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China's GDP reaches $9.3 trillion in 2013

Due to its large population and culture tendencies, China is not an immigration nation. Basically, Chinese expect people who lives in China to behave like Chinese, instead of "insert random nationality" people who happen to take residence in China. Frankly, due to the population pressure, I don't really see China becoming an immigration nation in the near future except to individuals with outstanding qualification (high technical skills, etc)

Beijing does have a lot of air pollution. It is a mega metroplex with with more than 20 million population and it is surrounded on three sides by mountain, so when bad weather, especially a low pressure front hits, it can trap quite a bit smog there, but it is not really worse than other mega cities, such as Delhi, or London when England had its industry.

And Beijing's pollution doesn't really come from industry. Industrial pollution affects both air and water, but you don't really hear media talking about water pollution in Beijing. This is because it is a political and commercial city, not an industrial city. Vast majority of Beijing's pollution comes from personal vehicles. This is why a gradual transition to electric vehicle is so important for Beijing.

First China will have 29% of the post secondary educated population at around 2020, so technical people could still come, but it's hardly a need. A lot of the benefits to Taiwan nationals are being stripped, some say it will completely be dropped soon, as our grads are just flat out better at this point.

China could very well become a immigration country for low level jobs, I'm not sure if you know, but low level employees are really dropping in China, it is not a big problem now, but the count down has began.

But if there's one thing that I'm not worried is change, China will adapt.
Due to its large population and culture tendencies, China is not an immigration nation. Basically, Chinese expect people who lives in China to behave like Chinese, instead of "insert random nationality" people who happen to take residence in China. Frankly, due to the population pressure, I don't really see China becoming an immigration nation in the near future except to individuals with outstanding qualification (high technical skills, etc)

Beijing does have a lot of air pollution. It is a mega metroplex with with more than 20 million population and it is surrounded on three sides by mountain, so when bad weather, especially a low pressure front hits, it can trap quite a bit smog there, but it is not really worse than other mega cities, such as Delhi, or London when England had its industry.

And Beijing's pollution doesn't really come from industry. Industrial pollution affects both air and water, but you don't really hear media talking about water pollution in Beijing. This is because it is a political and commercial city, not an industrial city. Vast majority of Beijing's pollution comes from personal vehicles. This is why a gradual transition to electric vehicle is so important for Beijing.

The vehicles use low quality fuel which emits more pollution.
First China will have 29% of the post secondary educated population at around 2020, so technical people could still come, but it's hardly a need. A lot of the benefits to Taiwan nationals are being stripped, some say it will completely be dropped soon, as our grads are just flat out better at this point.

China could very well become a immigration country for low level jobs, I'm not sure if you know, but low level employees are really dropping in China, it is not a big problem now, but the count down has began.

But if there's one thing that I'm not worried is change, China will adapt.

I did say "outstanding" individuals. There are always space for people who are exceptional in their field.

For the second part, I think the current policy from the central government is shifting the low level jobs towards middle and western part of the country, where the income is relatively low. All the infrastructures (especially high speed rail networks) we have been seeing for the past few years points to this. Remember, we have more population than Europe and US combined, so it wouldn't be a surprise that we can hold on to all level of jobs much longer.

The vehicles use low quality fuel which emits more pollution.

This is very true. Though comparing to electric vehicle, gasoline based vehicle just have more emission period, regardless of the fuel grade.

I was at the IEEE PES Vancouver meeting last year. You wouldn't believe the number of presentations and posters regarding to hybrid and full electric vehicles. Chinese engineers are especially good with renewables and battery related topics. I am confident that electric vehicle will be a fully viable replacement of gasoline (personal) vehicles within two decades.
I did say "outstanding" individuals. There are always space for people who are exceptional in their field.

For the second part, I think the current policy from the central government is shifting the low level jobs towards middle and western part of the country, where the income is relatively low. All the infrastructures (especially high speed rail networks) we have been seeing for the past few years points to this. Remember, we have more population than Europe and US combined, so it wouldn't be a surprise that we can hold on to all level of jobs much longer.

This is very true. Though comparing to electric vehicle, gasoline based vehicle just have more emission period, regardless of the fuel grade.

I was at the IEEE PES Vancouver meeting last year. You wouldn't believe the number of presentations and posters regarding to hybrid and full electric vehicles. Chinese engineers are especially good with renewables and battery related topics. I am confident that electric vehicle will be a fully viable replacement of gasoline (personal) vehicles within two decades.

