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China's gossip accusations over jets rejected


Jul 15, 2012
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Japan again rejected on Monday China’s accusation that Self-Defense Forces aircraft interfered with joint naval drills being held by China and Russia. SDF units regularly carry out early-warning and surveillance activities in line with international law, the government said.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe instructed Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera to ensure that such activities continue and to lodge a protest with China through diplomatic channels, two days after Chinese aircraft intercepted Japanese surveillance planes and flew within a wingspan of them in the East China Sea.

One of the two Chinese SU-27 fighter jets flew roughly 50 meters from the SDF’s OP-3C surveillance plane, while the other came as close as 30 meters to a YS-11EB electronic intelligence aircraft in the East China Sea, where the two countries’ air defense identification zones overlap and where several disputed islands are situated.

China’s Defense Ministry said Sunday the SDF planes “monitored and interfered with a joint military drill by the navies of China and Russia,” adding that it scrambled fighters to carry out the necessary identification and security measures.

Vice Foreign Minister Akitaka Saiki summoned Chinese Ambassador to Japan Cheng Yonghua to the Foreign Ministry on Monday afternoon and urged Beijing to prevent a similar situation from happening again. He also prodded China to respond to Japan’s call to establish a bilateral communication mechanism for maritime affairs to prevent unexpected contingencies from developing.

“I strongly protested the Chinese fighter jets’ abnormal approach to the SDF planes,” Saiki said after meeting with Cheng. “I told China to take concrete measures to prevent similar incidents.”

Cheng, however, told Saiki that China’s stance is that Japan was the one that triggered Saturday’s incident.

“I lodged a protest over Japan’s dangerous surveillance activities,” Cheng said, adding that the SDF planes entered an area where China and Russia were conducting a joint drill. “Those were dangerous actions.”

But defense chief Onodera rejected that, telling an Upper House audit committee meeting Monday that “there were no warnings” from the Chinese side and that Japan conducted regular warning and surveillance operations “in accordance with international law.”

Onodera said he would make Tokyo’s stance clear at the upcoming Asia Security Summit, which begins Friday in Singapore. The summit, also known as the Shangri-La Dialogue, is a forum for defense and military chiefs to discuss security issues.

The incident came amid heightened tensions between Japan and China over uninhabited East China Sea islands claimed by both countries and known as the Senkakus by Japan and Diaoyu by China. Coast guard ships constantly tail one another in the area.

The airborne encounter came during the first joint naval exercises between China and Russia in the East China Sea.

The incident was the closest recorded encounter between Chinese and Japanese military planes since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, said Ni Lexiong, director of national defense policy research at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law.

“It was very rare and dangerous,” said Ni. “Both Tokyo and Beijing wanted to show they wouldn’t go soft on each other’s provocations. They’re testing each other’s bottom line.”
Only 3 truly independent and powerful states in the world....US, Russia and China.

Iran deserves credit for bringing the U.S. to its knees. In fact, don't get me wrong but I respect Iran more than China and Russia. China and Russia could and should have done much more to defeat Western imperialism but they haven't done so. Even Cuba has more guts than Russia and China.

I mean, there are smaller countries in the world with independent foreign policies, they are the same countries that the West constantly demonizes.
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Iran deserves credit for bringing the U.S. to its knees. In fact, don't get me wrong but I respect Iran more than China and Russia. China and Russia could and should have done much more to defeat Western imperialism but they haven't done so. Even Cuba has more guts than Russia and China.

I mean, there are smaller countries in the world with independent foreign policies, they are the same countries that the West constantly demonizes.

The contest is being wage in the background, where average joes like us cannot see. The surface of the sea maybe calm, but the undercurrent is strong & furious.
Iran deserves credit for bringing the U.S. to its knees. In fact, don't get me wrong but I respect Iran more than China and Russia. China and Russia could and should have done much more to defeat Western imperialism but they haven't done so. Even Cuba has more guts than Russia and China.

I mean, there are smaller countries in the world with independent foreign policies, they are the same countries that the West constantly demonizes.

