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China's new 'carrier killer' for Pakistan's JF-17 Thunder fighter

Yes, I know but if a light fighter like JF-17 can sink an ACC which is protected by CBG and Mig-29K, then it is more than possible that 50-75 naval Brahmos + anti-submarine charges will sink all the PN along with some fishing boats near by.

If any irrational member like you can assume that JF-17 can sink an ACC, well then you guys are fit for each other.

Any rational / sane member won't be indulging in such comments which can't be based on reality.
If any irrational member like you can assume that JF-17 can sink an ACC, well then you guys are fit for each other.

Any rational / sane member won't be indulging in such comments which can't be based on reality.

Exactly, but if we see last 4-5 pages, even senior members are trying to imply that JF-17 can sink ACC.
Exactly, but if we see last 4-5 pages, even senior members are trying to imply that JF-17 can sink ACC.

There is something wrong with your thinking capability. What Senior members are implying is putting ACC out of action through significant damage to it's deck or runaway
Exactly, but if we see last 4-5 pages, even senior members are trying to imply that JF-17 can sink ACC.

A single aircraft can not do that feat, only a miracle can happen for such thing to happen and that is nearly impossible.

Yeah, a group of aircraft in which some take on the air cover of the ACC and some try to sneak close enough to launch a few Anti Ship missiles simultaneously, and then hoping that one or two are missed by the CIWS of the ACC, to land on the ACC, and won't destroy it, just damage it to put it out of action for a few weeks, that is something which can be planned but very risky and costly. Best to have many submarines and get a capability to have workable ballistic missiles just like what China is making and recently Iran showed it to the world that it is working on such a thing. But again for that a robust C4ISR system is required.

And i don't know why will India bring the ACC so much close to us, other assets are more then enough to keep us busy with.
There is something wrong with your thinking capability. What Senior members are implying is putting ACC out of action through significant damage to it's deck or runaway

Yes and this significant damage is done by light fighter JF-17 which will defeat fighters like Mig-29K, air defences of ACC and CBGs? Not to mention rest of IN armada !!

If we are considering a scenario when an ACC is roaming alone and not a single Mig/Hunter present on deck and its defences are offlline, yes ofcourse JF-17 can disable even a Ford class carrier.

Usually bragging,I guess pakistan also has ICBMs & MIRVs....:lol:
Ever heard of 'Seekers'??

MIRVs. Yes.

ICBMs? We don't need those. We are working on more sophisticated technologies of 21st centuries. Seeker technology isn't hard to get...specially if you work with nations like China (in India's case, Russia).
out of 100%, whats the kill probability then?

If we talk about taking carrier out of war then 100%.

If we talk about sinking it then it is hard to say. Depends on a number of factors.
If we talk about taking carrier out of war then 100%.

If we talk about sinking it then it is hard to say. Depends on a number of factors.

Out of war is not 100% either as you said it depends on where the missile hits.
If you are ignoring the ZDK03 and SAAB ERIEYE, along with P3C orions and F-16s, then you have the common Indian TV mentality.

Pakistan's posture is not to conquer anyone, but make sure that an attacking party (hint India) can be given a lethal punch in the face.

The Mirages based at Karachi are lethal too, with the Exocet. not to mention the Agostas and their AIP and capability to launch Exocet while submerged.
no im not ignoaring any thing but please tell me brother will you send your chinese and swedish awacs in open seas where they will need more feul and will be fighting away from the home and wont have the backing of surface to air missles to back them againt the agressive or enemy force because since same will not be the case with MIG29s(they have 850 fighting radius withwt external feul tanks) so they will carry more wepons and will also have novotar -100 very long range BVR (also called AWACS Killer) + will have backing of multiple band and multi layered ship based and heli based AWACs + we also have the latest P8i's which are at least two generations ahead of you P3Cs

