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China's Combined-Arms Saturation Attack (VIDEO)

I think the Type 093 should be replaced by the Type 093G in that video.

Also, the supercarrier battlegroup won't get that close to each other during the real wartime.
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The Battle for Okinawa

In the opening scene, the US attacks a Chinese South China Sea island base. A Chinese Y-20 cargo plane crash lands and is destroyed. Serial number "783" identifies the heavy-lift transport aircraft as China's first Y-20 prototype.

China retaliates by rolling out its ballistic missiles from their underground mountain bases. [Air Power Australia has identified at least 41 known Chinese underground mountain bases. There are no known American or Japanese underground mountain base due to the seismic activity along the Ring of Fire territories on the Pacific Rim.]

China's first and most important move is to destroy the exposed oil tanks (e.g. the four round white domes). Without oil and jet fuel, a plane can't fly. No matter how advanced it is.
China uses bomblets on ballistic missiles [see MGR-1 Honest John with M139 bomblets] to destroy the runway, airplanes, and Patriot batteries on an American base.
In addition to the ballistic missile salvo attack, China's H-6K bombers launch KD-20 LACMs (land-attack cruise missiles) at the American bases.

As we shift to the naval battle, the first salvo of incoming DF-21D MARVs home in on an American carrier battle group. Despite the best efforts of SM-3 missiles and Phalanx CIWS (which I assume is shooting at incoming Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles or ASCMs), the carrier group eventually succumbs to the MARV barrage. The SM-3 missile is at a disadvantage, because it has to fight gravity. If there are any SM-3 misfires such as the SM-2 that recently exploded in its VLS, it's all over. China only needs one or two hits to destroy a naval capital ship. The US needs a 100% defense success rate, which is virtually impossible. [To my knowledge, the Safeguard Program only claimed a simulated 90% success rate against missiles on simple ballistic trajectories.]

A Chinese Type 093 Shang-class nuclear submarine destroys an enemy sub. Logically, it would go on to hunt for more enemy submarines or capital ships.

In its counterstrike, China launches J-15 fighters from the Liaoning. They are joined by a J-10 squadron commanded by a KJ-2000 AWACs. Coming under missile attack from American F-35s, the J-10s evade and proceed to their target. A J-20 stealth fighter turns to engage the enemy F-35 fighters, which are easily identifiable by their single engine and twin canted vertical stabilizers. Since the J-20 flies higher and faster, its Air-to-Air Missiles (AAMs) have a longer range than the F-35. The F-35s lose the engagement.

The J-15s launched their missiles and the J-10s dropped their precision-guided bombs (on targets designated by a drone) to clear the way for an invasion of Okinawa. The American base is on Okinawa and China has to stop future attacks on Chinese South China Sea islands. After landing on Okinawa, China uses PHL03 MLRS and PLZ-05 self-propelled howitzers to provide covering fire. Type 99 main battle tanks and Z-series attack helicopters spearhead the capture of the formerly American Okinawa military base.

The moral of the story is that China will contest Okinawa if the US contests a Chinese South China Sea island. Both sides must place something of equal value at risk.
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Lolz,the 60 plus american SSNs will cut through the PLAN like knife through butter even before the carriers arrive in the area.Just the 4 ohio SSGNs can decimate the chinese coast with over 600 tomahawks.And the j-15 'flopping fish' vs superhornets?:lol:Not a single chinese oil tanker will return from gulf to china,total economic collapse.However continue with 'Martian's masturbations'.They are highly amusing to read.
Lolz,the 60 plus american SSNs will cut through the PLAN like knife through butter even before the carriers arrive in the area.Just the 4 ohio SSGNs can decimate the chinese coast with over 600 tomahawks.And the j-15 'flopping fish' vs superhornets?:lol:Not a single chinese oil tanker will return from gulf to china,total economic collapse.However continue with 'Martian's masturbations'.They are highly amusing to read.

Yes, you would be correct, if we assume that those Ohio SSGNs and SSNs will never encounter things like shipborne ASROC-type missiles (deployed on the 054A), ASW aircraft (Y-8Q deployed within the PLAN), land-based ASW rockets (deployed on the WS-3 system), SSKs and SSNs (which will be supported by other naval platforms via datalinks), or Chinese hydrophone networks. Your assessment banks on the presumptions that (1) the Chinese will put all of their access-denial weaponry on standby during a full-scale conflict, and (2) China will not pursue any attempt to protect or divert its vital sealanes and energy supplies during a naval-based conflict. J-15s will be equipped enhancements such as improved engine and AESA radars once they enter service; any assessment of their performance vis-a-vis that of the Super Hornet is premature at this moment.

I understand that you disagree with Martian's hypothesis, but it's comical to counter one "masturbation session" with another one.
Lolz,the 60 plus american SSNs will cut through the PLAN like knife through butter even before the carriers arrive in the area.Just the 4 ohio SSGNs can decimate the chinese coast with over 600 tomahawks.And the j-15 'flopping fish' vs superhornets?:lol:Not a single chinese oil tanker will return from gulf to china,total economic collapse.However continue with 'Martian's masturbations'.They are highly amusing to read.

And this guy is supposed to be a PDF think tank 'analyst' :lol:

Yes, you would be correct, if we assume that those Ohio SSGNs and SSNs will never encounter things like shipborne ASROC-type missiles (deployed on the 054A), ASW aircraft (Y-8Q deployed within the PLAN), land-based ASW rockets (deployed on the WS-3 system), SSKs and SSNs (which will be supported by other naval platforms via datalinks), or Chinese hydrophone networks. Your assessment banks on the presumptions that (1) the Chinese will put all of their access-denial weaponry on standby during a full-scale conflict, and (2) China will not pursue any attempt to protect or divert its vital sealanes and energy supplies during a naval-based conflict. J-15s will be equipped enhancements such as improved engine and AESA radars once they enter service; any assessment of their performance vis-a-vis that of the Super Hornet is premature at this moment.

I understand that you disagree with Martian's hypothesis, but it's comical to counter one "masturbation session" with another one.

He is supposed to be a PDF think tank 'analyst' :lol:

Indians should be banned from getting think tank analysts. They couldn't do an analysis if their lives depended on it.
And this guy is supposed to be a PDF think tank 'analyst' :lol:

He is supposed to be a PDF think tank 'analyst' :lol:

Indians should be banned from getting think tank analysts. They couldn't do an analysis if their lives depended on it.

What is wrong with that analysis?Do tell?
PLAN's current ASW capabilities are pretty inadequate.Really you you don't have the capabilities to deal with over 60 USN SSN's-this is not even taking into account the lethal JMSDF,most of your ships lack any good sonar-they are sitting ducks.Your best sonars were developed from french/italian late 80s era sonars and recently obtained some relatively modern ones from russia.You really think you are going to take care of virginias and seawolves with that?
Did i really say anything absurd when i said 4 ohios can decimate chinese coastal targets with over 600 tomahawks?Because thats the truth.Detecting silent submarines is very difficult if it just sits on its position near the japanese coast,surfaces for 5-10 minutes and fires its 154 tomahawks.
Did i say anything wrong when i said USA can easily completly shut down chinese economy by sinking every oil tanker and any exports?USN has total global reach,PLAN has none.Thats not rubbish,thats fact.
J-15s you expect to take on superhornets?The thing can't even take off at anything resembling effective battle load from lioaning.Even if you upgraded it with all goodies,it still can't match the far more technically advanced superhornets with latest AESA because US packaging technology in AESA is ahead of rest of the world.Nor can you match AIM-120D BVR range,nor the Electronic warfare capabilities of the aircraft and growlers.
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