but then they stole foreign land (i.e. Asia, 'Oz', 'NZ', Africa, Arabs, Americas, Chinese land). Asia is now crowded, so what do we do???
True, but let's be fair every nation wants to expand its territory.:china::usflag::pakistan:The question then becomes legitimate claim. Europe WAS an extremely crowded place, but then they stole foreign land (i.e. Asia, 'Oz', 'NZ', Africa, Arabs, Americas, Chinese land). Asia is now crowded, so what do we do???

Its very difficult to answer at this moment.

The best we can do, Asians (except Indians) are not aggressors. History tells us so. Your point is crucial. The Western Zionists are still trying to build a Western empire in the heart of Asia under the guise of an Asian power, that is India. So the game is not over. Clash of civilizations is still going on. Look at America, how much land with full of natural resources they have. But still their basic problem is how to poke their noses in the internal affairs of Asia with the notorious help of India.

One option is that China should now get prepared to defend the Western aggression anywhere in Asia and other Asian countries should deal with the Asian sick man India so that Asians can cope the problem internally and externally. China must be prepared with a very fast pace so that she can play the role of the Saviour of Asia.

A very good coordination must be built among the Asian countries in this regard.
Its very difficult to answer at this moment.

The best we can do, Asians (except Indians) are not aggressors. History tells us so. Your point is crucial. The Western Zionists are still trying to build a Western empire in the heart of Asia under the guise of an Asian power, that is India. So the game is not over. Clash of civilizations is still going on. Look at America, how much land with full of natural resources they have. But still their basic problem is how to poke their noses in the internal affairs of Asia with the notorious help of India.

One option is that China should now get prepared to defend the Western aggression anywhere in Asia and other Asian countries should deal with the Asian sick man India so that Asians can cope the problem internally and externally. China must be prepared with a very fast pace so that she can play the role of the Saviour of Asia.

A very good coordination must be built among the Asian countries in this regard.

Yes, India is the odd man out. But I don't see India as the enemy. They are just being used as a tool to be later discarded by the Zionists. Funny you mention Clash of Civilization, since the clashing will be between uncivilized versus everyone else. UNITY IN ASIA (and world) IS THE KEY!!! That's why I always say, don't get mad and fight among ourselves since that is the zionists' game plan.:guns::guns::guns:
@ SinoIndus,

Your English is good. Can you tell me why Hu Jintao is unnecessarily soliciting China's enemy No 1 India in the recent BRIC meeting? And what is Hu Jintao's policy for the development of the economy in Pakistan? Will there be any new trading partnership between China and Pakistan even in defense related items?

If there is any secrecy, please do not post. Rather send me personal message.
@ SinoIndus,

Your English is good. Can you tell me why Hu Jintao is unnecessarily soliciting China's enemy No 1 India in the recent BRIC meeting? And what is Hu Jintao's policy for the development of the economy in Pakistan? Will there be any new trading partnership between China and Pakistan even in defense related items?

If there is any secrecy, please do not post. Rather send me personal message.

unlike other country,there is not president policy in China ,we stick to our peace and cooperation foreign policy in the last 60 years,and our friendly door will alway be open to every country,even our enemy,but don't consider that as soft ,and don't ever try to cross our button line,Pakistan was there for China in our tough time,that's very important point in our values, that's why Pakistan is our BF. pakistan will purchase the defense items for their best interest ,clearly china is not the best in this area.it's their call.not china's, but we will alway be here for our BF :pakistan::cheers::china:,everything is secret when it comes to our military:cheesy:
Oh good grief! India is a Zionist Western, non-Asian country...I have heard everything now. Do you guys know how "nuttso" you sound? Do you guys really believe that clap-trap? :rofl:
unlike other country,there is not president policy in China ,we stick to our peace and cooperation foreign policy in the last 60 years,and our friendly door will alway be open to every country,even our enemy,but don't consider that as soft ,and don't ever try to cross our button line,Pakistan was there for China in our tough time,that's very important point in our values, that's why Pakistan is our BF. pakistan will purchase the defense items for their best interest ,clearly china is not the best in this area.it's their call.not china's, but we will alway be here for our BF :pakistan::cheers::china:,everything is secret when it comes to our military:cheesy:

Look I am not your enemy. I was just asking some questions related to China's foreign relations.

India is trying to cause as much damage as possible to China.

First of all, India is sending troops and heavy weapon system in the NEFA to secure a disputed land as its part. India is also building air fields there to strike China whenever it gets an opportunity to take a revenge.

Second of all, India is trying to get money from different sources to update its defense so that it can attack China whenever an opportunity comes. All the ballistic nuclear capable missiles are now targeted at Beijing as any part of China is now within India's missile striking range.

