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China's latest aircraft

If there is one country that copies technologies without shame...then that should be china...

It should be that way for countries that are catching up. IPR is for rich countries who are already at the cutting edge of research.
Only thing that matters in this world is power.

If reverse engineering allows China to become stronger, then that is what will be done.

Strong shall survive and weak shall perish.

I dont usually agree with you. But on this one i agree completely with you.:enjoy: Those who cant copy/reverse engineered, are simply those who dont have the capabilities to do so in the first place, since its not easy to RE/copy in the first place. Many countries did it before be it Japan, S.korea, Russia and even the U.S to get where they are today.:bounce:
F31 is SEXYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! mature this aircraft asap...
Even if already flown in 2014 ... an image of the new CJ-7/L-7 basic trainer was only posted now !

CJ-7 - L-7 - reportedly from maidenflight in 2014.jpg
We have so many birds ?

You do because of two things, Kyle Sun.

First, to be autonomous, a country needs most if not all of its aircrafts ( or any weapon ) to be
made in house. And since the Chinese Air Force still uses multiple fighters in addition to the
variety of other purpose ACs, the result is many birds as you say. It shows local will/power.

Second is more subtle but likely more important. Know how is not acquired in a day. Many coun-
tries made the mistake of trying to grow too fast by making one training aircraft then a fighter.
Most fail and this is also a proper basis to debunk wild claims made by some with models or CGI.
Building a great variety of airplanes will bring a great variety of problems and a great variety of …
solutions which in the end all add to aeronautic savoir-faire. That shows an understanding of how
to develop a knowledge base of worth.

Some think that modern fighters can spring from a single project but that's wrong. The nations that
already know how to do that ( USA, Russia, France mostly even Japan ) have made dozens of pla-
nes prior.That is their base. Others either chose to rely on help ( Korea for T-TA 50 ). Those that
chose to neglect this & grow by leaps and bounds relying on a single program end up in a quagmire.
One neighbor of China is having this problem as we speak.

Concurrent developments, even if the planes end up not being used in the forces are an excellent idea.
As with a craftsman, the numerous problems solved are then learning experiences more than failures.

Good day to you and all, Tay.
Well ... these Images are from the following video clip "Chinese Trainer", already released last year.


It is simply amazing. First on what it shows: the CJ-7's flight, the L-15/JL-10 no. 12, L-15 in flight with different stores (the look like an LS-series bomb) and so on and second the fact that this video is indeed from November 2014 is even more impressive ... and no-one noticed it before.

Would be interesting to know what-else is going on at Hongdu that we don't know??
Exactly correct. How do you think the US got where it is today? Stealing NAZI and Soviet scientists engineers blue prints research reverse engineering tech and designs etc.

The Anglo empire has stolen EVERYTHING from the world for the past 500 years. That is how they became the hegemon. Now they cry because the Chinese reverse engineer some tech. Haha. Good one. Cry me a river.

Eurasia is rising. Congratulations my friend. The PLAAF looks strong. Their birds look amazing. You guard the Pacific flank while Russia guards the west. The fortress will be impenetrable. Impregnable.

Only thing that matters in this world is power.

If reverse engineering allows China to become stronger, then that is what will be done.

Strong shall survive and weak shall perish.
Exactly correct. How do you think the US got where it is today? Stealing NAZI and Soviet scientists engineers blue prints research reverse engineering tech and designs etc.

The Anglo empire has stolen EVERYTHING from the world for the past 500 years. That is how they became the hegemon. Now they cry because the Chinese reverse engineer some tech. Haha. Good one. Cry me a river.

Eurasia is rising. Congratulations my friend. The PLAAF looks strong. Their birds look amazing. You guard the Pacific flank while Russia guards the west. The fortress will be impenetrable. Impregnable.

I think you picked the wrong flag for your signatures. Care to go update it back to the Chinese flag??
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