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China's aviation engineers are being assassinated.

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More like a combination of work overload and pressure. Make up for the lost decade? :what:

So 3 of the TOP engineers die in ONE MONTH and you relate that to work load? :lol:
America have been worried about Chinese military rise and they have will do anything to slow down these projects. Just look how they took out the Iranian nuclear scientists. Yes, over work is an issue but 3 deaths in one month is just ridiculous. These are not just any engineers but the main engineers for key projects.
The sad thing is, nothing will happen, CPC is full of corrupt crooks. They only care about their own interests. I doubt there will be even an investigation.
So 3 of the TOP engineers die in ONE MONTH and you relate that to work load? :lol:
America have been worried about Chinese military rise and they have will do anything to slow down these projects. Just look how they took out the Iranian nuclear scientists. Yes, over work is an issue but 3 deaths in one month is just ridiculous. These are not just any engineers but the main engineers for key projects.
The sad thing is, nothing will happen, CPC is full of corrupt crooks. They only care about their own interests. I doubt there will be even an investigation.
Luo Yang was the manager of SAC's J-15 project, not its chief engineer designer. In fact, all three of them are part of the hundreds of team members working on these projects. I think even you realize how ridiculous your tinfoil hat theories are. Care to post with your real account?

Don't be naive?
Naive is treating this as all 'natural deaths' and not questioning them.
Yes, aviation engineers are immortal and immune to stress/disease. Only CIA, MI5, KGB, FSB, RAW, ISI and Mossad could be the answer to these deaths.
If this is CIA, then this is a bit of a sloppy job to kill these 3 people with the same symptoms within such a short time frame. They could have been slipped drugs by small doses or such that could cause heart attack, and I'm not sure if toxicology could catch these drugs. However, if I were the CIA, I wouldn't do it like that. These 3 people should die of different conditions (heart attack, stroke, seizure etc...) within some time of each other. This looks too suspicious to kill 3 people like that.

Rather, to have them all die within a short amount of time of the same symptoms suggests that they had something in common happen to them recently. Maybe they ate at the same banquet for engineers, or they had some activity together.

Also, it is well known that Yang Wei is China's most important engineer in the military aviation field. In addition, he oversees the J-20 program which is shaping up to be the biggest threat to American aerial dominance and it's in an advanced state of development as compare to the J-31.

If the CIA wanted to stunt Chinese growth, they would target Yang Wei first because killing 3 people in the same way within a month would put the Chinese on guard to defending its engineers, making killing Yang Wei much more difficult.

In any case, if I had authority, I would enforce a health check for all these important engineers to make some no one else was at risk of premature death and impose closer security around the food management and ventilation systems.
So 3 of the TOP engineers die in ONE MONTH and you relate that to work load? :lol:
America have been worried about Chinese military rise and they have will do anything to slow down these projects. Just look how they took out the Iranian nuclear scientists. Yes, over work is an issue but 3 deaths in one month is just ridiculous. These are not just any engineers but the main engineers for key projects.
The sad thing is, nothing will happen, CPC is full of corrupt crooks. They only care about their own interests. I doubt there will be even an investigation.
LMAO, you compared China to Iran

And of course behind the scene there will be people who will do their job aka do an investigation. Don't worry, CIA doesn't dare to kill Chinese scientists. When the competitor is at the same level, they don't want their scientists disappear, either.
Just now posted that.... Here is my post....(repeat)
Everything, everyone related to military are bond to die young or their family members die sudden death.... DRDO has highest such deaths.... Just because you are creating a weapon or defending nation on border doesnt mean you can get away with the bad karma.... Majority of deaths are murder and few by accidents while few by disease.... Karma spares no one.... Only extremely lucky person lives long even after bad karma due to his previous life good karma.... The 3 chinese who died must be a murder as china found out they might had leaking vital info.... In DRDO many scientists been murdered but later declared they did suicide.... Most of them were scientists working on nuclear weapons.... Its very sad that 3 chinese dead.... Lets pray for their soul....

So India kills their own scientests? No wonder DRDO gets no talent.
Maybe we should copy the strategy and arrange assasins targeting Indian LCA & erjun tank scientists, so that it would take another 30 years for indians to get their 3rd generation of home built toys...
Boeing's X-32 chief engineer (or was project manager?) lost almost all he's hair and what was left turned grey.
Boeing's X-32 chief engineer (or was project manager?) lost almost all he's hair and what was left turned grey.

Marillyn Hewson did that for the best of F-22 ;)
Anybody remember Iraq super cannon creator Gerald Bull? Just the death of one man is enough to derail the whole project.

if any project with magnitude attached to it like national defense of any country can get derailed because of death of one person, then I must say, it is poorly planned, designed and executed project..which can happen only in banana republics!!
Maybe we should copy the strategy and arrange assasins targeting Indian LCA & erjun tank scientists, so that it would take another 30 years for indians to get their 3rd generation of home built toys...

Indians are doing such a great job with LCA and arjun, you don't want to kill these scientists. It would make more sense to kill scientists that work on Brahmos. But you will be killing only Russian scientists.
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Those damn Jews. Always knew they be going after China.
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