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Well, when NASA was developing this tech, China was building Aluminum foils for her Satellites to increase solar power (instead of using high powered rechargable batteries :rofl: ). So after 2+ decades after NASA did it, If the Chinese launched a nice telescope (congrats to them), but I'd expect it to be about 1000 times better with today's Microchip technologies. Remember 25 years ago, we didn't even have Microsoft Office and NASA was building Huble!!!! And now, tech has gone commercial in the entire globe. So I don't know why its only 10 times better, it should've been 1000 times better. A simple example, your home laptop today, runs 500% faster and can do 1000% more operations every second than the big tower desktops 25 years ago!!!!

I would be very surprise to see NASA launch a Telescope into the orbit again. With the current tech in today's age, you can see everything from the planet earth. Thanks to the modern tech advancements :enjoy:

Agree. Talking NOW about how powerful a 15 years later telescope is quite naive.
You can just google. This is why I don't like to respond to you. All contact info for POP SCI is in the US, NY and Iowa. The two authors of the article PW Singer, and Lin are both based in the US and studied at Harvard and George something university.

Also their wiki page says American. And their web site.

Please never respond to me again. this wasted 5 minutes I could have used for anything else.

Still there. In fact first thing that comes up when you google popsci.

That is NOT an American Magazine, that is now an American Based magazine, owned by Bonnier Corp, which itself owned by Bonnier AB, based in Sweden. Lenovo based in Morrisville, NC too, would you consider Lenovo an "American" company??

Popular Science | Bonnier Corporation

Jeffrey Lin is a Chinese Research Intern/Blogger based in Washington DC. He is not an American, nor was he actually worked for PopSci in any capacity, in his linkedin page, he describe himself as a "Blogger" for Eastern Arsenal, a "Co-Author" of P.W.Singer. In effect, he is pretty much doing what we are doing here, posting on a forum.

Dr. Peter Warren Singer, on the other hand, did work for Popular Science. he is an editor for the magazine as well as A senior fellow for New America Foundation. He is a Havard Graduate (PhD in Governance) as well as a Princton graduate. The only thing that ever cross path between P.W. Singer and Jeffrey Lin is both worked for Brooking institute, while P.W. Singer was a senior fellow and Jeffrey Lin was a research intern

Jeffrey Lin Linkin page
Jeffrey Lin | LinkedIn

P.W. Singer Biography and Wikipedia page

P.W. Singer: Biography
P. W. Singer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A still for P.W.Singer


You want me to dig deeper? Maybe involving the FBI or NSA to do a comprehensive background check on both?
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congrats to China to her endeavors in space. space exploration and science will benefit not only China,US, but the whole world.

but comparing this to the Hubble is kinda funny, but I wonder how it will compare to the James Webb Telescope, and the Thirty Meter Telescope being built as well.



Hubble telescope gave us first clear picture of our galaxy and way beyond... James Webb looks huge ... NASA is superior than all space agencies combined. China can't be compared with NASA. Many secret discoveries are yet to be published by them .
Your emotion is there for everyone to see. Just don't understand why you have to. Considering your status as TTA, it was not a nice showing. Insecurity, anxiety?
Nice of you to chip in. But we were already done. G'day.

More than flawed.

Since a title can easily work up on you, as it seems. I wish you knew by reading beyond the title that the article in fact was published by a US journal.

Yawn. Another chipping in. Guy's don't you have something better to do?
Meanwhile, the comparison with Gagarin and the Moon missions remains flawed and irrelevant.

It's not irrelevant because as I've pointed out before China is not the nation that started the Space Race. Thus if you claim that "those achievements are purely scientific and there is no competition and making it a competition is just pathetic", I will tell you that -again-, China is not the one that started this dick measurement contest, hence China is not pathetic.

It's not flawed because, as I've sent you some resources about the political preassure on Apollo Mission, Kennedy was actually pushing for "something bigger" then the USSR and Gagarin achieved because those achievements were used as propaganda purposes. USSR was the first nation that sent a man into the space, US was the first nation that sent a man to the moon. That's how propaganda Works. And I'm not talking imaginary -like you're doing-, I'm sending you sources to back up my claim. Please stop complaining, read what I've sent you, learn your history and make better contributions to the further discussions.
China is now just getting into the GAME. what you are doing is not game changing. Hubble was designed and built in the late 70's and 80's and has been operation for over 25 years!! it's ancient.

China is just walking on a path that's been paved over the last 6 decades by the U.S.S.R,USA,EU, and Japan.

I await the day when China discovers alien life, and lands on the moon or mars, til then it's just all hype.

in the end discoveries and results are what matters.. :D

Just one thing, while the tone of article does seem to be exaggerating, this is by no means insignificant.
It's not irrelevant because as I've pointed out before China is not the nation that started the Space Race. Thus if you claim that "those achievements are purely scientific and there is no competition and making it a competition is just pathetic", I will tell you that -again-, China is not the one that started this dick measurement contest, hence China is not pathetic.

It's not flawed because, as I've sent you some resources about the political preassure on Apollo Mission, Kennedy was actually pushing for "something bigger" then the USSR and Gagarin achieved because those achievements were used as propaganda purposes. USSR was the first nation that sent a man into the space, US was the first nation that sent a man to the moon. That's how propaganda Works. And I'm not talking imaginary -like you're doing-, I'm sending you sources to back up my claim. Please stop complaining, read what I've sent you, learn your history and make better contributions to the further discussions.
I've never said China is pathetic. Could it be the insecurity of some [rather than the intent of the poster] here that cause the remark "Didn't know a telescope needed an answer. How pathetic." to be interpreted this way? Kindly stop the accusatory rethoric. Its beginning to sound like the Iranian section here, where the occupants burst out into nationalism when something so much as even remotely could be interpreted as a hint of a signal of not being totally pro-Iran as they define.

Both Russia and the US had lunar programs, just that the Russian was kept secret rather than made public, which came in handy when they failed in developing a suitable rocket. They, and the US, were going to go into space irrespective of the other nation's achievement. Its just the tempo and the direction of development that would possibly change.

Unlike the space race, started by the Russians, I doubt there is a telescope race and that the Chinese telescope is a response to Hubble. That is were the comparison with the space race is flawed imho. But feel free to disagree (politely)

I don't believe I've complained anywhere in this thread.. G'day.

It's not irrelevant because as I've pointed out before China is not the nation that started the Space Race. Thus if you claim that "those achievements are purely scientific and there is no competition and making it a competition is just pathetic", I will tell you that -again-, China is not the one that started this dick measurement contest, hence China is not pathetic.

It's not flawed because, as I've sent you some resources about the political preassure on Apollo Mission, Kennedy was actually pushing for "something bigger" then the USSR and Gagarin achieved because those achievements were used as propaganda purposes. USSR was the first nation that sent a man into the space, US was the first nation that sent a man to the moon. That's how propaganda Works. And I'm not talking imaginary -like you're doing-, I'm sending you sources to back up my claim. Please stop complaining, read what I've sent you, learn your history and make better contributions to the further discussions.
I've never said
I didn't know there was an answer needed for Yuri Gagarin's space travel. But guess what, some other country **coughs** US **coughs** thought there was an answer needed and went to moon and turned all space exploration to a dick measurement contest. Since then space exploration is regarded as an indicator that how "advanced" a nation is.
So, who made this a point of contention/discussion again?
Looks at our American friends jumping up and down in tirade. Relax. If the publication isn't publish by our media, then take it with a grain of salt. Stop the insecurity, creating by your own media. :rofl:
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