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China's 'Come to Jesus' Moment

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Jan 7, 2012
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BEIJING – Last spring, a delegation of 11 Chinese government officials visited Nairobi, Kenya. Their mission: to seek advice on how to promote Christianity in China. Wang Zuoan, director of the State Administration for Religious Affairs, which regulates religion in China, reportedly told Kenya's Anglican archbishop that "religion is good for development."

Amid growing social tension and an ominous economic outlook, some quarters of the officially atheist Chinese Communist Party seem to be warming to Christianity. Land is being donated, churches built, and research being conducted on positive Christian contributions -- all by the Chinese government, which until recently treated religion as a harmful but unstoppable force. In 2001, Chinese President Jiang Zemin called for religion to be cautiously accommodated, but actively discouraged, and adapted to the socialist culture of atheism and materialism.

The traditional antipathy toward religion in the Communist Party stems from Karl Marx's idea that it is the "opiate of the masses" that "dulls the pain of oppression" from capitalist aristocrats. In an egalitarian socialist society, there's no need for this remnant of exploitation.

But recent moves toward religion suggest this ideological aversion is transforming along with China's socioeconomic situation -- albeit more slowly. Since Deng Xiaoping began opening China's economy in 1978, its GDP has grown 40-fold with increasingly serious side effects. Corruption, yawning wealth inequality, environmental degradation, and the threat of a major banking crisis weigh on the Communist Party's ability to maintain control. The religious opiate could be just what the doctor ordered for a nervous Communist Party.

Academic studies and think tanks devoted to studying religion's political and sociological effects have been sponsored by government organs to explore topics such as Christianity's role in developing the United States and Europe. And institutions like Fudan University's Religious Studies Department in Shanghai and the Institute for Advanced Study of the Humanities and Religion at Beijing Normal University are becoming more common in Chinese academia.


Pews, Priests and Praying in the PRC
"There's a fair amount of overlap between the government agenda and the Christian agenda," says Gerda Wielander, who researches Chinese religion and politics at the University of Westminster. "When you speak to [Chinese Christians] or look at the data, they all emphasize what good citizens they are and what good citizens they want to be, so there's a lot for the government to tap into there."

Last October, in the southern city of Foshan, a van ran over a 2-year-old girl. After pausing, the driver continued to drive over her again with the back tire. The video of the incident, which went viral and incited debate on the state of Chinese society, showed 18 bystanders walking past and ignoring the fallen girl until a scrap peddler eventually came to her aid. The driver later reportedly said he'd be liable for less money with a dead girl than an injured one.

For many Chinese, the incident highlighted some of the problems that have emerged from the post-socialist jettison of morality in the pursuit of material wealth. "The old moral system doesn't work anymore, and the new one hasn't been established," says Fenggang Yang, a professor at Purdue University and author of Religion in China: Survival and Revival under Communist Rule. "Many people in society feel kind of lost and don't know what to do."

First they copied western technologies, then western cities and now, western religions :lol:

China's 'Come to Jesus' Moment - By Eric Fish | Foreign Policy
First they copied western technologies, then western cities and now, western religions :lol:

And India still has white Europeans as their highest leaders, under a government system copied from the British colonialists. :lol: (And she is Christian too).



How can an Italian waitress come over to India and rule them all just like that?
There is a rumor that Deng Xiaoping wanted to make Christianity the state religion.
BTW.. Christianity, especially protestant churches, is spreading spreading very quickly in China.
There are more Christians in China than in Italy.
China cannot afford religious extremism. We will end up with South Korean suicide rates and worse than Afghanistan socially.

I am a student of physics and engineering. There is no mathematical expression for God. I can't model God. I can't engineer something with God. I can't observe God. I can't measure God's properties. Why should I say God exists?

Would you want the guy that built a bridge to say "I didn't pay attention in statics. But that's fine because God will let this bridge stand, and won't let innocent babies crash into the water." I would never go near that bridge.