To defeat Western imperialism you have to be smart. China is fighting to defeat Western imperialism all the time but in a way of breaking Western monopolies in economic, financial, technological, military and political power. Iran confronts the West directly, which I greatly admire, but its not the smartest way to end Western imperialism. West has such influence because it is smart, so being angry at them will achieve nothing. To really end their dominance, you have to break their monopoly on everything. Imperialism is all about monopoly power in the 5 areas I listed, without those monopolies, Western influence would be greatly reduced. Don't get me wrong, I admire Iran as much as you for their independence and ability to resist Western imperialism.
Only 3 truly independent and powerful states in the world....US, Russia and China.
How is China independent when your whole entire economy is dependent on the west? If they want they can go China go boom boom with sanctions. Unlike Russia who has natural resources, there is nothing we need from China. We are already moving production away from China to Vietnam and others. So your economy will go boom boom anyhow.
LOL keep deluding yourself. Our economy already surpassed the USA and is still the fastest growing in the world. Meanwhile you can't even stop Kurds from forming their own country. The world will never forget the Armenian massacre. China will continue to rule over your Uighur cousins and make them serve our majority agenda. Your howls of humiliation are just a joke.
LOL keep deluding yourself. Our economy already surpassed the USA and is still the fastest growing in the world. Meanwhile you can't even stop Kurds from forming their own country. The world will never forget the Armenian massacre. China will continue to rule over your Uighur cousins and make them serve our majority agenda. Your howls of humiliation are just a joke.
Last time I checked Turkey doesn't have to rule their land with iron fist. China is brutal 3rd world country dictatorship IMHO. Economic crises will destroy central government in China. The government just has to loose grip a little and people will take advantage of it and China will fragment. China's economy is baded on cheap exports and unfortunately for you the future looks bleek as recent slow down indicates. Economist say boom boom is inevitable.
How is China independent when your whole entire economy is dependent on the west? If they want they can go China go boom boom with sanctions. Unlike Russia who has natural resources, there is nothing we need from China. We are already moving production away from China to Vietnam and others. So your economy will go boom boom anyhow.

China has never depended on the west and never ever will. Chinese economy is dependent on investment with 60% of growth coming from investment. Net exports contributes very little to our GDP growth. Over 60% of the manufacturing done in China is done by domestic manufacturing. Domestic industrial output is rising very fast and the doomsayers have been dead wrong once again. Chinese economy cannot collapse as the structural elements of the economy are very strong. Savings, production and consumption is very strong with low foreign debt.
China now has the capital, technology, markets and management. It's the west that need China because the west relies on Chinese consumer markets as the western economies have gone bust due to their massive bubble popping.
China is now the growth driver of the world economy as the world needs Chinese markets from agricultural goods, raw materials, energy and manufactured goods. 126 countries now consider China their largest trade partner compared to only 70 odd for the US. Besides all that, China has an independent foreign policy which only a handful of countries have. Economic and Financial sanctions on China will make the western economies collapse worse than they are already and western corporate earnings will suffer due to losing the massive Chinese market. The US gets $300 billion from Chinese consumption (both US exports to China and US companies sales in China).

Last time I checked Turkey doesn't have to rule their land with iron fist. China is brutal 3rd world country dictatorship IMHO. Economic crises will destroy central government in China. The government just has to loose grip a little and people will take advantage of it and China will fragment. China's economy is baded on cheap exports and unfortunately for you the future looks bleek as recent slow down indicates. Economist say boom boom is inevitable.

Kurds would disagree. Armenians too. Cyprus too.
There has been plenty of crisis in China but China is still getting stronger and stronger. As I've said Chinese economy is based on investment and consumption. High tech exports make over 55% of total Chinese exports.
Economists have been saying China will collapse since 1978. But 36 years later, China just keeps rising. I don't see anything to stop China.

Japan and Turkey has the same opinion about China.

Turks love China. Many Turks studying in Chinese universities. Turkey buys Chinese technology, Turkish companies earn money from Chinese consumption, Turkey welcomes Chinese investment, Turkey even buys superior Chinese weapons.
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Come and make my day :lol: Make that mistake :butcher:
Did you enjoy your ban period, loser? :lol:

Last time I checked Turkey doesn't have to rule their land with iron fist. China is brutal 3rd world country dictatorship IMHO. Economic crises will destroy central government in China. The government just has to loose grip a little and people will take advantage of it and China will fragment. China's economy is baded on cheap exports and unfortunately for you the future looks bleek as recent slow down indicates. Economist say boom boom is inevitable.

Haters will always be haters.. :lol: Unfortunately , self denied will not bring you far.
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