Third of all, India has recently banned all Chinese goods in India to give a major blow to China's industrial economy.

Fourth of all, Indian media have been directed by India's Ministry of Information and Broadcast to malign the global image of China in a renewed way by spreading anti-China propaganda news reports.

Now these are the facts. I know it. How I know it, that is classified.

Now I just do not understand why Hu Jintao is helping an enemy and digging China's own grave. If you need to see the BRIC meeting, I can post a video. And also why China is not taking any counter measures? What kind of foreign policy is this?

I am sure America and India are now engaged in conspiring behind China.

Thats why I asked. I am not your enemy.
America's fleet of military and spy satellites, many of whose capabilities remain secret, is used actively today as a weapon.
This guy is really desperate. If the instruments for information gathering purposes, ie satellites, qualify as 'weapons', then China's own satellites should be equally qualified.
China has put a number of satellites into orbit, including a manned one, and has a very ambitious space program, including plans for landing people on the moon.
Why not people? If anything, humans are the most qualifiable of all. Further, more astronauts came from the military than from the civilian ranks.
Perhaps, the clearest militarization of space is America's new anti-missile missile program, a program not just of research but of deploying actual weapons.
Wrong...This guy is either clueless about technical issues or is being deceitful. An ICBM is a space vehicle only for a very short time in its flight. The main body that contain the warhead -- the bus -- does not have sufficient power to reach 'escape velocity', which is about...

What is escape velocity?
The value evaluates to be approximately:

11100 m/s
40200 km/h
25000 mi/h
An interception of the bus at suborbital altitude does not make the interceptor a 'space based weapon'. The true 'militarization' or 'weaponization' of space is when there is a persistent presence of a distinct military branch whose primary mission is to either gain control or have advantageous influence in orbit strictly for military purposes through operational weapons that are deployed in orbit on a permanent basis. Permanent in this context mean individual weapon can be rotational for maintenance reasons but the weapon platform itself was designed to be stationed in orbit. The system must be for actual destruction of a target, not merely sensory and/or information gathering and/or relay of information.

The criticisms leveled at China was not about the destruction of a satellite, although some countries did so criticized, the majority of the criticisms was about the altitude involved. The debris amount was about three times what the US satelllite shoot produced and because of the altitude -- 860km -- most of the debris will remain in orbit for decades, endangering non-military satellites, most from Western sources, that have benefited the world for decades, including benefits for China. The 1985 ASAT shot by the US with a modified F-15 was on Solwind P78-1 at an altitude of 550km and the debris remained in orbit for about 17yrs.
Buddy...If there is a shooting war between the US and China, the US Navy will pan the PLAN and the US Air Force will poof the PLAAF, leaving the PLA to clean up the mess on mainland China and off Chinese coast.


And how are you going to pay for this great shooting war with China?

Are you gonna print more of your phony baloney money that right now many countries in the world are already sick of your mountain size deficit and calling for a new reserve currency???? 2 wars with Iraq and Afghanistan have already balloon your deficit coupled by your bank bailouts and corporate welfare to GM and the likes. Any hint of war with china and uncle sam will see hyperinflation and bankruptcy. Period.

And don't talk about freakin nukes little child. North Korea and Iran are only trying to develop one maybe two atomic bombs which has America pissing its pants crying out to china to restart the 6 party talks to denuke korea and put sanctions on Iran. China has Hydrogen nukes, sub and land base so you go talk to your military planners in Washington and Norad to see if they can accept millions of casualties from a China nuke strike with the rest of the population living in a radioactive cess pool with even more millions jumping to Mexico and Canada as radioactive refugees.

Anybody that talks about throwing Nukes around like they were tennis balls particularly when it involves the P5 don't have a clue about MAD.
@ SinoIndus,

Your English is good. Can you tell me why Hu Jintao is unnecessarily soliciting China's enemy No 1 India in the recent BRIC meeting? And what is Hu Jintao's policy for the development of the economy in Pakistan? Will there be any new trading partnership between China and Pakistan even in defense related items?

If there is any secrecy, please do not post. Rather send me personal message.

China's foreign policy has always been of (1) territorial integrity for ALL nations, and (2) friendly mutual-benefit cooperation. Never has PRC strayed from these two policies.

So to understand the BRIC meeting you just need to refer to those policies. We need to also be sympathetic of India's position. There has been increasing negative propaganda against India of late in Western-controlled Media (just turn on TV or newspaper). So India is trying to push this towards China. The reason Hu Jintao is not being aggressive is because this is an obvious attempt at "DIVIDE AND CONQUER". Remember that if China and India cooperate the the current 'world-order' is turned upside down. Those who currently hold the reigns of money, power and politics want to maintain (or solidify) the status quo.

