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China's achievement in latest skirmishes - We need a treaty with America to deal with China says India

You are all bad guys.
India is the sun, and the United States must revolve around India.
India is a princess, everyone must help India unconditionally, and the United States will die for India 😂 😂 😂
Lol. Why would we face you alone? We are not without friends unlike you dumbos? Is that our fault? Your word gimmickry to call us US poodles is bad joke at best and dumb logic at worse.

We'll use all our advantage to defeat you. If that means allying with friendly countries, then so be it. Papa business is only reserved for your cheerleaders. India doesn't have slavish attitude towards anyone not with US and certainly not with China(as you are witnessing the push back).
Obviously China is afraid of India-----American Poodle :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
actually,India only lost 3 soldiers to fighting with China. The remainders were caused by Indian government negligence in providing for their soldiers in the Himalayas. I don’t think other countries were as neglectful of their soldiers to caused those death.

we dont leave our dead on heights as unclaimed bodies .
I think India is finding that its not easy, perhaps not even possible, to manage a 2 front war or even hot LOC and LAC at the same time.

It makes sense for Indian policy makers to look for some sort of deal/treaty with US and some of its allies. This can result in sharing of intel, provision of sophisticated arms, and maybe some sort of logistics support in the event of hostilities but IMO I dont see US sending troops or such to India to take part in active hostilities.
If india needs US protection to survive, then legit questions one should ask, WHY india spent billions on arms? This is just epic and pathetic at the same time.
On the other hand why would US take burden of defending indian occupation of foreign land? India that needs defending against China definitely NOT a country can be material use for US "China containment" policy. What is US to gain from defending india?
If india needs US protection to survive, then legit questions one should ask, WHY india spent billions on arms? This is just epic and pathetic at the same time.
On the other hand why would US take burden of defending indian occupation of foreign land? India that needs defending against China definitely NOT a country can be material use for US "China containment" policy. What is US to gain from defending india?

That is for India and US to worry about. Lol.
Hehehe... Sheep is still in delusion that it is not me...

And everyone knows that US-China relationships has changed... so did US-Pakistan... US-India... again... GEOPOLITICS...

Who is denying it!! All Pakistanis , in Pakistan and overseas know it. They state it without any ambiguity. No question about it. Realistic people understand, the implications of changing geopolitical situation.
Pakistan on state level has recognised it , hence, recent statement from Pakistan that it's future is with China.

India should think about it. How long it can rely on USA.
Lambs to the slaughter. :haha:
You can also ask South Korea, Kuwait, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Japan

Already done. Those countries (except Isreal since his daughter converted to judaism so Isreal got free lunch for now) kept hearing Trump wants more protection money or else ...
So nobody from govt has said anything like this. This is just a comment from Retd Col. That is a position in military where freedom of decision making is tactical at best and that too in nascent stages.

Alliance is strategic decision and final verdict stays with the govt.

How desperate does someone has to be to pick this up?
India is none of those countries. So much for your analysis..

You are right.

South Vietnam was the jewel of Southeast Asia. They were even richer than Singapore at that time and a core treaty ally of the US. Is India?

Ukraine was a core member of the Soviet Union. Kruschnev, Premier of the Soviet Union, was Ukrainian. Ukraine built aircraft carriers, rockets and bombers - can India?

Indeed, India is not South Vietnam or Ukraine.

India is in a far worse position and far less valuable to the US.
It is absolutely moronic coming from a Pakistani. You have no loci standi to make that statement on behalf of Americans. Stick to your country please. For now, US can't get enough of India.

In few weeks we'll have an FTA with US and we'll have a QUAD meeting in Delhi around the same time. We are economically and strategically coming closer.

We are making sure America's interests are aligned with our progress. Pakistanis are myopic to understand this. So please stick to China cheerleading.
some people are just Crazy and narrow minded they do not understand how wold politics works. they think world runs on their shanti town politics.

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