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China's GDP reaches $9.3 trillion in 2013

That is why they made you wear that Q hairstyle?

You know what the hairstyle meant right? That you were their livestock.

I find it really weird that all we got here are such petty folks who invite contempt on their country and civilization just to try and score cheap points from their pathetic ignorance and brainwashing.

One expected better from such an ancient civilization but I assume the generation of forced single kids is abnormally petty and jealous even by their own already low standards.

And the sample here is worse by self selection.

I see that the opium and Q hiarstyle are still leaving the desired impact.

And the fierce impotent desire to avenge the centuries of humiliation.


The China Beat · Book Review: China: The Pessoptimist Nation

It is an interesting study in human psychology. ;)

One doesn't want to get into this useless thing with people that I care nothing about but their pettiness and stupidity knows no bounds. They come back to get humiliated every time on every single thread.

And licking their leaking gallbladder filled with stuff less than wholly wholesome.

Why would someone from that pathetic sweatshop island obsess with us!

How retarded can you get? Manchu themselves have same hairstyle, it's a tradition.

Your post only revealed your inferiority complex about your history. You have to realize you are up against historical fact, India is indeed created by British. So no matter how you take swipe at China, you can't change history. Chinese still ruled China during European imperialism, but you don't even have a country of your own:o:

I can dig out a lot more humiliating stuff, you should know better Indian subcontinent was the most conquered. Tit for tat you will end up humiliating yourself. But I won't go so low, I don't suffer from any complex.
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Amazing what brainwashed petty zombies we are getting here. China was not made a colony by Europeans because all of them wanted to loot it and not leave to any one.

Probably 99.9% scraped in the womb by the CCP.
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Manchu themselves have same hairstyle, it's a tradition.

Your post only revealed your inferiority complex about your history. You have to realize you are up against historical fact, India is indeed created by British. So no matter how you take swipe at China, you can't change history. Chinese still ruled China during European imperialism, but you don't even have a country of your own:o:

I can dig out a lot more humiliating stuff, you should know better Indian subcontinent was the most conquered. Tit for tat you will end up humiliating yourself. But I won't go so low, I don't suffer from any complex.

Personally, I do dislike the Manchu hairstyle, and I wish Chinese movies and TV series would stop using the Qing Dynasty as their setting!

However, Manchus are Chinese, the Qing Dynasty is Chinese. There is no country called Manchuria, all Manchus today live in China, speak Chinese and practice Chinese customs.

It is a part of our culture, but still I think it looks bad. Don't mind the Qipao though.
If the South African whites (Afrikaans) are part of country of South Africa, it doesn't mean that they didn't rule over the majority black population by force and deprived them and kept them poor and downtrodden.

It can't be negated by saying there is no separate Afrikaan country today so it is not an issue.

The fact is that 5 million Manchus were ruling 400 million Hans at the turn of last century and keeping them deprived and downtrodden for the most part.

Zhang Binglin apparently wrote some pretty strong anti Manchu stuff in the early 20th century, calling them evil race, despised race, thieves, called for slaying them and more.

He also showed their different origins from the Hans.

Anyway, I don't have any interest in mud slinging. It is only a response to the pathetic and incessant noise from some ignoramus people on the other side.
If the South African whites (Afrikaans) are part of country of South Africa, it doesn't mean that they didn't rule over the majority black population by force and deprived them and kept them poor and downtrodden.

It can't be negated by saying there is no separate Afrikaan country today so it is not an issue.

The fact is that 5 million Manchus were ruling 400 million Hans at the turn of last century and keeping them deprived and downtrodden for the most part.

Zhang Binglin apparently wrote some pretty strong anti Manchu stuff in the early 20th century, calling them evil race, despised race, thieves, called for slaying them and more.

He also showed their different origins from the Hans.

Anyway, I don't have any interest in mud slinging. It is only a response to the pathetic and incessant noise from some ignoramus people on the other side.

The fact is Qing is an alliance Manchu and Han Chinese. Manchu had to adopt chinese governing system, chinese culture and language. The symbol of Manchu is Chinese dragon. Most of the imperial officials are Han chinese. This completely different from small number Mongol-turks who conquered the indian subcontinent and imposed their religion, culture and custom on indians. Even Hindi came from Mughals.

Political dissident exists in any country. But coming from a country of mishmash ethnicities due to centuries of various foreign conquest, indian will never understand people like Zhan binglin. No to mention, education standard are poor, India ranked last in PISA.

It's good not to engage in mud sling, especially when you know you will end humiliating yourself. Indian subcon is the most conquered country, even vedic civilization came from Aryan.
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The fact is Qing is an alliance Manchu and Han Chinese. Manchu had to adopt chinese governing system, chinese culture and language. The symbol of Manchu is Chinese dragon. Most of the imperial officials are Han chinese. This completely different from small number Mongol-turks who conquered the indian subcontinent and imposed their religion, culture and custom on indians. Even Hindi came from Mughals.

Political dissident exists in any country. But coming from a country of mishmash ethnicities due to centuries of various foreign conquest, one will never understand people like Zhan binglin. No to mention, no of Indian university ranked in top 200.

It's good not to engage in mud sling, especially when you know will end humiliating yourself. Indian subcon is the most conquered country, even vedic civilization came from Aryans.

See, I have no intention to get into mud slinging with some really foul people here who don't know anything but insist on making a fool of themselves.

I find this pettiness a bit jarring but then your own Hans call your kind locusts for a reason i would guess.

I find you and some of your fellows absolutely foul and disgusting people and have pity more than contempt for the lowly discourse they create in every thread with their petty, juvenile posts and obsession with us when we don't even give a damn to your kind.