That is why regardless of GOI policies we must 'endure'. Regarding your observations, you are very correct. I will not elaborate further. Remember, we must 'endure' short-time pain for long-term healing.... :smokin:
That is why regardless of GOI policies we must 'endure'. Regarding your observations, you are very correct. I will not elaborate further. Remember, we must 'endure' short-time pain for long-term healing.... :smokin:

i second that...good post.
And how are you going to pay for this great shooting war with China?

Are you gonna print more of your phony baloney money that right now many countries in the world are already sick of your mountain size deficit and calling for a new reserve currency???? 2 wars with Iraq and Afghanistan have already balloon your deficit coupled by your bank bailouts and corporate welfare to GM and the likes. Any hint of war with china and uncle sam will see hyperinflation and bankruptcy. Period.
This applies both ways. Keep in mind that China is currently the world's manufacturing outsource location, much like pre-Depression US when immigration policy created a large labor pool. Same for Great Britain in the mid to late 19th century. Do not forget that the US controls the Internet root servers. We can seriously degrade China's ability to engage in commerce globally.

And don't talk about freakin nukes little child.
I am probably old enough to be your father.

North Korea and Iran are only trying to develop one maybe two atomic bombs...
Why? What for? When the Cold War ended, the US and Russia began disarmament. No one doubt that either Germany or Japan, instigators of WW II, are fully capable of becoming nuclear weapons states in short order. But why have they not? There are still plenty enough nuclear weapons around but their numbers are declining. Now Iran and North Korea is pushing that figure back up.

...which has America pissing its pants crying out to china to restart the 6 party talks to denuke korea and put sanctions on Iran.
Give everyone a break with the hyperboles...


From a strict military perspective, neither is any credible threat to US. It is regional stability that everyone is concerned about and China has the most to lose since North Korea is China's proxy in the region.

China has Hydrogen nukes, sub and land base so you go talk to your military planners in Washington and Norad to see if they can accept millions of casualties from a China nuke strike with the rest of the population living in a radioactive cess pool with even more millions jumping to Mexico and Canada as radioactive refugees.
The PLAN is a typical 'brown water' navy. The PLAAF does not have any long range bomber capability. If there is a shooting war, China's ICBM basing will be targeted by US B-1s and B-2s. Targeted does not mean destroyed, keep that in mind. With a conventional conflict, the US will overwhelm the PLA on Chinese soil and territorial waters, leaving China too busy to conduct any offensive against Continental US (CONUS). Leaving China with only one option -- nuclear -- and that will be the end for the PLA.

Anybody that talks about throwing Nukes around like they were tennis balls particularly when it involves the P5 don't have a clue about MAD.
Buddy, take a look at this...

Lesser Known B-66 Activities
1. B-66B - On Victor Alert loaded with nuclear weapons readied for immediate launch on enemy targets behind the Iron Curtain. This was a top secret operation in its time.
20th Fighter Wing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The wing first established its Blast Off (later named Victor Alert) capability in July, 1958. The first mobility plan was initiated on 1 January 1959. A year-round weapons training detachment was established at Wheelus AB, Libya, for monthly squadron rotations. Pilot survival and ski training began in Norway in February, 1959. The 20th Tactical Fighter Wing represented USAFE in the William Tell exercise held at Nellis AFB, Nevada in October, 1960.
The closest YOU probably ever come close to anything relating to 'nuclear' is the smoke alarm detector in your home. It has a very small amount of uranium in it.

Victor Alert aircrafts are aircrafts 'loaded for Bear' as we called them. When I was stationed at RAF Upper Heyford (1984-87), I had plenty of experiences working around VA jets. Each shelter that contained a VA F-111E is considered a 'no lone zone' area, meaning no one is supposed to be alone with the aircraft. Each man MUST be in full visual contact with another, not half his body, but full. Security Police has lethal force authorization. Aircrews sleep within 5 minutes sprint of their jets. During their VA rotation, they are not allowed to be at home, other than for brief family related issues. The only time they are allowed to wear civilian clothes is when they go to the gym, else their flight suits are on all the time.

I probably have far more intellectual and emotional understanding of war, the military and nuclear weapons than you do.
China's foreign policy has always been of (1) territorial integrity for ALL nations, and (2) friendly mutual-benefit cooperation. Never has PRC strayed from these two policies.

So to understand the BRIC meeting you just need to refer to those policies. We need to also be sympathetic of India's position. There has been increasing negative propaganda against India of late in Western-controlled Media (just turn on TV or newspaper). So India is trying to push this towards China. The reason Hu Jintao is not being aggressive is because this is an obvious attempt at "DIVIDE AND CONQUER". Remember that if China and India cooperate the the current 'world-order' is turned upside down. Those who currently hold the reigns of money, power and politics want to maintain (or solidify) the status quo.