If someone said "I am an expert in the mechanics of thin structures with a PhD in civil engineering. I designed this bridge, and I don't give a **** about God" I would never even think twice about going over that bridge.

When I wire a circuit, get high grades, take a spectrum or make a new chemical, I don't thank God. If you do, see a doctor. These were 100% my own personal achievement that I owe to nobody and nothing, why should I thank God? Did God fix my AFM or make my chemicals? If he did, I'll thank him but I'm not holding my breath.

Christians should be sent to mandatory drug rehab if they are caught trying to convert anyone. Religion is after all an opiate of the masses.

---------- Post added at 11:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 AM ----------

God controls everything right? Everything is his plan right?

If an innocent baby gets killed by a virus, does that mean that God is a mad baby killer?

More blacks than whites die everyday by far. God is a racist.

Can God make a stone so large he cannot lift it? :lol:
Can God make a stone so large he cannot lift it? :lol:
Nothing wrong with religious freedom. With that being said, I find where the article proclaims the official visit as being.."how to promote Christianity" extremely unlikely. Much more likely that it is simply another information gathering delegation to help conceive better ways to harmoniously integrate religions into larger society while preventing the inevitable hostile foreign meddling that uses Christianity as a calling card to stir all manner of discontent.
I am a student of physics and engineering. There is no mathematical expression for God. I can't model God. I can't engineer something with God. I can't observe God. I can't measure God's properties.

That is my view as well, I will always look for evidence before believing something.

However, I think we should bear in mind that a significant number of people here (even though the overall percentage may be low) really do feel the need to believe in a higher power.

Ideally, I would love for those people to go back to Taoism/Confucianism/Buddhism like previously, since these philosophies are all a strong part of Chinese culture and history.
Just think about it.

God is claimed to be master of the cosmos and omnipotent. He is all knowing, all seeing, and SUPPOSEDLY loves his worshippers.

Then God make a stone so large he cannot lift it?

If an innocent baby is killed by a virus, is that God's plan?

More blacks than whites die every day, is God a racist?

Why are the most religious Arabs, Africans and Afghans so poor while the atheist Europeans and Japanese have such a higher standard of living?

Is God blind? Does he not see that he is punishing his worshippers and richly rewarding infidels?

Or maybe, religion is an artificial invention that is used to keep the masses dumb and weak so they can be easily exploited by dictators.
Chrsitianity for China...sounds so cool :tup:
^^ Ahhhhh! the glorious reasoning of the children of the PRC. May they someday find the peace that passeth all understanding by following the teachings and example of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Ideally, I would love for those people to go back to Taoism/Confucianism/Buddhism like previously, since these philosophies are all a strong part of Chinese culture and history.
There is a qualitative difference between those who believe in a higher power from the point of view of Taoism/Confucianism/Buddhism vs those who look to religions of the book, namely Christianity/Islam/Judaism. People of the book are prone to blind worship and blind obedience, largely due to the teaching of an all powerful deity that is ABUSED by Human Beings for their own purposes. This phenomena of total blind unquestioning obedience is largely absent from Taoism/Confucianism/Buddhism...EXCEPT in the case of Tibetan Lamaism where the Dalai Lama is given similar reverence as the all-knowing God diety of the book.
^^ Ahhhhh! the glorious reasoning of the children of the PRC. May they someday find the peace that passeth all understanding by following the teachings and example of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

I don't see any harm in Chinese people becoming Christians. Even my aunt and her family are Christians.

For reasons of preserving Chinese culture though, I tend to like Taoism/Confucianism/Buddhism. These philosophies have a deep connection to Chinese culture and history.

But for the immediate future, most Chinese people will likely remain atheists (myself included).
^^ Ahhhhh! the glorious reasoning of the children of the PRC. May they someday find the peace that passeth all understanding by following the teachings and example of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Just answer a simple question:

Why is atheist Sweden and Singapore much richer than highly religious Uganda and Philippines, both devout Christian nations?

Why is God richly rewarding infidels and punishing his believers so harshly?
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