Right。We ought to have more EVs such as BYD‘s K9 below on the streets of Beijing rather than London:


We also need to have more BYD E6sroaming the streets of Beijing in place of London:

Well, we have the number 1 biggest population on Earth, so we should have been the number 1 economy a long time ago.

Never too late to make up for past mistakes though. :cheers:

Hopefully we will become the very first country in the world to become a developed country with a population of more than a billion. That will be an incredible record to achieve.

Agree! Never make past mistakes. :toast_sign:
China don't want their country to be destroyed by brown people, so no. You guys can go to Sweden or the world's largest democracy. In 2030 India will surpass the world in economics and military according to this.

what about black people/white people/other Asians? You guys are racists?
Thanks for your compliment.

But immigration? No.....never.


We do not need immigration.

China has the largest working age population in the world. Larger then the entire populations of most other countries.

Immigration is something that developed Western countries want.

If we need more workers, we can always look further inland.

We do not need immigration.

China has the largest working age population in the world. Larger then the entire populations of most other countries.

Immigration is something that developed Western countries want.

If we need more workers, we can always look further inland.

Yes, we are different from the America which is established on the foundation of immigration. This is America's tradition and 立国之本, people from different continents and countries built the United States together, of course this country should commit to serve immigration's interest. China's different. Our development is all on ourselves, now those people from poorer countries want to share our own achievement without doing any contribution, it's ridiculous, China is not saint, China won't accept refugee from poor part of India and Africa. If high educated Indian come to China to work for information technology industry, I still welcome them, but never immigrate.

Yeah, some labor-intensive industries are moving inland where cost is low. Inland provinces are ready for carrying on industry transfer from eastern developed China. With our second child policy, working force is not a problem. The real concern is to improve wages and salaries.
yea why not? Chinese people immigrate all over the world earn money and help China in the process. It is only fair to open for immigration.

Because China have one-child policy.

It's like killing your own babies for foreigners.

Japan is actually THE country that needs to open up for MASSIVE immigration,for its population is aging fast and according to one calculation,will come down to 1/4 of present-day size in less than 100 years。

But the Japs are obsessed with the idea of a ‘pure race“。So there you have it。:D

I also obsessed with the idea of pure race. :-)
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what about black people/white people/other Asians? You guys are racists?
We look after our own interest and don't give a shit what other people call us. that is why China is becoming strong and EU and the rest of the world is losing their strength. Why not encourage immigration to india, world's largest democracy and future superpower with 26% of arable land that you guys love to brag about vs. China's 6% arable land?
yea why not? Chinese people immigrate all over the world earn money and help China in the process. It is only fair to open for immigration.

High Quality Immigrants who are Engineers, Scientists, and Technicians are the select few who it would be open to. Already a large population, Immigrants would not only need to have a high quality skill set, but also adapt to our culture and learn our language. I'm sure you can understand.

Once our per captia crosses $20,000 by or past 2020 that would be something to be happy about. Economy needs to move to Innovative Science than just manufacturing which we are doing slowly.
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We do not need immigration.

China has the largest working age population in the world. Larger then the entire populations of most other countries.

Immigration is something that developed Western countries want.

If we need more workers, we can always look further inland.

Thanks for your compliment.

But immigration? No.....never.

What ? :o:

You won't even let me in ? :(

I thought we were brothers ! :cray:

I think my bro @Hu Songshan will side with me ! :smokin:

And a certain Chinese Dragon is increasingly looking like a Chinese Kitty Cat ! :whistle:

On Topic - Congratulations; May China Prosper ever More ! :pakistan: :china:
What ? :o:

You won't even let me in ? :(

I thought we were brothers ! :cray:

I think my bro @Hu Songshan will side with me ! :smokin:

And a certain Chinese Dragon is increasingly looking like a Chinese Kitty Cat ! :whistle:

On Topic - Congratulations; May China Prosper ever More ! :pakistan: :china:

Get Hong Kong residency, best of both worlds since you can live in China as long as you like and keep your Pakistani nationality at the same time. :D

And thanks brother, I hope that Pakistan's leaders and business people find a way to make Pakistan benefit more from China's growing economy. This is a big opportunity, it should not be missed. :china::pakistan:
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