This pathetic kind wants to tell us about our own history with their pathetic ignorance!
Why turks have ruled india for hundreds of years,yet they are the be ruled ones in China?Because indians are selfish cowards like a crowd of sheeps.Babur only needed 20000 turk warriors to start to conquer the whole india.
Why turks have ruled india for hundreds of years,yet they are the be ruled ones in China?Because indians are selfish cowards like a crowd of sheeps.Babur only needed 20000 turk warriors to start to conquer the whole india.

Coming from a zombi who was running after the four pests banging pots and pans just some time back.

And now is high on the force fed opium. One can understand why these pathetic locusts are so brainwashed and are scraped off in the womb.

Probably this one was scraped off 99%...
This was announced a few days back:

China economy grows 7.7 pct in 2013, beating government target - Xinhua

BEIJING, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- China's economy grew 7.7 percent in 2013, the same as 2012, overshooting the government target of 7.5 percent, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Monday.

Gross domestic product (GDP) totalled 56.9 trillion yuan (9.3 trillion U.S. dollars), the NBS said.

"China's economic performance stabilized in 2013 despite downward pressure both at home and abroad," said Ma Jiantang, director of the NBS at a press conference, citing encouraging GDP and job data as well as subdued inflation.

The Chinese government defined the "upper and lower limits" of the reasonable range of economic performance in 2013. With a GDP growth rate of 7.5 percent, the "lower limit" is intended to ensure steady expansion and employment, and with the consumer price index at around 3.5 percent, the "upper limit" is meant to prevent inflation.

Key 2013 economic indicators have turned out to be within the range, as China created more than 10 million new jobs and inflation came in at 2.6 percent for the whole year.

It is "a good report card" presented to China's leaders who took office in March last year, said experts.


Monday's GDP data headed a string of other positive economic figures.

Retail sales growth slowed slightly to 13.6 percent in December from November's 13.7 percent, in line with market expectations.

"The slightly lower retail sales expansion is due to softer catering sales growth as the government continued to crack down on luxury consumption," said a note from a research team with the Bank of America Merrill Lynch led by chief China economist Lu Ting.

Fixed asset investment growth rose 19.6 percent in the whole of 2013, following the 19.9 percent expansion in the Jan.-Nov period.

"Growth in fixed asset investment is at decade lows as the Chinese government tries to steer the economy away from investment-led growth," said a research note from Moody's Analytics.

"We are likely to see a continuation of slower but more sustainable investment growth in 2014 as policy makers focus on rebalancing the economy to domestic consumption," said the research note.

Sheng said China's economic structuring is improving in 2013, with higher proportion of the tertiary sector, which took up a 46.1-percent share in the GDP structure, up from 44.6 percent in 2012 and exceeding the secondary sector for the first time.

Sheng said China adopted an innovative macro-economic management approach last year by defining "upper and lower limits" of the reasonable economic range, and addressing both current and long-term needs of the economy.

These efforts have enabled China to tide over the difficult period and put the Chinese economy on a more stable footing, according to Sheng.


The Chinese economy grew 7.7 percent in the final quarter of 2013, marking a moderate slowdown from 7.8 percent in the third quarter.

Zhang Liqun, an analyst with the Development Research Center of the State Council, said downside pressure still exists, citing deep-rooted problems including mounting local government debt and industrial overcapacity.

"The country should further promote reforms to release dividends and generate internal driving force of the economy," said Zhang.

"As the world situation improves, China's economic growth may pick up in the third and fourth quarter of this year," he said.

Lu Ting and his team are more optimistic. "It is very likely for GDP growth to rebound again in the first two quarters of 2014," said their research note. "The chance for it to rise to around 7.8 percent to 7.9 percent is quite high in the first and second quarter of this year."


Some interesting points to note:

- Annual inflation was low, at only 2.6%. This means there is a lot of room available for growth-boosting measures in the future, if it is needed.

- Our "services sector" is now larger than our "manufacturing sector" for the first time.

- Growth in "fixed asset investment" is at a decade low, which bodes very well for our "economic transition" away from an investment-fueled growth model, towards a more consumption-fueled growth model.

- Even though "percentage" growth rates have fallen to 7.7%, the enormous size of our base economy means that we are currently adding more to our economy every year than we have EVER done during our era of double-digit growth rates.

- In fact, 7.7% of $9.3 trillion is huge, we are adding more to our economy now than any other country on Earth, by a significant margin. We are even beating or own record that we previously set. :cheers:

i dont agree with nominal terms, chinas gdp is allready over 14 trillions for sure in ppp
Why turks have ruled india for hundreds of years,yet they are the be ruled ones in China?Because indians are selfish cowards like a crowd of sheeps.Babur only needed 20000 turk warriors to start to conquer the whole india.

Just 60,000 Mongols utterly crushed more than hundred millions of you. Utterly destroyed you.

Genghis captured 90 Chin cities in just one year and had fun with you with his white, red and black flags. You know what those flags meant you cowardly sheeple?

Even their kids used to take out you cowardly sheeple for fun. They probably killed hundreds of millions of you.

While I have sympathy for the innocent victims anywhere, I have only contempt for fil.thy cowardly opium filled zombies like this one and his fellows here.
Indian had been the slaves of foreign invaders for one thousand years if you exclude Aryan invasion.Not so many nations had such pathetic history.

But the Indians has the last laugh. They can claim that Indian nation was not created until 1947, so they were technically no Indian nation. India was a geographical expression and the term Indian is more equivalent to Arabs, Turks or Slavs. These are not countries, neither was India in history until the Brits created them.
But the Indians has the last laugh. They can claim that Indian nation was not created until 1947, so they were technically no Indian nation. India was a geographical expression and the term Indian is more equivalent to Arabs, Turks or Slavs. These are not countries, neither was India in history until the Brits created them.

You are merely stating the obvious,so obvious that it is known to every 7-year kid in the world。;)
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