That is why regardless of GOI policies we must 'endure'. Regarding your observations, you are very correct. I will not elaborate further. Remember, we must 'endure' short-time pain for long-term healing.... :smokin:

Whatever. I think Hu Jintao's foreign policies are not quite up to the mark. He cannot separate India from America, because India is more than a mere proxy of America to contain China, India is in fact an American replica in South Asia. The difference between America and India is that when the former is a very polished and sophisticated in her imperial structure, the latter is rough and blunt in its imperial structure.

And how can you be a Chinese if you just forget 1962 Indian back stabbing? How can you forget those Chinese soldiers go received martyrdom in 1962 to protect the border of China? How can you avoid India's covert planning to malign the image of China and deliver a serious blow to China's economy?

Thus Hu Hintao's foreign policies to woo an enemy might become self destructive and also it might cause some damage to the Sino-Pakistan friendship. Well my opinion is based on public media sources.
This applies both ways. Keep in mind that China is currently the world's manufacturing outsource location, much like pre-Depression US when immigration policy created a large labor pool. Same for Great Britain in the mid to late 19th century. Do not forget that the US controls the Internet root servers. We can seriously degrade China's ability to engage in commerce globally.

Uhh, you still haven't answered my question, how are you gonna finance this battle with China?? You think China will keep buying your treasuries so you can launch an all out campaign against herself? Are the Arabs gonna flip the bill, Japan, or the debt laden american consumers gonna buy the war bonds? All you will be printing is funny money that will be worthless than toilet paper.

Last time I checked China is a manufacturing and industrial powerhouse. What does shutting down the net affect plant and machinery of an industrial economy? You must be thinking of your own economy.

Why? What for? When the Cold War ended, the US and Russia began disarmament. No one doubt that either Germany or Japan, instigators of WW II, are fully capable of becoming nuclear weapons states in short order. But why have they not? There are still plenty enough nuclear weapons around but their numbers are declining. Now Iran and North Korea is pushing that figure back up.

What does Germany and Japan care for nukes. One has no natural enemy and the other falls under your N umbrella.

For Iran and N Korea they see exactly my argument that with nukes their sovereignty can be maintained. Nukes wont ever win them a war but their territorial integrity and the ability to craft an independent foreign policy is drastically solidified having nukes than without. How long has Isreal avoided a full blown war with the surrounding Arab states since it developed nukes?

From a strict military perspective, neither is any credible threat to US. It is regional stability that everyone is concerned about and China has the most to lose since North Korea is China's proxy in the region.

The PLAN is a typical 'brown water' navy. The PLAAF does not have any long range bomber capability. If there is a shooting war, China's ICBM basing will be targeted by US B-1s and B-2s. Targeted does not mean destroyed, keep that in mind. With a conventional conflict, the US will overwhelm the PLA on Chinese soil and territorial waters, leaving China too busy to conduct any offensive against Continental US (CONUS). Leaving China with only one option -- nuclear -- and that will be the end for the PLA.

Buddy, take a look at this...

Lesser Known B-66 Activities

20th Fighter Wing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The closest YOU probably ever come close to anything relating to 'nuclear' is the smoke alarm detector in your home. It has a very small amount of uranium in it.

Victor Alert aircrafts are aircrafts 'loaded for Bear' as we called them. When I was stationed at RAF Upper Heyford (1984-87), I had plenty of experiences working around VA jets. Each shelter that contained a VA F-111E is considered a 'no lone zone' area, meaning no one is supposed to be alone with the aircraft. Each man MUST be in full visual contact with another, not half his body, but full. Security Police has lethal force authorization. Aircrews sleep within 5 minutes sprint of their jets. During their VA rotation, they are not allowed to be at home, other than for brief family related issues. The only time they are allowed to wear civilian clothes is when they go to the gym, else their flight suits are on all the time.

I probably have far more intellectual and emotional understanding of war, the military and nuclear weapons than you do.

You talk with such arrogance borderline foolishness just like the typical American. Reminds me of the talk on how your finance and banking system were so superior but in the last 12 months most of them have either crumbled into dust or surviving on fed welfare.

You make it sound like a walk in the park fighting China with hardly any resistance just many surgical strikes on well lit targets.

If there was gonna be a conventional war China ain't gonna sit on its *** and allow you to fight just on Chinese soil. The PLA will support the N Koreans on their attack on S korea, Russia is gonna roll there tanks West to take back their former states when it see the US forces bogged down in China. So you have atleast a three front war possibly WW3, how again are you gonna finance this great expedition again??

On Nukes you never heard of MAD? Must be an obsolete concept for an armchair cyber general like yourself.
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