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China's COVID policymaking under scrutiny as infections soar


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
BEIJING, Dec 29 (Reuters) - After China scrapped three years of zero-COVID curbs in 30 days, setting off a massive wave of infections, Beijing's policymakers face an immense challenge to treat the sick and minimise deaths while winning back public trust dented by previous policies.

Scenes of overwhelmed hospitals, people on intravenous drips by the roadside and lines of hearses outside crematoria have fuelled public concern. An extraordinarily small number of reported fatalities - 10 deaths since the old policy regime was overturned on Dec. 7 - and a decision by authorities to stop publishing data on cases have also stoked distrust.

With estimates of millions of daily cases and at least 1 million COVID deaths next year, global experts say the world's most populous nation needs to bolster its medical infrastructure quickly. Chinese officials have vowed to step up protection for key demographic groups - including millions of elderly people - boost vaccination rates and expand healthcare resources.

Experts say China has been caught ill-prepared by the abrupt U-turn in policies long championed by President Xi Jinping and implemented by trusted ally Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, be it the Chinese capital or the countryside.

In December, tenders put out by hospitals for key medical equipment such as ventilators and patient monitors were two to three times higher than in previous months, according to a Reuters review,suggesting hospitals across the country were scrambling to plug shortages.

China's COVID policy, especially at the grassroots level, is in chaos due to crunches in medical supplies and the sheer number of sick elderly people, said Alfred Wu, associate professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore.

"This is very much an unprecedented emergency now, because of the healthcare crunch that has happened everywhere, at different levels, even in Beijing," Wu said.

"More fundamental, and more subtle and more important is the social contract and social trust in China. It is supposed to be very high and supposed to help the government deal with many challenges but now the issue is we don't know how much faith people have in the government."

The State Council Information Office, which handles media queries for the government, did not respond to Reuters requests for comment.


Over the past three years, Vice Premier Sun, 72, has been the face of China's COVID fight, a mother-like figure who has executed Xi's zero-COVID policy with a firm hand.

On Jan. 22, 2020, while visiting the central city of Wuhan where the new coronavirus was first found, Sun told local cadres to implement the "strictest" counter-epidemic measures. A day later, the city of over 13 million was thrown into a lockdown - the first of many across China that sparked anger and protests.

In April this year, Sun rushed to Shanghai as the city went under lockdown, according to state media reports. At the end of a one-month stay, Sun said it was not the time for the city of 25 million to relax. The lockdown continued for another month.

Trusted by Xi, the former factory worker has taken blows for his COVID policies.

In 2020, while inspecting a high-rise condominium in Wuhan, her group was heckled by residents under lockdown. "It's fake! It's fake!" they yelled from their windows, accusing officials of staging grocery deliveries to coincide with her visit.

During the Shanghai lockdown, while also on an inspection tour, Sun was bombarded by pleas from residents shouting from their windows: "No more rice! No more cooking oil! Please take us with you! Don't leave us!"

Sun will step down in March during a Cabinet reshuffle that also involves many other top government officials. She is also past the typical retirement age of 68.

"From a political perspective, she has faithfully obeyed the orders of President Xi," said Yanzhong Huang, senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an independent U.S. think tank.

According to minutes of a COVID teleconference among top policymakers seen by Reuters and confirmed by a source with knowledge of the meeting on Dec. 25, Li Qiang, the former Communist Party chief of Shanghai who oversaw the city's two-month lockdown, spoke as the new head of a small but powerful policy-deciding group on COVID.

Li is a close ally of Xi's and was recently elected to the No.2 position on the seven-man Standing Committee, the pinnacle of power within the Communist Party.

How the current infections are tackled remain a key near-term challenge to COVID czars.

"If they cannot do a good job in handling the surge of cases and this leads to mass die-off, that fear and panic would be a challenge to social and political stability," CFR's Huang said.

I still remember the days when Chinese were gloating over Americans infections and deaths. It has now royally backfired in your face.
BEIJING, Dec 29 (Reuters) - After China scrapped three years of zero-COVID curbs in 30 days, setting off a massive wave of infections, Beijing's policymakers face an immense challenge to treat the sick and minimise deaths while winning back public trust dented by previous policies.

Scenes of overwhelmed hospitals, people on intravenous drips by the roadside and lines of hearses outside crematoria have fuelled public concern. An extraordinarily small number of reported fatalities - 10 deaths since the old policy regime was overturned on Dec. 7 - and a decision by authorities to stop publishing data on cases have also stoked distrust.

With estimates of millions of daily cases and at least 1 million COVID deaths next year, global experts say the world's most populous nation needs to bolster its medical infrastructure quickly. Chinese officials have vowed to step up protection for key demographic groups - including millions of elderly people - boost vaccination rates and expand healthcare resources.