Mikoyan MiG-29K - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kamov Ka-31 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Boeing P-8 Poseidon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and dont forget the land based aradrs will already be tracking , calculating , evaleutaing all your moves and alerting and dispatching the counter force (land based 3 squads oh MKI & 3 squads jags are kept seperatelli for this purpose) and they are more than enof to blunt any such move and can take on all those mirages and F-16s + 1 squad M2K & MIG29 are kept as the second line of defence backed again by huge numbers on MIG 21 Bisons for point defnce

EL/W-2090 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sukhoi Su-30MKI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mikoyan MiG-29 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dassault Mirage 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

as for your Aogasta subs with AIP & exoset missiles well brother you are forgeting we bought P8i's for some reason dint we and dohave i to tell you what hrm it can inflict upon you + dont forget indian CBG will also have dedicated anty sub warfare helis and surface ships + 2 subs will be escorting owr CBG all time there to take on any of your subs (and we have Kilo's & scorpenes for the same)

last but not the least we have all the offensive wepons in much much grater number than yours hope you get the big picture but my earlier point is that CBG will never be used to do naval blokade role as karachi is very near to indian coast and we have made 'other arrangement ' for the job which are much more effective while are way more cheaper and carry much less risk for us

thing is we have not bought XCBG for you but it is pakistanies who want to sink owr CBG in name of misplaced aprehenssion that it will be used for there naval blokade ...well sir dont give so much importance to yourself ...your not worth it ....cheers mate
CM-400AKG missile is China's new 'carrier killer': Russian media

The CM-400AKG supersonic cruise missile designed by Aviation Industry Corporation of China — an export version of China's YJ-12 anti-ship missile — can be used successfully against India's aircraft carrier when launched by Pakistan's JF-17 Thunder fighter, reports the Moscow-based Russian Military Analysis website.

The CM-400AKG was demonstrated to the public for the first time during the Zhuhai airshow last year. The YJ-12 was originally designed to be used against multiple targets including US aircraft carriers with a combat range of 500 kilometers and can be carried by various platforms such as bombers like the H-6 and JH-7, fighter jets such as the J-11B, J-15, J-16 and Su-30MKK and Type 052D destroyers. However, the range of the CM-400AKG has been reduced to 250 kilometers to meet export restrictions of the international Missile Technology Control Regime.

The missile can be launched when the aircraft reaches speeds of between 750 and 800 kilometers an hour, the report said. The speed of the Chinese supersonic cruise missile is between mach 3.5 to mach 4. It can be equipped with high-explosive and armor-piercing warheads. Insiders said that the missile was designed for the FC-1 Xiaolong also known as JF-17 Thunder, a fighter jointly developed by China and Pakistan.

The Indian navy currently has two aircraft carriers in service, a Russian-built INS Vikramaditya and a British-built INS Viraat, while two domestic Vikrant-class vessels are still in construction. Anti-ship cruise missiles such as the YJ-12 and CM-400AKG are thus crucial for both China and Pakistan to compete against their common enemy in the Indian Ocean region, the report said.

CM-400AKG missile is China's new 'carrier killer': Russian media|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
seriously, i dont think pakistan needs carrier killers, chinese shud keep them 4 themselves, for our CBG are not meant for pakistan
Oh yeah, you've been telling us they are not meant for Pakistan.

So course we should not prepare for them or any other indian ship and trust your word,,

Frack that

The CM-400AKG missile is a fantastic asset that we need to build upon, we need to have an effective plan to take on our enemy

Finance/economy has held us back but as the economy improves the Pakistani military needs to procure the assets to make it effective.

If nothing else you need a basic effective detterance and way of hurting your enemy
Lol....sending them to hell? You can't even fight off a few Helos or drones.
cuz the drones come on base of agreements from the government, shooting down a drone is a child's play, until the government doesn't tell the Air Force to shoot it down the cant, so in short this government takes money for the lives taken by drones.
Good move we need force multiplyers inorder to tip the scales of war in our favour...

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