Experts say China has been caught ill-prepared by the abrupt U-turn in policies long championed by President Xi Jinping and implemented by trusted ally Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, be it the Chinese capital or the countryside.

I still remember the days when Chinese were gloating over Americans infections and deaths. It has now royally backfired in your face.

I don't understand it, China has all the know-how and equipment available to it with a strong science base. Why is it so hard to build an MRNA vaccine and produce a capable vaccine that's available in booster shots. Instead of putting people in "home jails", they can vaccinate and let people go about their lives with caution. Beauty of MRNA vaccination is that the chances of deaths are minimal and any further inventions can be cured with medications.
............. Beauty of MRNA vaccination is that the chances of deaths are minimal and any further inventions can be cured with medications.

The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13 per cent excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.
An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid.

Karen Cutter, an actuary of more than 25 years and spokeswoman for the institute’s Covid-19 Mortality Working Group, said 13 per cent was an “incredibly high number for mortality” and that it was “not clear” what was driving the increase....................

The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13 per cent excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.
An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid.

Karen Cutter, an actuary of more than 25 years and spokeswoman for the institute’s Covid-19 Mortality Working Group, said 13 per cent was an “incredibly high number for mortality” and that it was “not clear” what was driving the increase....................

Read what you posted. 13% increased death rate. NOT 37 million infected daily or such staggering numbers like that. It's because the MRNA vaccines like Moderna / Pfizer provide protection against the infection pathways so the infection isn't deadly in majority of the patients.
I don't understand it, China has all the know-how and equipment available to it with a strong science base. Why is it so hard to build an MRNA vaccine and produce a capable vaccine that's available in booster shots. Instead of putting people in "home jails", they can vaccinate and let people go about their lives with caution. Beauty of MRNA vaccination is that the chances of deaths are minimal and any further inventions can be cured with medications.
Do you have data of 5 years for mRNA vaccine which proven safe in human bodies? Do you know some drugs can cause side effect after 2-3 years...

How can you prove mRNA technology is totally safe and proven?

Read what you posted. 13% increased death rate. NOT 37 million infected daily or such staggering numbers like that. It's because the MRNA vaccines like Moderna / Pfizer provide protection against the infection pathways so the infection isn't deadly in majority of the patients.
Sure, 13% excess death is no big deal. Whatever u say bro.
Is that what the moderna/pfizer salesmen said to u ? lol
And I think it's a bit tough for the oz to get 37 mil infections a day.
Do you have data of 5 years for mRNA vaccine which proven safe in human bodies? Do you know some drugs can cause side effect after 2-3 years...

How can you prove mRNA technology is totally safe and proven?

The twice a year flu vaccine around the world is also a MRNA vaccine. It's role is limited to the virus "impact process" it protect against. COVID is no different. I don't know how much you know about COVID but it's not a "new magical virus". It belong to SARS family and have been around for decades (SARS virus = Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Virus" and this one's called Novel CORONA 19 strain!

In fact it's full name would be SARS-COVID-2019 virus. And there's been existing vaccine out there for decades to treat various prior family members of this virus (like grandpa, grandma, great uncle, etc). That's how we know that to target this virus's delivery / impact mechanism won't have more than a few % of high side effects. So these medications have been proven safe for many decades now.

Lastly, the issue is, will you worry about a few % further complications (just taking your word), OR, allow 37 million people a day to get infected and million to potentially DIE? This is where the trade off it and that's WHY you create a vaccine, to PREVENT MASS casualties!
China still dodged nasty strains like Beta and Delta, which is a big win. Omicron still kills but had we taken Delta head on like India did the death toll would have easily been tripled compared to today's

Of course data from the US have been closely monitored, I think Chinese govt made the policy change when they saw the excess death rate in the US started dropping (albeit not much). you guys are literally our guinea pig for the past three years, thank you for your service I guess?
It's damned if you do, damned if you don't. Hard to please a double-standard "A"-hole.
The white western media is full of hypocrites, maybe some of of them are proper idiots as well. Just a month back, the articles were about human rights violation for having lockdown. Now suddenly it's opposite when lockdown is removed. I don't think anyone needs to give any importance to these articles written by western media. Do you think they will ever write anything good about any other country? They are just salty that a million+ got popped off because they are too freedom-loving to even wear a mask.
Read what you posted. 13% increased death rate. NOT 37 million infected daily or such staggering numbers like that. It's because the MRNA vaccines like Moderna / Pfizer provide protection against the infection pathways so the infection isn't deadly in majority of the patients.
where the fvk did you read mrna prevent transmission which you mean as infection?
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